Sign In From Konoha Village

186 Seeing The Beheading Sword For The First Time!

In Lu Li's view, no matter how nicely Dazner said, it was all his wishful thinking.

As outsiders, Lu Li and the others have the right to stand by and watch.

"In this matter, I did have something wrong, but I am all for my country and people."

"I hope you can help me this time. After the matter is completed, I will find a way to pay off the expenses that should be paid!"

Dazna spoke in an almost pleading tone.

However, these words obviously couldn't impress Lu Li.

But it made naive Naruto feel itchy.

"Brother Lu Li, let's help this uncle, after all, he is not for himself!"

Naruto spoke for Dazna, and he also had a little selfishness in wanting to perform well in this mission.

If the mission is canceled, they all have to go back to doing the pet hunting and weeding missions.

For Naruto who has mastered the golden body mode, this is simply a torment.

Lu Li shook his head and said: "The problem of the Land of Waves is not the bridge, it can even be said that Kado's suppression is just a superficial problem!

"The most fundamental reason is that the people of the Kingdom of Waves lack the awareness of resistance! It is a country where heroes can only shed blood and tears!"

"If the people of the Land of Waves are not afraid of sacrifices and rise up to resist, it's really not a problem!"

Lu Li's words made Dazna think of the man who was once called a hero by the people of the Kingdom of Waves——Guy Sha!

But such a hero was finally sent to the "execution ground" by Kaduo and executed in front of the people of the whole island!

And the people of the Land of Waves can only watch helplessly!

Dazna was silent.

He actually knew what Lu Li said was the truth, but he didn't want to touch it!

There is a price for resistance, and with the fighting power of the people of the Kingdom of Waves, they will face Kado's gang and hired ninja killers.

The casualties will be extremely severe!

Dazna saw this, so he thought of the next best thing to build a bridge connecting the mainland.

However, even if the bridge is finally completed.

Won't Cardo sabotage, or just take over the bridge?

As a result, the situation of the Kingdom of Waves has not changed in any way.

At this moment, Inzna was confused!

As far as personal safety is concerned, he doesn't care much, otherwise he wouldn't risk being killed to build the bridge.

What he is most afraid of is that his own efforts will eventually become a tool for Kado to exploit the kingdom of Bo.

Just when Dazna was almost desperate.

Lu Li spoke suddenly.

"Things are not without solutions.~!"

"No matter how powerful Kado is in your country of Bo, he is just the leader of a gangster. He can do whatever he wants with the money in his hand. But in the end, he is just an ordinary person!"

"So, if Kaduo dies, those under him will naturally fall apart!"

Hearing this, Dazna was overjoyed!

However, Lu Li immediately poured cold water on him!

"However, killing Kado is no longer an ordinary C-level task! This task can even change the fate of the Kingdom of Waves, so this is an S-level task!"

"Although you are not a ninja, you should know that the entrustment fee for S-level missions is very expensive! At least 1 million taels, and the price I set for this mission is... 100 million taels!"

"Dazna, it's not that I underestimate you, even if it's a daimyo of the land of waves, it's not easy to spend so much money, right?"

100 million taels?

Dazna is struck by lightning!

For a small island country like the Kingdom of Waves, this is tantamount to astronomical calculations!

Seeing Dazna's dull face, Lu Li smiled and continued: "I know you guys definitely won't be able to spend so much money, but money is just a number to me! How about

"How?" Dazner asked nervously.

"Why don't you exchange the 100-year right to use the bridge you're building!" Lu Li said lightly.

100-year usufruct?

That is tantamount to handing over the portal of the Kingdom of Waves to the Kingdom of Fire.

Once the Nation of Fire attempts to annex the Nation of Waves, there is really no barrier to resist it.

In fact, even if there is no bridge, it would be a breeze for the Land of Fire to annex Namigoro.

Of course, if there is a good bridge, it will be simpler.

Dazna was dumbfounded, obviously shocked by Lu Li's conditions.

"Of course, you have the right to refuse, Dazna! And we also have the right to cancel this escort mission!"

Lu Li ignored Dazner's thoughts.

The Land of Waves is a small country sandwiched between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water.

If the Kingdom of Waves can be turned into a bridgehead for conquering the Kingdom of Water.

That will undoubtedly be a great help to Lu Li's next plan.

Therefore, the future of the Land of Waves is actually already settled for Lu Li.

Even without this check-in task, sooner or later Lu Li will let the roots control the land of waves.

"But...but I can't make a decision about this kind of thing..." Dazner was still in shock.

He instinctively didn't want to agree to Lu Li's conditions.

But he really has no other choice!

If Lu Li ordered to give up escorting him, he would definitely die on the way to the Land of Waves!

Therefore, he wanted to procrastinate for a while to see if he could make a turn for the better.

"It doesn't matter if you can't be the master, I will personally talk to the daimyo of the wave country!" Lu Li said indifferently.

Dazna nodded with difficulty, and said, "In that case, please continue to escort me home!"

After all, he is just an expert in bridge repair, and his responsibility is to repair the bridge.

This is the only thing he can do!

As for these actions of Lu Li, Kakashi and the others can only watch.

After all, they are the ninjas of Konoha Village. From a standpoint, it is impossible for them to stand with Dazna.

Therefore, whatever Lu Li said, they could only implement it.

So, after Lu Li and Dazna reached a consensus, they continued to set off!

After arriving at a small port in the Kingdom of Waves, they rented a small boat to cross the sea.

As the boat traveled, Lu Li saw the bridge under construction.

It is indeed a huge project, which makes Lu Li have a lot of affection for people like Dazner.

In the Celestial Dynasty known as the infrastructure madman, there are also many such lovely people who are not afraid of hardships.

Two hours later, they finally arrived at a small seaside town in the land of waves.

But they did not stop here, but continued on their way.

At this time, they were walking in a forest by a river.

Suddenly, a thick fog floated ahead, covering their route.


Lu Li immediately sensed something was wrong.

An image of a person immediately appeared in his mind.

Short black hair, the forehead protector is worn to the left, the lower half of the face and neck are wrapped with bandages, and there are sharp teeth.

No more chopping!

The meaning of "Zai Bu Zhan" is not to be cut twice, so as to illustrate his superb killing skills.

In fact, as one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Zabuzhan's strength is actually quite good.

Otherwise, in the original book, it would not be a 50-50 split with Kakashi (Qian Zhao).

Of course, if the current Kakashi is not injured, then he can match up with Zabuzhan!

There is no doubt that if you don't cut it again, you will be instantly killed!

"Be careful, this fog is weird!"

Although Kakashi is still unable to condense Chakra, his rich combat experience tells him that there is likely to be an ambush here.

Just in time....


Something roared in the thick fog, and with a strong murderous intent, it slashed at Lu Li and his party!

"Get down in the hall!"

Lu Li pushed Kakashi next to him to the ground, and he turned his body slightly.

Properly dodged the beheading sword coming from the spinning and horizontal chopping.

"Old man!"

Sasuke's reaction was also quick, and a swoop threw Dazna to the ground.

This move is completely in Lu Li's eyes.

At this time, he can protect his client in the first time, no wonder almost everyone said that Sasuke is a natural ninja.

As for Naruto, this guy's awareness is not so high, he only has eyes on the girl he likes.

But he was able to pull the little Sakura who didn't react at the first time to avoid the big knife!.

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