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Chapter 195 Orochimaru Appears

Kakashi squatted on the ground, watching Xu Fan's actions from beginning to end.

From his point of view, Xu Fan's behavior is not at all in line with his age.

Especially the way the three traffickers were killed.

It was clearly to let them feel the arrival of hope, escape from death, and then wipe out all hope of life and send them to hell.

Although Xu Fan is indeed a strong ninja, he has always used his strength to crush his opponents.

But this time, the way it was handled was completely different.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that in the scene just now, Kakashi shuddered involuntarily just by imagining the feeling of despair falling from heaven to hell.

However, all this was far from over. Facing the chatter of Kusanagi, Xu Fan didn't take it seriously.

This time he came, in addition to signing in and Xiang Rin, he planned to destroy the grass ninja village.

Take the territory of the Country of Grass into your pocket and merge it into the territory of the Country of Fire.

He took the Kunai in Xiang Rin's hand and threw it out without hesitation.

The speed was so fast that the Kusanagi couldn't react at all.

Kunai slit his throat in an instant.

Blood spurted like a column, and unprecedented pain swept over.

This grass ninja didn't even have a chance to shoot, so he knelt on the ground with a plop, and covered his throat with both hands.

He couldn't even make a sound, he could only use his eyes to express his emotions, staring at Xu Fan until he could no longer spit blood from his throat.

During this process, Xu Fan also covered Xiang Rin's eyes.

Kakashi squatted on the ground and watched Kusanagi die in pain.

Perhaps for ordinary ninjas, they are more or less afraid of alliance agreements.

But Xu Fan really didn't care about that kind of thing.

As long as you mess with me, you will suffer the consequences.

However, this may only be the trigger.

Once the people of Kusanagi Village knew that it was the ninjas of Konoha Village who killed Kusanagi, they would definitely not give up on this matter.

And Xiang Rin's ability is really outstanding.

Presumably no village would be willing to lose her.

Coupled with the fact that Xu Fan killed first, it also gave the grass ninjas sufficient reasons and motives.

"Xu Fan, we must leave here as soon as possible."

With a low voice, Kakashi supported his body and stood up from the ground.

He wasn't worried about being hunted down by Cao Ninja Village, but he was afraid that the other party would show up without playing, causing Xu Fan to destroy Cao Ninja Village unknowingly...

"Leave?" Xu Fan glanced at Kakashi. The main purpose of his visit this time was to sign in.

Now the sign-in assistant has not yet determined that he has arrived at the sign-in location.

How can you say leave and leave?

"In short, find a place to rest first, your injury is not light." Xu Fan paused, "And I still have things to do in Cao Nin Village."

Xu Fan glanced at the corpse on the ground, and simply used his magnetic escape to turn the ground into quicksand and drag the corpse of the grass ninja into the ground.

Coupled with the fact that pedestrians are unavoidable here, no one will notice the situation here.

"You are hurt?"

And Xiang Rin could naturally hear the conversation between Xu Fan and Kakashi.

Just now, her attention was only on those wicked people and Xu Fan.

I didn't notice Kakashi, and now I look closely, only to find that he is indeed injured.

Thinking of this, Xiang Rin hesitated for a while, but in the end she decisively rolled up her sleeves and stretched her delicate arms towards Kakashi.

Kakashi glanced at Xiang Rin subconsciously, and found that her arms were covered with tooth marks of different shades.

It is conceivable what kind of torture a little girl of this age has gone through.

But this is the world of ninjas.

Not every Ninja Village can be as strong, stable and peaceful as Konoha Village.

Moreover, even Konoha Village has just entered a period of peace.

Although I sympathize with Xiang Rin's experience, I have to admit that there are quite a few children in the world who are more miserable than her.


Powerless to change anything.

It's like you can't protect your comrades.

Seeing this, Xu Fan just kept silent.

Although he said that he didn't take a fancy to Xiang Rin's body to save her, and he wouldn't treat her like the ninjas in the grass ninja village.

Not to force her to let herself use her body.

But this does not mean that if Xiang Rin is out of his own will, he must stop it himself.

After all, it was her choice.

However, in the face of Xiang Rin's actions, Kakashi was stunned.

After the scene just now, he already knew in his heart that the rumors that Xu Fan said were true.

Fragrant Chakra can indeed help heal himself.

Just take a bite on her.


When Kakashi witnessed those teeth marks, the physical and psychological double damage caused to Xiang Rin, he couldn't convince himself.

Thinking of this, Kakashi shook his head directly, then reached out and pressed Xiang Rin's arm, hiding her tooth mark under her sleeve.

Seeing such a scene of Xiang Rin, she was stunned for a while.

She has grown up so much that she has never met someone who would reject her.

Especially those ninjas, no matter what kind of injury, they can't wait to bite themselves immediately.

Some people, even if they are not injured, recover chakra by biting themselves.

What made Xiang Rin desperate for a while was that she had no chance to refuse at all.

However, this time, when she took the initiative to choose to dedicate herself by her own will, she was rejected by the other party.


is it possible?

In fact, even Kakashi was a little surprised, but he didn't show it.

If it was the previous self who threw himself into the darkness, it might have been bitten.

But now, there is no such darkness in his heart.

But no matter what, Xu Fan and Kakashi's actions touched Xiang Rin's heart.

In her opinion, the two people in front of her really regarded themselves as living people, not tools.

Especially Xu Fan.

Although his methods seem a bit ruthless, as long as he stands with him, Xiang Rin can feel an unprecedented sense of security.

No matter what obstacles lie ahead, Xiang Rin wants to follow him.

But when Xu Fan was about to take Xiang Rin and Kakashi to the hospital, a very hoarse voice came from behind him.

"I didn't expect to see you in such a place, Kakashi, but, is it really okay to miss such an opportunity?"

Xu Fan, Xiang Rin, and Kakashi turned around in an instant and looked at the sound.

Especially Kakashi, just this voice made his heart become extremely nervous.

And the guy that caught his eye made him even more convinced of this.

The owner of this voice is the guy who once defected from Konoha Village, and is also one of the legends of Konoha Sannin.


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