Sign In From Konoha Village

163 Lu Li: Parents Sacrifice To The Heavens, The Power Is Boundless! (9/6)

Although Namikaze Minato only left a part of Chakra in Naruto's body.

But I can understand Naruto's life in Konoha from Naruto's perspective.

He sealed Nine Tails in Naruto's body in order to make him a hero of Konoha.

Let him master this power one day to deal with Uchiha Madara hiding in the dark and protect Konoha Village.

But what Namikaze Minato never expected was that after everyone knew that Naruto was the container that sealed Nine Tails, the Jinchūriki of Konoha.

Everyone looked at Naruto with extremely cold eyes, and their stare at him was even more serious.

Even when Naruto went to buy a mask, the owner of the mask shop would push him to the ground and refuse to sell him anything.

Later, Naruto had to force himself to learn the Transformation Technique.

By hiding your identity, ~ to buy things.

Every time Namikaze Minato thinks of these wounds-pains that were inflicted on Naruto.

He will doubt the original decision...

is it right or not?

Is it worth it?

Naruto has been having a hard time all these years.

The people in the village didn't understand, and it affected their own children.

In the ninja school, no one wants to treat Naruto as a friend.

Let him always be alone.

Until Naruto met Lu Li.

Only then was the first person to regard Naruto as a friend.

Especially when Naruto went berserk, it was Lu Li who controlled the power of Nine Tails with discretion.

And he also found Jiraiya and took Naruto to Mount Myōboku to practice.

Tell him the truth about the tumultuous night of the Nine Tails.

Now, with the help of Lu Li, Naruto has successfully obtained the Nine Tails Chakra and can use it freely.

Maybe everything is the foreshadowing that was planted that night.

But among them, there is no doubt that Lu Li has contributed.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the group makes Namikaze Minato sincerely thank Lu Li.

And the same goes for Kushina.

"There is nothing to thank, these are just a little effort, not worth mentioning.

Lu Li responded with a smile.

This is not hypocrisy or politeness, it is just Lu Li's true thoughts.

In any case, every move he made was not aimed at Naruto.

It is to complete the sign-in and get the sign-in rewards.

Just when going to these check-in locations, Naruto happened to be his helper.

For example, this time, the sign-in location is Naruto's spiritual world.

Seeing Nine Tails coming out of the cage ferociously, he really just suppressed it with a little effort.

Of course, Lu Li would not say these words.

So from Namikaze Minato's ears, what Lu Li said was more like being humble.

"You are too modest."

Namikaze Minato said with a smile, and then patted Lu Li on the shoulder, "In my opinion, you have surpassed the previous generations of Hokage. At least, you have surpassed me!"

Although Namikaze Minato and Kushina are very grateful to Lu Li for helping Naruto all the time.

But their true bodies all died during the night of the Nine Tails turmoil.

Now it is nothing more than the Chakra left over from then.

It won't take long for it to disappear completely.

Whether it was Namikaze Minato or Kushina, they quickly looked back and looked at Naruto.

Originally, Kushina was going to tell Naruto the truth about the year.

However, because of Lu Li's relationship, Naruto has already understood everything, and naturally there is no need for her to narrate it again.


Namikaze Minato scratched his head, he had simulated countless times for this day to come.

There are thousands of words in my heart, but when the words come to my lips, I don't know how to say them.

On the contrary, it was Kushina who slowly raised her slender hand and gently stroked Naruto's cheek.

And Naruto looked at the mother in front of him, and directly released the golden body mode.

"You've grown up, Naruto."

The corner of Kushina's mouth was raised, but although she said this sentence with a smile, she cried while smiling.

Much... watching Naruto grow little by little.

How much to think... always by his side.

When he is happy, laugh with him.

When he is sad, you can gently touch his back to comfort him slowly.

How much I want to pinch Naruto's little feet.

The turbulent night of Nine Tails seems to be just yesterday, and Naruto is still a small baby.

In the blink of an eye, he has grown into a man.

Thinking about it...witnessing it all, documenting it all.

Damn, I feel like I have a lot to say to Naruto.

Want to say a lot of things to him.

Did you eat well, did you exercise well, did you sleep on time...


Seeing Kushina who couldn't control his emotions, Namikaze Minato also stepped up and hugged Kushina's shoulders.

...asking for flowers...

"Look, Naruto, mom is...very worried about you."

Namikaze Minato was going to say this in a humorous tone.

But looking at Kushina and Naruto in front of him, he, who has always been strong, felt indescribably sad.

If only he could have been stronger back then.

Or discover Uchiha Madara's plot earlier.

Perhaps, none of this will happen.

"I'm sorry, Naruto, I have caused you to suffer so much all these years, you must be blaming me in your heart."

The thousand words in my heart, at this moment, turned into a debt to Naruto.

Although Naruto has emphasized himself more than once, when meeting his parents, he must be strong and behave like a man.

Only in this way can they be assured.

But when it came time to say goodbye, Naruto couldn't control himself no matter what.

The lacrimal gland seemed to burst a bank, and he couldn't help but shed hot tears.

"How could I blame Dad..."

Naruto wiped away his tears, but smiled, "Why is there sand in my eyes.

"I have always thought that being the father of Fourth Hokage is the most handsome!"

"Mom thinks so, too? That's why you marry Dad?"

Looking at the crying Kushina, Naruto showed what he thought was the brightest smile, then opened his arms and embraced her.

This is also something that Naruto has always hoped to do.

Give me a hug, my mother.

It's so warm!

"Mom, I'm a man now, and I made a lot of friends in the ninja school, such as Sasuke, who always wants to catch up with the good me!"

"There is also little Sakura, who has been secretly in love with me."

"Also, I eat well, go to bed on time, and get up on time, so I want to become a ninja.

"Not only a ninja, but also a Hokage."

"So, please rest assured, I have grown up..."

Naruto's voice became more and more choked, and at the end, he was even sobbing.

I wish time could stop at this moment...

When Lu Li on the side saw this scene, a sentence popped up in his mind:

"Parents worship the heavens, and the magic power is boundless!".

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