Sign In From Konoha Village

089 Mount MyōBoku, Great Toad Sage! (66, Please Order In Full, Please Customize!)

After finishing Naruto, Third Generation, and Jiraiya in a row, the next thing to do is to go to Mount Myōboku to complete the check-in.


Before going there, it's better to prepare some food for people to eat.

Thinking of Mount Myōboku's unique food, Lu Li gave up the plan to go to the country to do as the Romans do.

the next day.

Lu Li took Naruto to the place agreed with Jiraiya-.

"Uzumaki Naruto........"

Jiraiya's gaze was quickly drawn to Naruto.

The little guy is very similar to his father Minato - short blonde hair, blue eyes.

And his face shape and eye shape are inherited from his mother Kushina.

Although Jiraiya's expression is still calm and composed, her inner emotions are very complicated.

When I saw Naruto, I couldn't help but think of my favorite student - Namikaze Minato.

Seeing this, Lu Li introduced each other to Jiraiya and Naruto.

In fact, the main thing is to introduce Jiraiya to Naruto, and Jiraiya knows Naruto very well.

When things were coming to an end, Naruto's mood suddenly became tense.

Because Lu Li told him that the speed of practice and the results will affect the time he can meet his parents.

Lu Li will not help him control the power of Nine Tails until he has not reached the standard required by Lu Li.

This is an agreement between the two of them.

So this trip to Mount Myōboku will be a crucial trip for Naruto.

Jiraiya nodded, then pulled out the scroll behind her, and asked Lu Li and Naruto to write their respective names on it.

Naruto is the son of Namikaze Minato, and the person who sealed Nine Tails.

He had to take this step sooner or later, that's why Namikaze Minato handed the key to seal Nine Tails to Toad the Scroll.

And if Naruto wants to retrieve the key, he must establish a contractual relationship with the scroll toad.

Out of this consideration, Jiraiya thought it would be better to take this opportunity and write Naruto's name on it.

As for Lu Li, it was Third Hokage's idea.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's view, Lu Li is undoubtedly the best talent in the village, and even grows faster than Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi.

And, he is also the only one who perfectly inherited the power of Senju Hashirama.

The amount of Chakra he possesses, as well as the control over the Wood Style technique, is far stronger than Yamato's.

Third Generation hopes that Lu Li will not only accompany Naruto to Mount Myōboku as a guardian, but also learn the art of immortality.

If Lu Li can learn the art of immortality again, no one will be able to threaten the peace of Konoha in the whole ninja world.

For some reason, Third Generation felt that it would be better to let Lu Li form a contract with the toads of Mount Myōboku.

In this way, it will also allow Lu Li to travel between the two places more conveniently.

Considering the talent Lu Li possesses, Jiraiya has no problem with that either.

Then, Third Generation told them how to write their names, and after some confirmation, they put away the scroll.

It was Naruto who noticed the details on the scroll.

The last name left before him and Lu Li is impressively written

Namikaze Minato!

My own father, who is also the Fourth Hokage, also practiced at Mount Myōboku!

Thinking of this, Naruto's heart became more excited, he couldn't wait to go to Mount Myōboku.

"But how are we going to get there?"

Naruto took a deep breath and couldn't help asking.

It was the first time for him to leave the village and travel to the outside world when he grew up so big.

"Reverse Summoning."

Jiraiya squatted down and explained the principle of reverse Summoning to Naruto.

This way they can save the hassle of travel and show up directly at Mount Myōboku.

Although he didn't quite understand what was going on, Naruto felt that it was so powerful.

"Then, here we go."

As Jiraiya's voice fell, he disappeared in front of Naruto with a bang, leaving only a cloud of white mist, which gradually spread around.

Naruto's eyes widened in an instant, with a look of disbelief.

But then, he heard the same sound again, and Lu Li beside him also disappeared.

"That's awesome..."

Before Naruto had time to utter an exclamation, everything he was familiar with in front of him disappeared without a trace, replaced by a dense forest.

Like Xanadu Genichi.

Lu Li looked around and found that this place was the same as in his impression.

All kinds of giant plants stand here, and the stone statues of toads are everywhere.

In addition, their appearance out of thin air also attracted the attention of many toads.

"Little Jiraiya."

Fukasaku and Shima sat on their horses, Toad, and came here to meet Jiraiya and others.

In fact, this is also the result of Jiraiya telling them in advance and hoping that they can use the reverse Summoning technique to bring themselves, Lu Li, and Naruto Summoning here.

...asking for flowers...0

"Ah, frogs can talk!"

Naruto was taken aback by the scene in front of him. It was the first time he saw a talking toad at such a big age.

"These two are Sento Fukasaku and Sento Shima from Mount Myōboku."

Jiraiya hurriedly said to Naruto.

Although these two toads are very small in size, their strength and status are among the best in the entire Mount Myōboku.

Soon, Jiraiya introduced Naruto and Lu Li to Fukasaku and Shima.

In fact, he had already expressed his intention to come before that.

Now it's just for Fukasaku, Shima to be able to tell who is Naruto and who is Lu Li.

"Anyway, go to the Great Toad Sage first."

After Fukasaku finished speaking to the visitors, he turned his horse Toad around and went to the resting place of the Great Toad Sage.

As for the Great Toad Sage that Shenzuo said, Lu Li also has some understanding.

He is arguably the Patriarch of Mount Myōboku, who lived from the time of Kaguya to the present day.

Not only is it honored as the Great Toad Sage, but it also has a lifespan of thousands of years.

The skin is orange, the body has a very strong fairy Chakra, a string of beads around the neck, a lavender opal in the middle, with the word "oil" written on it, and a doctor's hat on the head.

At the same time, this Great Toad Sage also has the ability of prophecy.

"I just don't know if there is any prophecy about me in this Great Toad Sage."

Lu Li couldn't help complaining in her heart, but she didn't hold out much hope.

In any case, I am not a person from this world, but a time traveler.

Naruto followed closely beside Lu Li, his big eyes were full of curiosity about Mount Myōboku.

More and more toads noticed them, and they were also curious eyes.

Aside from Jiraiya, no new humans have been here in a long time.

For Naruto, the mood is naturally excellent.

Although the residents here are all weird toads, they don't look at themselves coldly, and they don't feel alienated or excluded.

Naruto loves this place.

Lu Li is concerned about her own check-in task.

After coming to Mount Myōboku, the check-in is not triggered.

In fact, the sign-in task also explained that the sign-in location is the toad oil pond on Mount Myōboku. .

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