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Chapter 458 The Pride of the Templar Mage

Chapter 450 The Pride of the Templar Mage

Arthur never dreamed that he would have one day

You will meet a legendary figure like Sithone at your favorite bar without doors.

But fortunately, what I met was not Sithone's body.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will add Xu Fan and Master Gu Yi personally.

It may not be able to stop this ancient god.

The black magic he possesses far exceeds that of any evil god or demon.

Even Dormammu had received the favor of Sithone and used his power.

It is conceivable how powerful Sithone's background and strength are.

Arthur rolled his throat and chanted a white magic incantation in a low voice, borrowing a steady stream of power from Weishandi.

In Kama Taj's Book of Darkness, the black magic about Sishorn is recorded.

"You must be expelled!"

Arthur gritted his teeth.

Since he learned magic from the ancient master and fought against the invasion of dimensional creatures, he has never used such a huge power of white magic.

For wizards, magic has never been energy out of nothing.

It was the power borrowed from the ancient gods.

They need to bear the risk and cost of using magic!

The first to bear the brunt is the backlash on the flesh.

Such majestic white magic poured into Arthur's body instantly, as if a bomb exploded from within.

Then comes the destruction of the soul.

I saw Arthur's skin began to peel off, and the surface looked like it was severely burned.

Coupled with the destruction and torture of the soul, if it was replaced by someone else, I am afraid that there is no way to even hum, and they will faint on the spot.

For this alone,

It's enough to prove how strong Arthur's will is.

Not even an exaggeration to say...

He could have thrown Sishorn, who was possessed by Mrs. Viper, to Xu Fan.

In terms of strength, Xu Fan is far superior to him.

But he didn't back down and be afraid.

It was because he knew in his heart that he was a Templar Mage.

I am the guardian of the earth.

I have to spend my whole life fighting against the forces of darkness.

It's not a question of strength, it's just a question of will and faith.

Xu Fan could naturally see the pride in Arthur.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he simply put down his hand, and handed Sithone in front of him to Arthur to deal with.

Regardless of the final result.

Arthur is a well-deserved Templar Mage.

Of course, although Arthur has a lot of determination today, it's not that he doesn't think he doesn't have a chance.

On the one hand, what appeared here was not Sithone's body, but robbed Mrs. Viper's body by way of boarding.

On the other hand, Sithorn is the original ancient god, born longer than Mephisto and Dormammu.

His physical body exists in another dimension.

not here.

Not at this moment.

At the same time, there is no human being in this world that can fully withstand the power of Sithawn.

As long as Sithone is forced out of Madame Viper's body, he can't make trouble here.

Based on this idea, Arthur quickly made up his mind.

He's going to force Sithawn out of Lady Viper's body.

"In the name of Emperor Weishan!"

Arthur's hands burst into a red magic formation, and the milky white magic energy flew out like a beam of light.

Take this one and only chance before Sithone is fully acclimated to the body.


The white magic instantly penetrated Mrs. Viper's body, leaving a black-red blood hole with translucent front and rear.

Immediately afterwards, the white magic that penetrated out changed direction in the air, turned around again, and struck again impartially.


Another sonic boom exploded in the doorless bar.

The loud noise spread out around, attracting the attention of those who were fleeing.

Although they all knew that Arthur was not an ordinary mage, they did not expect that he could release such a powerful white magic.

If you just look at the strength of this magic attack, this is completely comparable to the power of the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.


Arthur's body and soul are not as powerful as the ancient master.

The white magic released this time completely exceeded Arthur's limit.

His body seemed to be on the surface of the sun.

The eyes were directly melted by a burst of high temperature.

Red blood flowed out from the pitch-black void.

The skin and muscles on his whole body were all half-cooked.

The condition of the internal organs is not that much better.

Xu Fan silently watched all this.

Although Arthur is still alive, he is almost indistinguishable from the dead.

His hands hang down naturally.

Muscles and nerves are completely destroyed by the heat.

Arthur's body could not fall down directly, it can be said that he has strong willpower.

"I'm curious."

Just when Arthur was praying for a miracle to happen.

The mixed voices of men and women rang in his ears.

"What are you going to do to me with this level of magic?"

Sishorn looked at Arthur with interest, and looked at the price he paid all over his body.

Just this level of white magic can't hurt the current Sithone at all.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides.

No matter how hard Arthur tried, he was just wasting his life in vain.

Sishorn didn't even do anything, and Mrs. Viper's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After two or three breaths, Mrs. Viper did not leave any injuries on her body.

Arthur couldn't see, but he could vaguely hear some voices.

The helplessness and helplessness that accompanied the extreme loss turned into a sense of despair.

He couldn't stop Sithawn himself.

His power is just too powerful.

Maybe Xu Fan can, but only maybe.

Sithorn is the Old God.

And Xu Fan is just a mage with some potential.

Even if he does become the next Supreme Mage, it will be slightly inferior to an existence like Sishorn.

Now I can only hope that the ancient one can notice the appearance of Sithorn.

Prevent disasters in time.

"However, for your courage, I am willing to commend you."

Sishorn temporarily put Xu Fan aside, and he looked directly at Arthur in front of him.

Even if Arthur is just a little guy.

But in Sithone's view, his courage is to be admired.

To this end, he raised his arm slightly, shot a black particle barrier from his palm, and rushed towards Arthur who was standing there.

Now, he can't even dodge.

Feeling the power of incomparable oppression, he now only has to stand there and wait to die.

However, just when the black particles were about to destroy Arthur, a group of red particles suddenly appeared, forming a magic shield to protect Arthur.


One black and one red.

Two different magic particles collided with each other, producing a loud noise and at the same time creating shock ripples.

Smashed the doorless bar in half.

And Xu Fan, who was standing there, had appeared behind Arthur at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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