Sign In From Konoha Village

012 Sasuke Paralyzed By Fright (Ask For Flowers!)

"The competition begins!"

With a soft drink from Iruka.

Sasuke took a sudden step.

"Sasuke!" Iruka put his hand on his forehead.

Sasuke angrily retracted the step he took, forming a seal of opposition.

Lu Li smiled slightly, and also formed a seal of opposition.

Friends who know the world of Hokage should know that the battle between ninjas and ninjas should be "opposite marks". The sculptures of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End also come from this.

The two sides perform the "seal of opposition" before the battle and tell the opponent that they will fight next. This is the "seal of opposition".

After the battle, the two sides stretched out their "seals of opposition" and joined together to form the "seal of reconciliation", symbolizing that they are companions.

"Uchiha can't be humiliated!"

Sasuke's figure leaped out suddenly, his legs were like the wind, and he charged towards Lu Li.

Everyone in the class held their breath and opened their eyes wide, as if expecting something.

As the top student in the class, Mr. Iruka will make key comments on every competition of Sasuke as a positive and typical case.

On the contrary, Naruto's performance will most likely be a typical negative teaching material.

"The speed is much faster than before... This kid, did he retain his strength before, or did he improve in such a short period of time?" Iruka couldn't help but nodded appreciatively.

There is no doubt that even Iruka thinks that the next scene should be a one-sided fat beating.

Therefore, as a teacher, in order to prevent Lu Li from being seriously injured, he is ready to take action at any time.

"I thought you were going to use ninjutsu directly..." Lu Li shook his head.

The current Sasuke is too young after all. Although he is very talented, his strength is only at the level of Genin.

In the eyes of those classmates, his speed was dazzling.

But in Lu Li's eyes, every movement of his is clearly distinguishable, even in slow motion.

I don't have a Sharingan, and I haven't practiced martial arts, so I just want to play hand-to-hand combat with Lu Li, naive!

Just when Sasuke rushed in front of Lu Li, taking advantage of his height, he clenched his fist and hit Lu Li's abdomen.

Lu Li slapped him directly on the shoulder!


Sasuke only felt his shoulders sink, and then he fell straight to the ground.

With a muffled sound, Sasuke lay on the ground in a strange posture.

The whole person is dumbfounded!

How could I suddenly fall to the ground?

What happened to my shoulder, why did I suddenly lose consciousness?

In fact, not only Sasuke was dumbfounded, but the whole class including Iruka looked at this scene dumbfounded.

"Did you see clearly just now? Sasuke how did he fall down?"

"The new guy doesn't seem to be moving..."

"What is Sasuke doing, even..."

"It's good that Hinata is here, she must know what just happened!"

Of all the people present, probably only Iruka, the Chūnin, knew what happened.

"This guy, is it Grandmaster physical skills?" Iruka looked at Lu Li, a little surprised.

Taijutsu, as the name suggests, relies on the body to carry out direct attacks, and it can be launched without seals.

Physical skills can attack enemies without consuming Chakra, but a large amount of Chakra can highly activate the body to achieve unimaginable speed and strength.

Lu Li's advantage is that he has a huge amount of Chakra!

Even if he didn't deliberately practice physical skills, his speed, strength and reaction were not comparable to Sasuke.

Of course, that slap by Lu Li just now did not use physical skills such as strange power.

Otherwise, Sasuke would not be as simple as lying on the ground indecently, but would become a puddle of meat.

"I tripped over something just now, come again!"

Sasuke stood up from the ground, he was unwilling to accept the fact that he was slapped down by Lu Li just now.

"Hahaha, it turns out that Sasuke can be funny too!"

"Sasuke, don't capsize in the gutter!"

"It turned out to be tripped, I just said, I didn't see Senju Lu Li make a move!"

As classmates, most of them still lean toward Sasuke.

"Physical arts... Just keep a distance and give yourself a chance to perform ninjutsu, and you will definitely lose."

In the blink of an eye, Sasuke thought of a countermeasure, and retreated instead of advancing.

Lu Li stood there motionless, letting him do whatever he wanted.

"If you had turned on the Sharingan, you wouldn't have tripped just now!" Lu Li teased.

Sharingan, one of the three pupil techniques.

Relying on this powerful blood inheritance limit, the Uchiha clan has emerged in large numbers.

The most frightening thing is that, unlike Wood Style, which is rare in a hundred years, there are not a few owners of Sharingan in the Uchiha family!

Because of the jealousy of Konoha's high-level officials, Uchiha's family extermination in the original plot is also directly related to this.


Sasuke gritted his teeth immediately!

Big brother Itachi started Sharingan at the age of 8, and he is also 8 years old this year, but he hasn't started Sharingan yet.

What Sasuke doesn't know is that if Lu Li doesn't intervene, he will also start Sharingan at the age of 8.

What stimulated him to start Sharingan was the tragic death of his parents and the destruction of the entire Uchiha clan!

All along, he has been following in the footsteps of big brother.

So when Lu Li mocked him for not opening Sharingan, he was really angry!

I originally planned to keep my hand in the future, but now it seems that I don't have to!

"You'll regret it!" Sasuke laughed angrily.

"It seems that you are going to use Fire Style!" Lu Li said lazily.

In addition to Sharingan, Fire Style is also a must of the Uchiha family.

You must know that the reason why the head of Konoha Village is called Hokage is derived from the Fire Style of the Uchiha family.

"No, is Sasuke really going to use that move?"

"That's real ninjutsu, maybe Senju Lu Li will die!"

"With Mr. Iruka here, if the situation is not good, he should make a move!"

The rest of the class couldn't help but tense up.

Even Iruka's expression became serious, ready to rescue Lu Li at any time.

here we go!

Sasuke formed a series of mudras that have been practiced countless times, and the movements are done in one go.

I saw him take a deep breath, and then exhale suddenly.

Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!

This is a C-rank ninjutsu that gathers Chakra behind the throat and spews a huge fireball forward from the mouth, blasting enemies into the air.


As he exhaled, a line of fire spewed out from his mouth, condensed into a fireball with a diameter of more than one meter in front, and smashed towards Lu Li!

No one expected that, seeing the fireball approaching, Lu Li stood still, as if frightened.

"Lu Li, get out of the way!" Iruka yelled anxiously!

However, Lu Li is also making the mudra, and the movement is exactly the same as the mudra that Sasuke just made, but the movement is a little jerky and looks very clumsy.

What is he doing, is he using what he has learned?

is it possible?

You thought you were copy ninja Kakashi with Sharingan?

Everyone is a little baffled.

However, the moment Lu Li completed the seal, with his exhalation.


In an instant, the flames were raging, and a huge Great Fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters rolled and crushed it!


Sasuke backed away in horror until he slumped on the ground.

Not just Sasuke.

Including Iruka, everyone was dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

This... is simply a freak!

...ask for flowers...

(The new book needs everyone's care! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for comments! Ask for rewards! Ask for everything! Thank you in advance!)

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