Sign In From Konoha Village

010 The Strongest Challenge (Seeking Flowers!)

Lu Li and Mizuki came to the actual combat training ground, and met the good national teacher——Iruka.

This is a nice guy!

Lu Li sent him a good person card directly!

Iruka is only 18 years old now, and has stayed at the school to teach since becoming a Chūnin.

Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, little Sakura, etc. are all his students in this period.

According to Lu Li's calculation, both Naruto and Sasuke are 8 years old, and Itachi is 13 years old like him!

The beginning of the Hokage plot should be four years later, when Naruto was 12 years old!

And this year, a lot will happen!

For example, 13-year-old Itachi will personally exterminate the Uchiha clan!

As for whether to prevent Uchiha from being wiped out, Lu Li actually hasn't made up his mind yet!

He doesn't sympathize with the Uchiha clan, but he has sympathy for Itachi.

Therefore, if Lu Li takes action to prevent this from happening, it must be aimed at Itachi.

Don't get it wrong, Lu Li is not manly!

It's just that Itachi is too stupid, and I can't understand him being stupid!

There are tens of thousands of ways to prevent a coup, and you must choose the most uncomfortable one.

Of course, Third Generation's acquiescence and Danzo's help also contributed a lot.

It seems to be far away!

"Iruka, I brought you the person you want!" Mizuki waved to Iruka.

Iruka greeted him and said with a smile, "Thanks Mizuki, I'll treat you to mixed sushi later!"

Mizuki laughed and said, "No problem, then I'll go first!"

"See you later!" Iruka nodded.

"Mr. Iruka, hello! My name is Senju Lu Li!" Lu Li smiled and held out her right hand.

Iruka took a look at Lu Li, reached out to shake his hand, and said, "You are the Senju Lu Li that Master Third Generation said! Welcome to our class!"

"Thank you!" Lu Li nodded.

"Let's go back to the team, we are in class!" Iruka pointed to the farthest position in the student team.

Lu Li looked in the direction that Iruka pointed, and what he saw was a little guy with yellow hair, wearing goggles, looking at him curiously.

Lu Li did not expect to meet Naruto for the first time on such an occasion.

The guy at the end of the crane really stood aside.

Lu Li grinned at little Naruto, showing eight white teeth.

Naruto was visibly taken aback, as if he couldn't believe that someone would laugh at him.

Ever since he could remember, he was used to seeing those indifferent or contemptuous eyes.

There are not many people who show such a sincere smile to him.

Iruka teacher counts as one, the owner of Ichiraku noodle shop counts as one, and the others are really gone!

Not only Naruto was staring at Lu Li, but dozens of pairs of eyes in the whole class were paying attention to Lu Li at this moment.

Just when Lu Li wanted to return to the team.

"Oh, by the way! Lu Li, please introduce yourself first. For example, what do you like, what do you hate, what is your dream." Iruka smiled slightly at Lu Li.

Well, it's this routine again, soul three what!

"Hi everyone, my name is Senju Lu Li, I'm 13 years old, I like what I like, hate what I hate, dream... well, it's not even a dream, because I'm destined to be a Hokage man, Reviving the Senju family is also what I need to do, other than that, I feel that being a salted fish will be more comfortable!"

As soon as Lu Li introduced himself, there was an immediate uproar in the audience.

"Tsk tsk, 13 years old, this guy is about the same age as Teacher Iruka, how did he get into school?"

" the same surname as First Hokage and Second Hokage."

"God, my big brother already graduated when he was his age!"

At this time, Naruto rushed out of the queue, shaking his fist and shouting, "I, Uzumaki Naruto, am the man destined to be Hokage!"

Lu Li laughed: "Uzumaki Naruto, right? I remember you! Of course, you are also a man who will become Hokage, but after I abdicate."

Naruto was stunned for a moment, becoming Hokage's dream, he had told so many people about it, but it was the first time that he was recognized in public.

"Is what you said true?" Naruto hoped, automatically ignoring Lu Li's "after I abdicate".

Lu Li nodded at him solemnly.

"Great, finally someone recognized my dream!" Naruto jumped up happily.

However, the dialogue between the two caused a roar of laughter.

"It's really ridiculous. A guy who didn't enter school until he was 13 years old, and was always at the bottom of the crane in every test, even said he wanted to become a Hokage. Then I, Inuzuka, is not the god of the ninja world!"

"Oh my god, this joke is too good... Ouch, my stomach hurts... I can't do it..."

"Tch, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, why did I meet silly X..."

Children in the Hokage world generally have precocious minds.

A group of seven or eight-year-old kids, but their words are very coherent, including when they are mocking and swearing.

Actually, when Lu Li introduced himself.

In Hokage's office, Third Generation is casting the Telescope Technique, watching everyone present.

"Become Hokage, revive the Senju clan?" Third Generation murmured in a low voice.

To say that the desolation of the Senju family is entirely due to internal factors, I am afraid it is not justified.

Didn't this Third Hokage, who has been in office for the longest time among the Hokages of all dynasties, play a role in fueling the flames?

Nawaki, the grandson (or possibly grandson) of First Hokage, died on the battlefield when he was 10 years old.

Does the Third Generation have no responsibility for inaction?

Perhaps Tsunade left Konoha disheartened because he saw through some things.

Lu Li glanced at everyone present, but did not find Hinata, it seems that this girl is still in training.

But in the middle of the crowd, I saw a very familiar little guy - Sasuke.

So small, it looks cool.

But the current Uchiha has not been exterminated, so although Sasuke is a little arrogant at this time, he does not have the kind of indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"Everyone be quiet!" Iruka pressed with his hand.

The audience immediately fell silent.

"Lu Li, you go back to the team, let's continue the class!"

Next, Iruka took out a booklet and temporarily filled it with Lu Li's name.

"The next actual battle, um... let's start with Senju Lu Li, you can choose your opponent at will!"

As soon as Iruka said this, the audience began to whisper again.

Lu Li just stood beside Naruto, and was also taken aback when he heard this.

"Is it my turn..."

Lu Li had no choice but to go out again.

"Please choose your opponent!" Iruka pouted at Lu Li.

Lu Li said without even thinking about it: "Whoever is the strongest in our class, then I will challenge whoever!"

"The most powerful is of course Sasuke-kun." The little girl who knew it was little Sakura blurted out.

"Did I hear you right, he wants to challenge the strongest in our class?"

"Do you think that age is powerful? Sasuke has defeated Genin."

Lu Li's words instantly ignited the audience.

...ask for flowers...

(The new book needs everyone's care! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for comments! Ask for rewards! Ask for everything! Thank you in advance!)

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