Sign In From Konoha Village

026 Danzo, You Are Courting Death!

"Are you going to sacrifice Hyuga Hizashi to appease the anger of Cloud Shinobi Village? Tell you, I, Senju Lu Li...don't agree!"

Lu Li continued to chatter endlessly.

"That night, I was the one who killed the Cloud Shinobi Village envoy! If you have the ability, come at me!"

As soon as this remark came out, except for a few people such as Third Generation and Danzo who could maintain their composure, everyone present was stunned.

"It turned out to be you!" Hyuga Hiashi said in shock.

He had witnessed the terrible Chakra storm with his own eyes.

The battle scene was even more of a mess, the level of destruction was no weaker than the Tailed Beast Bomb!

This guy...has a terrifying Chakra and destructive power comparable to Jinchūriki!

Senju... Could it be...

Not only Hyuga Hiashi, but everyone else present also thought of this!

The Senju family has declined to such an extent, how can there still be a pervert like First Hokage?

Why is the Hyuga family willing to take the blame for the destruction of the Cloud Shinobi Village mission?

In fact, this is also the helpless move of the Hyuga family.

First of all, this incident was a murder caused by white eyes, and Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, was kidnapped.

Regardless of who killed Cloud Shinobi, the Hyuga family has an unshirkable responsibility.

Second, they don't know exactly who killed Cloud Shinobi and saved Hinata.

Moreover, even if they knew, they would not be able to deal with a terrifying existence comparable to Jinchūriki.

Therefore, this blame, whether the Hyuga family is willing or not, has to bear it!

Originally, as long as Hyuga Hizashi was handed over, the matter would be over.

No one expected that at this juncture, a Senju Lu Li who had taken the wrong medicine suddenly appeared halfway.

At this moment, the meeting hall of the Hyuga clan fell into an eerie silence.

Only the sound of heavy breathing came and went.

At this time, Hyuga Hizashi suddenly said: "Mr. Lu Li, for the sake of the family and the village, it is not a pity for a Hyuga Hizashi to die. Please don't get angry about this matter, and don't hurt the harmony between you and the village."

He is grateful that Lu Li stood up for him, but in the end it was his choice.

The reason why I brought Lu Li to the meeting hall is that I don't want Lu Li to make too much noise, and the second is to use this matter to beat the clan, hoping that they will treat Neji kindly after his death.

Hizashi said this.

The elders of Hyuga's family immediately found the target of the attack.

"Hyuga Hizashi, you are so courageous! You say you are willing to die for your brother and family, but then you bring out an outsider to support you. Have you forgotten that you are from the Hyuga branch house?"

A Hyuga Elder directly attacked, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

Another Hyuga elder scolded angrily: "Hyuga Hizashi, you are colluding with outsiders to mess with my Hyuga family. According to the family law, you should die!"

At this moment, the elders of Hyuga's family just want to convict Hyuga Hizashi, and then launch the curse seal Caged Bird to kill him directly.

Only once Hizashi dies, it will be a foregone conclusion.

Presumably this kid from the Senju family couldn't be serious about a dead person.

However, Lu Li already has a way to deal with this.

He shouted loudly: "If you dare to kill Hyuga Hizashi, I will destroy your Hyuga clan! I swear in the name of Senju, I will do what I say!"

As soon as these words were said, the entire meeting hall was blown up.

"How dare you!" Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga family, was the first to respond.

Although Lu Li is the benefactor who saved her daughter, it is not worth mentioning in front of the whole family.

"Tell me if I dare!"

Lu Li stands proudly in the center of the meeting hall.

next moment...

Town field dedicated · strange force! open!


Lu Li's whole body was instantly covered with purple Chakra, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the floor, walls and ceiling of the meeting hall.


"This Chakra..."


There were gasping sounds at the scene one after another.

"This... this is Shodai's Chakra, how is this possible?"

An elder of the Hyuga tribe, who was much older than the Third Generation, was so shocked that his voice trembled.

White eyes are able to see the flow of Chakra, and some powerful white eyes can even tell whose Chakra it is!

First Generation...

As long as it is connected with the legendary ninja god, no one dares to underestimate it!

Even if Lord Madara is here, he still has a dignified expression.

Hyuga Hizashi stared blankly at Lu Li, who was exuding turbulent Chakra all over his body, with a dazed expression.

He obviously knew a lot in advance, but when he saw it with his own eyes, the shock from the heart still couldn't be reduced by half.

At this moment, Danzo spoke again!

He sneered: "Even if you have a Chakra comparable to Shodai, judging from his words and deeds today, he will only be the next Uchiha Madara!"


In a word, the hearts of everyone present were shocked!

Madara, there is no doubt about the strength of this man. He was originally one of the founders of Konoha, but in the end he became Konoha's enemy!

"Everyone, why don't you leave him here today to avoid endless troubles!"

Danzo strikes while the iron is hot, this is to put Lu Li to death!

In his opinion, Lu Li must be eradicated before he awakens Wood Style!

And now, it is obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At this time, Third Generation finally couldn't sit still!

He scolded angrily: “Danzo, are you crazy?”

Third Generation didn't expect that things would develop to this point. If they didn't stop it, it might develop into a big battle within Konoha.

He didn't expect Lu Li to intervene in this matter suddenly, with such a tough attitude.

As for Danzo, he has always been a crazy guy!

It's just that today's performance is particularly vivid.

"Danzo, you are courting death!"

However, Lu Li has already made a move!

He stomped his foot on the ground suddenly, and the whole ground collapsed, like a landslide and a crack in the ground.

And Lu Li used this to show amazing explosive power, rushing towards Danzo like a shell.


Focusing on the moment, Third Generation got in between Lu Li and Danzo.

"Lu Li, I can understand that you are fighting for Hizashi, but this is no child's play. If you don't handle it well, it may trigger an all-out war with Cloud Shinobi Village!" Third Generation said earnestly.

Lu Li stopped in front of Third Generation and taunted: "Because you are afraid of war, can you sacrifice your compatriots with peace of mind to pray for that pitiful peace? Sarutobi Hiruzen, this is the will of fire you inherited? Can you do it today? Sacrificing one Hyuga Hizashi will sacrifice the entire Uchiha clan tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?"

When Lu Li said "Uchiha", everyone's expressions changed.

Especially Danzo and those high-level officials who participated in the plan to exterminate Uchiha are all trembling.

Did this guy say something unintentionally, or did he already know something?

The commotion in the council hall was so loud that it naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the Hyuga clan.

A large number of Hyuga family ninjas appeared around, and the assembly hall was surrounded by water, and the nearby non-combatants were evacuated urgently.

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