Sign In From Konoha Village

165 Bring Me Class Seven? I Reject! (1/6)

Today's Mount Myōboku has nothing to teach Naruto.

Not only has he fully mastered Sage Mode, but he can also enter Golden Body Mode at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Konoha Village, except for Lu Li, no one will be Naruto's opponent.

In addition, it has been more than three years since he ran away last time, and the villagers have forgotten a lot about what happened back then.

Even if Naruto returns to the village now, it shouldn't cause panic.

In addition, today's ninja school is also holding graduation exams.

According to Lu Li's original plan, he planned to take Naruto back to the village at this time.

Now that Naruto is ready, why should he refuse.

Fukasaku, Shima, and Jiraiya also have similar ideas.

So after saying goodbye to Mount Myōboku, Lu Li returned to Konoha Village with Naruto.

"Ah, it's been a long time!"

As soon as he returned to the village, Naruto couldn't hold back his excitement and took a deep breath.

"I really miss the air here!"

Naruto said with emotion.

Although the air in Mount Myōboku is very clean, it cannot be compared with the air in my hometown.

They don't taste much different though. 13 "I really want to eat ramen."

Naruto rubbed his stomach, wishing he could go to Ichiraku ramen noodle restaurant now and have a good feast.

After all, the food on Mount Myōboku, in addition to replenishing physical strength, always makes Naruto's mood very delicate.

But before that, let's go to Third Hokage to talk about it.

Lu Li grabbed Naruto's collar who was about to run towards Ichiraku ramen.

"that's true."

Naruto nodded, after all, it was such a big deal to return to the village suddenly.

Moreover, he has not been in the ninja school for the past few years, and he has missed a lot of courses.

So if he wants to take the graduation exam, he must obtain the consent of the Third Generation.

After realizing the problem, Naruto had to put delicious ramen behind him.

Followed Lu Li and went to Hokage's office together.

As soon as he heard the news that Lu Li came back with Naruto, as Third Generation, he immediately put down his work.

"Master Third Generation."

Upon seeing Third Generation, Naruto greeted excitedly.

When everyone in the village ostracizes him, maybe only a few people, such as the Third Generation, can see him differently.

And in Naruto's heart, he himself very much recognizes the person who can become Hokage.

"You're finally back, Naruto."

I am also very happy to see Naruto, Third Generation again.

Anyway, he is the orphan of Namikaze Minato, and he sacrificed a lot to seal the Nine Tails.

Now that Lu Li was able to bring Naruto back to the village.

That means that the current Naruto will no longer have the possibility of going berserk and hurting others.

"I plan to let Naruto take the graduation exam of this year's ninja school." Lu Li went straight to the point.

Although Naruto hasn't attended ninja school for three years.

But what he learned at Mount Myōboku is far from what the ninja school can compare.

Don't say let Naruto take the exam and become the next picture.

Even if Naruto is allowed to act as Jōnin directly, there is probably no problem.

"Yes." Third Generation nodded, accepting Naruto's request.

In fact, Third Generation had already guessed in their hearts that this would be the result, and had already greeted Iruka in advance.

As long as Naruto reports to the ninja school, Iruka will take care of the rest.

Once he got an affirmative answer from Third Generation, Naruto was also very excited.

With the permission of Third Generation, Naruto left here directly and went to the ninja school.

Seeing this, Lu Li also planned to go home.

But at this moment, the Third Generation behind him suddenly stopped him.

"Huh? What else is there?" Lu Li turned around and asked directly.

"It's about class placement."

While talking, Third Generation took out a photo album from the table and opened it in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li followed the trend and found that some of the above photos were people he knew well.

Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akamichi Choza, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Tooth, Aburame Shino, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and some students that Lu Li didn't meet.

In fact, their graduation time this year is one year earlier than in the original book!

The cause of this situation is naturally because of the sudden birth of Lu Li.

The current Konoha Village is not what it used to be.

Not only did they get a lot of compensation in the last big battle with Cloud Shinobi Village and Kirigakure.

Not long ago, Cloud Shinobi Village just paid a ransom of 20 billion taels, and Fourth Raikage returned to Cloud Shinobi Village.

Most importantly, Hokage replaces daimyo.

The development of the village is no longer restricted by the original daimyo group [priority allocation of various resources.

So much so that the treatment of Konoha Shinobi soared.

In addition, a lot of resources are used in the training of ninjas.

This has greatly enhanced the level of teachers in the ninja school, and the training period for ninjas has been greatly shortened.

It is not surprising that Naruto's graduation exam was a year earlier than the original book.

Naruto is of course looking forward to the graduation exam.

He can become a Genin just by graduating from ninja school.

It was something he had dreamed of before!

Although the time for graduation has been advanced, the assessment process has not changed much.

Jōnin in charge will evaluate these graduates.

Only those who can really pass the assessment can become Genin.

The rest will be driven back to the ninja school to learn again.

The elimination rate is as high as 66%.

And those who finally passed the assessment were only the nine people Lu Li was familiar with.

They, together with Qian Xiang Neji, Tian Tian and Xiao Li from Guy's class, are the Twelve Xiaoqiang known as Konoha.

"Yamanaka, Nara, Akamichi, are all famous families in Konoha.

Lu Li looked at the information above and said casually.

"Yes, Ino–Shika–Chō has maintained a good relationship with Konoha through the ages, and has a secret technique that cannot be passed on, so I specially set up this secret technique class, with Asuma in charge

"En." Lu Li nodded, and he was very clear about this part of the situation.

Although Third Generation has always maintained the image of Wei Guangzheng on the surface.

But if it is said that there is no selfishness in this matter, Lu Li does not believe it.

However, Lu Li is not interested in these either.

Instead of caring about these things, it's better to care about which goblin sleeps at night!

Children make choices, real men...

Cough cough, this idea is very dangerous! 893

Can't continue to extend down, stop!

Lu Li doesn't want to deal with such trivial matters as the ninja exam, and Third Generation will naturally take care of it.

It's just that Lu Li doesn't quite understand, what is there to ask him for such a big deal?

"There is also a tracking class."

Third Generation pointed to the photos of Hinata and others, and said that there would be an excellent Jōnin like Sunset Red to lead them.

However, these are actually not the key.

After some explanations, Third Generation revealed its final plan.

"I would like to have Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura form the seventh squad.

Third Generation paused, and expressed their thoughts, "Naruto naturally needless to say, Sasuke is Itachi's younger brother, I believe he will become an excellent ninja not inferior to Itachi."

Third Generation said that Sasuke is comparable to Itachi, which is well-founded.

Because at this time Sasuke had opened Three Tomoe Sharingan not long ago.

Even within the Uchiha clan, it is said that Sasuke is the once-in-a-century genius of the Uchiha clan.

Because, Sasuke's open eyes did not experience the pain of losing a loved one.

In fact, he just experienced the pain of losing a gentle big brother!

"In addition, boys will become a competitive relationship because of girls, and they will grow better." Third Generation added.

Lu Li was bored listening to Third Generation's non-stop chatter, and he already knew this part of the situation in his heart.

However, what Lu Li didn't expect was that Third Generation suddenly said something surprising.

"If possible, I hope you will lead the seventh class."


Lu Li: "I refuse!".

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