Sign In From Konoha Village

003 The Boy Has A Family Crest Behind His Back

As the princess of the Hokage anime world, Hyūga Hinata's life is quite legendary.

Take kidnapping as an example, she was kidnapped four times!

The first time, when she was three years old, was kidnapped by the leader of Cloud Shinobi.

The second time, during the Chūnin exam, was also abducted by two Chūnin from Cloud Shinobi Village.

The third time, I was doing the task of looking for micro-scent insects, but was kidnapped by the water flow family on Iwagakure.

For the fourth time, in the theatrical version, she was kidnapped by Ōtsutsuki Sheren, and almost became Mrs. Yazhai.

If you add the encounter with Lu Li this time, it will be five times!

It is said that when Lu Li rescued little Hinata.

Hyūga Hinata slowly opened her eyes, and because her vision was blurry at first, she vaguely saw a face appearing in her eyes.

But soon, her sight regained clarity.

Only then did she see clearly that it was a delicate face with an intoxicating smile.

Hinata was taken aback for a moment, and then felt a sharp pain in the back of her head.

At this time, she remembered that when she was at home, she seemed to be attacked by bad guys!

The little girl with a weak personality, the blankness in her eyes immediately turned into panic.

She subconsciously wanted to scream!

At this time, he suddenly heard him say softly: "Little Hinata, you are safe!"

Little Hinata opened her mouth, and only then came to her senses.

She blinked her eyes and said loudly like a mosquito: "Lu Li big brother, you..."

Yes, she knew him!

During Lu Li's three years at home, a little girl often helped him buy food and daily necessities.

"How do you feel?" Lu Li asked with concern.

"I...I'm fine!" Little Hinata resisted the dizziness, suspected of being stubborn.

"That's good!" Lu Li smiled slightly and put her down.

As a result, before Lu Li completely let go of his hand, little Hinata tended to limp on the ground, unable to even stand firmly.

Lu Li quickly supported her again and said, "You still say it's okay?"

"I...I..." Little Hinata lowered her head, speaking barely audibly.

"Okay, I'll carry you back!"

As he spoke, Lu Li couldn't help but squat down and let Hinata lie on his back.

"Sit tight! We're leaving!" Lu Li reminded.

Little Hinata put her head on Lu Li's shoulder and nodded imperceptibly.


On the way back with Lu Li carrying little Hinata on his back, he didn't meet anyone from Hyuga's family.

When Lu Li sent Hinata to Hyuga's house, Hinata had already passed out.

The one who received Lu Li was Hyuga Hizashi, who was an hour behind and had a tragedy all his life.

Lu Li recognized Hyuga Hizashi at a glance, and at the same time murmured in his heart.

Wasn't Hyuga Hizashi sacrificed by the main clan when Hinata was 3 years old?

Why are you still alive and well?

The timeline is a little messed up!

Lu Li complained wildly in her heart.

"Miss..." Hizashi exclaimed.

When Lu Li handed Hinata to him, he casually confessed: "It should be a little injured, you should take good care of her."

"You are..." Of course Hyuga Hizashi didn't know Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't stay, turned around and left, just waved her hand!

Well, if you don’t leave your name behind when you do good deeds, we are the ones talking about it!

Hyuga Hizashi frowned and looked at the boy's receding back, the black hair, and the family crest on the boy's back.

"That family crest is... Senju!"

Hyuga Hizashi was stunned!

Senju, what a glorious surname.

It is hardly seen in Konoha Village nowadays!


Lu Li came home.

Stretched, then stretched out on the bed.

Maybe he was too excited, he didn't feel much sleepy at this time.

"System, is it there? When will the next check-in task be released?" Lu Li thought silently.

"Ding, the new check-in task has been released, do you want to check it?" The system's voice was as steady as ever.

Lu Li was stunned, why didn't he notify when it was released?

This system is really... leather!

"Check the check-in task!" Lu Li said in a deep voice.

He was looking forward to it, but also a little apprehensive.

If the new check-in task lasts for another three to five years, it's really... a dog!

As the saying goes, how many years are there in life?

Even if the sign-in rewards are very generous, it really can't stand such a waste of time, okay?

Call up the system task interface, and a new sign-in task will appear in front of you.

Sign in task——

Venue: Konoha Shinobi School

Time: unlimited

Reward: Confidentiality

Status: incomplete


Konoha Shinobi School?

Lu Li's eyes lit up!

In other words, this is also Lu Li's next goal.

Traveling through the Hokage world must be a Hokage, there is no doubt about it!

Therefore, Lu Li must have a student status!

Only with school status can you become a ninja!

Once he becomes a ninja, is Hokage far from him?

As for signing in...

Although it took three years to sign in for the first time, the rewards are extremely generous!

So what about the second check-in task?

Wood Style?


I'm really looking forward to it!

For the second sign-in reward, what Lu Li wants most is naturally Wood Style!

The reason is simple: Chatonla + Wood Style = God of Ninja!

This is a formula for becoming a god that Hashirama has proven.

Of course, if it is Sharingan, it is barely acceptable!


Two flowers bloom, one for each.

The head of the Hyuga family and the members of the Hyuga family stayed in place for a while in fear. Not only did nothing happen in front of them, but they were also extremely calm.

So, the person in the branch house said: "Sovereign, may I go and have a look?"

Patriarch Hyuga glanced at the man, nodded and said, "Be careful!"

After a while, the people from the branch house who went to scout the situation came back, their faces were pale and strange.

"How?" Hyuga Hiashi frowned.

The man swallowed and said, "There are traces of fighting, but no suspicious person was found."

"Have you already left? Let's go and have a look!" Hyuga Patriarch took the lead and swept forward.

The others quickly followed.

Soon, they came to the scene of the incident.

When Patriarch Hyuga saw the situation here clearly, he suddenly took a deep breath.

A large area of ​​the forest was razed to the ground, and as far as the eye could see, it was devastated!

"Could it be... Tailed Beast Bomb?" Someone from Hyuga's family guessed.

"Tailed Beast Bomb?" Patriarch Hyuga wasn't sure either.

"Sovereign, look, what is this?"

At this time, some people from the clan came with something in their hands.

"This is..." Patriarch Hyuga looked down and saw that the man was holding some minced meat and clothes in his hands.

After a while, he recognized it with his supercilious ability, and said in surprise, "This is the envoy from Cloud Shinobi Village... What happened?"

The person holding the corpse turned pale, and said, "Could it be...the one from the Land of Thunder?"

Patriarch Hyuga shook his head and said, "Impossible, a perfect Jinchūriki usually doesn't go berserk!"

The man continued: "Miss, she..."

Patriarch Hyuga said in a deep voice: "Enlarge the scope of my search. I don't believe that Hinata will..."

Knowing that Hyūga Hinata's chances of surviving may be slim, as a father, he is unwilling to give up.

The people of Hyuga's family searched here for a long time, but found nothing.

Just when Hyuga Patriarch was about to despair.

"Lord Sovereign, Miss Hinata..." Someone from Hyuga's family rushed here in a hurry.

"What happened to Hinata?" Patriarch Hyuga asked excitedly.

The man took a breath and said, "Miss was sent home! She is currently in a coma, but the problem is not serious!"

Patriarch Hyuga was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said ecstatically, "That's great! It's great that Hinata is fine!"

He was concerned about his daughter in his heart, and he didn't care about him, so he hurried back after explaining.

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