Sign In From Konoha Village

034 This Is Itachi, Alive... (Favorites Please! Flowers Please!)

After the Konoha high-level meeting ended, it was already dark.

Lu Li was walking on the road, but her thoughts flew far away.

As a powerful family that could once rival the Senju family, the Uchiha family could have become a very powerful military unit in the village.

In the end, he was wiped out by the clansmen who encouraged him in the village. This is actually a pity.

It is also an irreparable loss for Konoha.

Lu Li's first small goal is of course to become Hokage.

The second small goal is to unify the ninja world.

For real peace...a hammer!

Does that have something to do with Lu Li?

Lu Li's purpose is to enjoy life, and become a God of Ninja after unifying the ninja world.

Wake up and grasp the ninja power, lie drunk on the lap of a beauty, isn't he fragrant?

Therefore, for Uchiha, a wage earner, Lu Li will not let him be laid off easily.

As a genius of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Itachi has a very strange brain circuit.

Lu Li decided to accept him as a little fan!

A guy who just fooled around and went to kill his whole family.

If you are under the hands of Lu Li, a big fool, you can't help but rob people's girls with all your heart...

Ahem, it seems that I accidentally revealed someone's dark thoughts.

In any case, Itachi's strength is still very good, and he has always been hiding his strength.

Don't talk about the later stage, just at the time of extermination, it's a proper Kage-level.

It's just that Lu Li needs to help him correct his strange three views.

In fact, the period that Lu Li is in now is very close to the extermination of Uchiha.

Therefore, Lu Li can completely analyze the current actual situation.

First of all, the Uchiha clan is indeed very powerful, but it should be the top experts in the clan who really control the overall situation.

That is, those who opened Mangekyō.

After Shisui's death, among the Uchiha clan, there were only two people who opened Mangekyō.

They are Uchiha Itachi and the patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.

And these two people are against the coup!

Then these two people are worthy of being father and son, and their brain circuits are extremely clear.

Let's talk about Itachi first, he actually has many better ways to deal with this matter than exterminating the clan.

As a double agent, he knows the situation on both ends.

He can take advantage of intelligence and work on both sides to prevent conflicts from intensifying.

If this kind of contradiction is really irreconcilable, when it has to explode.

He has at least the following two most basic handling methods:

First, he clearly confessed to his father as the patriarch that he was on the side of the village, and showed his true strength, so that Uchiha Fugaku could recognize the reality and give up the coup.

Then urge the Uchiha clan to cooperate with the village's investigation, hand over the few radicals in the clan, and preserve most of the clan members who are still law-abiding.

The second is to clearly stand on the side of the family and participate in the coup d'état. With the top combat power of the two Mangekyō Sharingan in the family, they launch a sneak attack, take down Konoha's senior management, and then reorganize the power structure.

Although this method will cause a small number of casualties, it does not conflict with the principle of everything for the village.

After Uchiha gets power, as long as it doesn't go too far, the village is still a village, and everyone's life has to continue.

Why is it so bloody? Or do it yourself!

Even if it's for the sake of the village, won't everything be fine if we kill the radicals in the clan?

Why bother to wipe out the whole clan, don't you think of your clan members as part of the village?

This logic is really a bit anti-human!

Moreover, Uchiha wanted to rebel, and most of them were forced to go to Liang Shan.

He is also one of the heroes who established the village. He even drove away the old patriarch Madara who loved to dance for the sake of the village.

During the Nine Tails Rebellion, the entire Uchiha clan who had not yet rebelled at that time disappeared, and the roots of Danzo did not participate in the war.

If Uchiha joins the battle, use Sharingan to suppress Nine Tails, maybe Fourth Generation won't die in battle.

However, the situation is so weird.

Afterwards, the Uchiha family was held accountable by Danzo and other high-level Konoha officials, and they were pushed out to the outskirts of the village.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a deliberate conspiracy to suppress the Uchiha clan through the Nine Tails Rebellion.

If it is said that the Uchiha clan are all villains who harmed the village, then Mie will also be destroyed.

But most of the people in the clan are ordinary villagers, and they are also very kind, such as Itachi's parents, Quan...

Thinking of this, Lu Li felt that it was necessary for him to meet someone.

According to the plot of Hokage, Uchiha was exterminated one night when Itachi was 13 years old.

In other words, it could happen tonight!

So this matter cannot be delayed!

Then, Lu Li's swagger appeared at the Uchiha clan's residence.

It's really remote here, far away from the center of the village.

No wonder the Uchiha clan feel aggrieved.

The appearance of Lu Li immediately aroused the vigilance of the Uchiha clan.

You know, they discussed the rebellion at Nanhe Shrine every three days.

It's no wonder they weren't nervous when an outsider suddenly appeared.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A ninja from the Uchiha clan appeared and blocked Lu Li's way.

"I'm here to find someone!" Lu Li smiled faintly.

"Who are you looking for?" The man frowned.

Lu Li: "Uchiha...Itachi!"

"What do you want him for?"

When he heard that the person Lu Li was looking for was Itachi, that person didn't have a good face.

Lu Li thought about it, and immediately understood!

The current Itachi's status in the family is not good.

In the past, he was considered to be the hope of the Uchiha clan, but after Shisui's death, the clan saw the fact that he stood on the opposite side of the clan.

Itachi's relationship with his father was even strained.

So in the family, Uchiha Itachi is not popular, and sometimes the situation is even worse than that of an ordinary clansman.

"You just have to tell me if Uchiha Itachi is here!"

Lu Li glanced at the ninja of the Uchiha clan.

With just one glance, the man felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and couldn't help shivering.

He swallowed and said, "He...he's not here now..."

"No, I should have said it earlier!" Lu Li turned around and left.

If you keep beeping with this guy, Lu Li may not be able to resist a tree world hitting him in the face.

Not far from the Uchiha station, passing a small tree Lin Shi on the way.

Lu Li said suddenly: "Uchiha Itachi, I know you've been watching me secretly, come out and have a chat!"

After a few seconds.

A figure steps out from behind a tree.

"Senju Lu Li, you seem to know me well?"

That person was none other than Uchiha Itachi.

Lu Li opened his white eyes, and the night immediately brightened like day, and then he saw a handsome and cool guy walking towards him.

"This is Itachi, the ruthless man who slaughtered his whole family! He's alive..." This is Lu Li's mental activity at this time!

…ask for flowers! Ask for everything! …

(Although no one throws flowers, I still have to ask for it! I'm more miserable than Itachi, is there any?)

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