Sign In From Konoha Village

131 I'll Smash The Stall, Clean It Up, You Come! (11/6, Add More!)

However, Lu Li does not intend to directly become the Fifth Hokage at this time.

In that case, it is too sharp.

What's more, Lu Li actually prefers to be the boss behind the scenes.

It's better to launch the Third Generation first, so that everyone thinks this is his plan.

To put it simply, there must be someone who takes the blame.

After reaching a consensus, Lu Li directly dispatched the Root Ninja.

The current root, under the instruction of Lu Li and the training of Hizashi, will only carry out the will of Lu Li alone.

They only know Lu Li and the mission, but they don't know what a daimyo is.

Anyone who stands in front of Lu Li is undoubtedly their enemy.

Since it is an enemy, it should be cleaned up!

In fact, this approach is similar to Danzo's original training of roots.

Wherever they pointed, they killed the enemy without hesitation.

Although Lu Li has little contact with daimyo forces, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu are very familiar.

When all the ninjas organized by Root arrived at the scene, the two of them had already written a list of beheading operations and handed it over to Lu Li.

And these powerful people don't know how to use Chakra, let alone ninjutsu.

In front of real ninjas, they are almost no different from ordinary villagers.

In just one afternoon, under the instruction of Lu Li, Hizashi and others13 uprooted the group belonging to the daimyo forces.

And until this time, Third Generation returned to reality from Lu Li's illusion world.

He lay on the ground, slowly opened his eyes, and a pool of frozen Bloodline came into view.

I saw Third Generation's pupils shrinking rapidly, and he stood up abruptly from the ground.

He looked around while mobilizing Chakra for perception.

What he didn't expect at all was that a large number of ninjas gathered here at some point.

And judging from their attire, these ninjas are clearly rooted people.

Because the masks worn by Anbu are all based on various animals, but the roots are different.

Immediately afterwards, various memories surfaced.

He remembered!

Before the illusion, Lu Li wanted to kill the daimyo!

Thinking of this, Third Generation hurriedly looked behind him.

However, what came into view again was only the dead body of the daimyo.

Not only that, but the daimyo's head was also missing.

Third Generation was shocked!

Just when he didn't know how to explain to the Daming Group or how to deal with Lu Li.


Suddenly a familiar voice came from his ear.

Following the trend, Third Generation found that it was none other than his best friend for many years.

Mitokado Homura.

Beside him is Utatane Koharu, and Lu Li is calm and composed.

"What's going on here?" Third Generation asked without thinking.

He really couldn't figure out why Koharu and Homura would stand with Lu Li.

Didn't they stop Lu Li after he was under the illusion?

"I killed the daimyo."

Lu Li responded to Third Generation's question without the slightest regret in her tone.

"Hiruzen, today's daimyo, is already in the history of the Land of Fire."

Homura interrupted the conversation at this time, and then explained the current situation.

While the Third Generation was in a coma, they had already planned a beheading operation to wipe out all the groups belonging to the daimyo forces.

Today's Konoha Village has completely taken over the regime of the Fire Nation.

As long as they say a word, Hokage is the new daimyo.

They have achieved feats that no one has ever imagined.

"You guys are crazy!"

Third Generation was quite frightened by Homura's words.

It would never have occurred to him to have Hokage replace the daimyo.

And for ninjas, this is simply taboo.

If there is no daimyo, who is the ninja loyal to?

"Whether you accept it or not, this is already the trend.

Lu Li could see Third Generation's uneasiness, but he didn't care.

"Originally, I planned to slowly erode the power of the daimyo, and then emptied him, and then forced him to abdicate, but killing him now can be said to be a long-planned plan, or it can be said to be a whim.

"But no matter what, the daimyo is dead."

"In this world, the sun will not rise just because there is no daimyo."

Lu Li's attitude is extremely tough.

And what a shrewd person Third Generation is.

Now Konoha Village can regain peace because Lu Li is strong enough.

The daimyo is dead, the wood is done!

Let alone killing Lu Li at this time, if he really angered him, even Konoha would be in disaster.


Although both Mizukage and Raikage were captured, Cloud Shinobi Village survived.

Especially Killer Bee, who was already a perfect Eight Tails Jinchūriki by the time of the third Ninja War.

Even Namikaze Minato, speaks highly of him.

Third Generation itself is already dying.

Everything is for the village.

"Lu Li, no matter what the reason is, it can't change the fact that you killed the daimyo."

Third Generation heavily emphasized this point.

The expressions of Homura and Koharu are also very subtle.

If they had a choice between Sarutobi and Lu Li, they would undoubtedly choose the latter.

However, what they didn't expect was that when they all thought that the Third Generation was planning to avenge the daimyo.


Third Generation first let out a long sigh, looking very regretful.

He continued, "But my philosophy doesn't allow me to kill more people.

With the current situation, let's not say that he does not have the strength to kill Lu Li.

Even if Lu Li could be killed, it would not help.

Not only the daimyo, but even the power of the daimyo group was uprooted by Lu Li.

Killing Lu Li will not bring the daimyo back from the dead, but will greatly weaken Konoha Village's power tomb.

Besides, once the daimyo dies, he, the Third Hokage, will undoubtedly become the most powerful person in the Land of Fire.

"My philosophy does not allow me to kill more people, so... let's stop here."

In the end, Third Generation loosened its tone and had no choice but to compromise and accept the fact.

After hearing the words of Third Generation, Homura and Koharu were also relieved.

In any case, they and Third Generation are not only friends who have known each other for decades.

At the same time, it is also necessary for him to stand up and take over the duties of the daimyo.

There must always be someone who takes the blame.

"But there is one thing I want to make clear to you first, especially you, Lu 230 Li."

Third Generation looked at the three people in front of him and said again.

Lu Li, Homura, Koharu chose silence.

"The reason why I did this is not for you, Lu Li, but for the village. As Hokage, I must put the stability of the village first at all times."

Third Generation is not only looking for reasons for their own compromise, but also to let Lu Li understand the truth.

"Well, you're right."

Lu Li nodded, expressing that of course he understands the truth.

However, the matter did not come to an end.

Although the daimyo is no longer around, everyone in the Land of Fire is not aware of this matter.

Besides that, there are other countries.

Since Hokage is going to succeed Daimyo, he must be open and upright.

Like Obito's way of manipulating Mizukage and deceiving the world, it is only a low-level technique after all.

Starting today, the name will forever be the past of the Land of Fire.

And Hokage will no longer just be in charge of the military, but also manage politics and economy together.

It's just that although this matter is easy to say, it is more cumbersome to implement it.

How to announce the death of a daimyo?

How to reform the existing system?

How to tell the name of another country?

All are things that need to be discussed before they can be decided.

Of course, Lu Li didn't bother to participate in this part of the situation.

In any case, the current Hokage is Third Generation, not him.

Speaking of it, this is also an important reason why Lu Li does not want to be Hokage now.

Such a mess, let Third Generation clean up first.

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