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Chapter 1834: Shadow God System

Divine universe.

In the vast divine universe, there are many divine factions that divide the countless star regions of the divine universe.

Death Shadow God System, Death Shadow Nebula, Dominion Star.

Judging from the outer outline of the universe, the main star of the Death Nebula is like a black hole, which is pitch black in the bright universe.

There is no color.

And all the light sources that approached could not enter this special main star.

This major star, which is not in line with the aesthetics of the gods, is not liked by many gods.

Even the neighboring nebulae around the Death Nebula are not visited by many faction gods.

However, this does not hinder the power of this Death Shadow God System.

In the Obsidian Theology, there is the most powerful Obsidian Theological Palace in the universe.

Every thousand years, countless powerful gods will be cultivated for all major factions.

What's interesting is that the Shadow God System never produces and sells itself.

The other gods all put the gods cultivated by their own family into the hands of their own gods.

Even if it is their own school, they rarely recruit young gods or young gods from other factions.

Even if you are a genius, it is often difficult to keep the gods who are not from your own gods.

But the Death Shadow God is different.

The Death Shadow gods were transferred to other gods to cultivate gods.

And the gods cultivated are often very powerful.

The gods who can graduate from the Shadow Theological Palace are all outstanding among their peers.

And because of this, although many factions of the gods of this shadow star do not hesitate, not many gods are willing to visit and can't stand the nebula atmosphere and many shadow rules of this place.

However, there are many gods, who will send the younger gods or young gods to this shadow main star for special learning and training.

Moreover, as the number of gods graduated, the reputation of the Shadow Deity System became more famous.

But the more difficult it is to become a student of the Temple of Death, because the Department of Death only recruits a group of students every one thousand years, and the number of places is very limited.

From being disliked by many factions of gods at the beginning, to now being respected by countless factions of gods.

This dying shadow **** system is unique among almost all the **** factions in the **** system universe.

At this time, outside the Death Nebula.

A shadow walked out of the void under the radiant light.

The shadow stared at the dead star ahead, as if waiting for something.

But for a moment.

Suddenly, from the middle of the star that seemed to be infinitely large, a small crack was opened.

Like a huge eyeball, it opened gently.

The three gods with purple and black robes flashed out of the crevices.

"Welcome your highness."

The three gods that appeared from the main star of the Death Shadow appeared in front of the shadow almost in the blink of an eye.

Respectful and low-pitched divine words came from his mouth.

"I don't know if Your Royal Highness Yue came to my Shadow Lord today, but what do you want to order?"

The leading deity stepped forward, under the robe covering the whole body, in the darkness, there was only a purple-golden cheek, full of divine light.

"Nothing to tell."

The shadow said faintly.

The three gods of the shadow gods were silent.

Probably waiting for something to come.

"It just happened to pass by you." Shadow continued, "Tell you one thing by the way."

"We listen with all ears." The three gods of the Shadow Clan faction hurriedly said.

"The Earth Spirit God of the Crow God System, did you graduate from you?" Shadow asked.

"The earth spirit **** of the Crow god?" The eyes of the headed **** flashed with ancient numbers, as if investigating something, but for a moment, his face changed slightly, "Yes. The earth spirit **** of the Crow **** Dill, It is the 365th generation student of our Shadow Theological Palace."

"Oh." The shadow replied, neither salty nor weak, "That's really good."

There are ten generations of the Shadow Theological Palace since its establishment.

Each generation is divided into 100,000 years, and every 10,000 years is a batch of students.

The students of the first generation, who survived to this day, were basically strong people of the highest **** level.

Therefore, the Death Shadow God System has a relatively unique position in the God System universe.

The headed **** immediately explained to the other gods around him.

"Earth Spirit God Dill, his strength has been lowered..." the **** on the left whispered, "The reason is that the most important source of the earth is lost... and this source of the earth... is the source of my Shadow Theological Palace..."

The expressions of the two gods changed one after another.

"You are getting more and more pressure on the Divine System of Death," the shadow said casually, "As one of the pillars of our theological universe, it has cultivated many outstanding gods and even the highest gods for our theological universe. With the generations The increase in the number, presumably the pressure is getting greater and greater."

"You can think about it and rest for a few generations. After all, I think the elders of the Death Shadow God System want to see that the generation of the gods is stronger than the generation."

"I have other things, so I won't bother."

When the shadow finished speaking, he turned to enter the light door behind, and then disappeared and left.

After a long time.

The headed **** made a low voice: "It is worthy of His Highness Yue to come and beat us in person... It seems that is witnessed by His eyes. The Earth Spirit God Dill was also considered a group of outstanding in my theological palace The strength is downgraded, this is really a slap in the face for my Death Shadow God Element..."

"That native **** is no small thing. His Royal Highness beats us like this, presumably he wants us to test the native god."

"It seems that the above is a little worried that God is fighting...huh."

They are high-ranking members of the Death Shadow God System.

All are the existence of the highest **** level.

Although the universe of the gods is vast and boundless, the coefficients of the gods are numerous.

If you want to know some news, you may not be able to get it on time in the first time.

But as a major event in the divine universe today.

Naturally, they knew very well about the battle between the native gods and a pseudo-god of the gods of the universe.

However, the matter of the Necromancer to lure the native **** into the realm of God, and to encircle and suppress the other two gods, is more secretive.

They did not know it for the first time.

"The strength of this native **** is unfathomable, and the average **** may really have no way to deal with him."

The **** on the left whispered, "Or, send that guy to try? The source of the earth comes from our Shadow Theological Palace. If this is out, let the gods of other gods faction know, how will they think of us? "

"The gods cultivated by our Death Shadow Theology Palace can't even control their own origins. What gods are they talking about? What are they talking about manifesting the will of the universe? It really hurts the prestige and reputation of my Death God system that has accumulated so many generations …"

"Old Ying, do you decide?"

When he finished speaking, he was silent.

The **** on the right said in a more hesitant tone: "This is a divine battle. It involves the divine strategy of the upper layers of the universe. It is a big game with the native gods... If we mix it at will, we may be in great danger. ."

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