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Chapter 486 May the deceased rest in peace

It's different from what Xu Fan imagined.

Heart-shaped grass is a magical herb that links the Black Panther God Bast. It can establish a spiritual connection with the Black Panther God, so as to obtain the power inheritance of the Black Panther God.

Looking at the whole of Wakanda, only the king known as the Black Panther has such an honor.

I thought that Soldier One would witness the appearance of the Black Panther God in the process of dying.

But in fact, after Soldier No. 1 was on the verge of death, he lost all consciousness, his eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

Plus Xu Fan is proficient in magic.

Even with the panther god Buster standing behind Soldier One, it would be impossible to deceive.

What he said was true.

However, although Xu Fan has many heart-shaped herbs, he can refine a steady stream of heart-shaped herbs.

But he did not continue to deploy.

The reason why it was awarded to Soldier No. 1 is just to test the improvement of the heart-shaped grass and the possible risks.

In other words, Soldier No. 1 is just a guinea pig in Xu Fan's eyes.

Just for experimentation.

As for the rest of the heart-shaped grass, Xu Fan naturally wanted to bring it back to the Land of Fire.

Use it for your own ninja minions.

Only they are the most loyal to themselves.

Please go to the Wakanda Zhenjin Mine to sign in!

If you sign in successfully, you will be rewarded!

"Zhengjin vein?"

Xu Fan frowned slightly, naturally he was no stranger to Zhenjin ore veins.

In the personal independent film of "Black Panther", the Zhenjin vein is quite a famous scene.

"Since that's the case, I'll go to Wakanda to play as well."

With Xu Fan's current strength, he can open the magic portal and appear directly in the vibrating gold ore vein.

Complete the sign-in.

It's just that it's no fun anymore.

It is better to take this opportunity to land in Wakanda with Soldier No. 1 and others.

during their investigation.

Go to Zhenjin Mine to sign in.

Based on the effects of other gods.

Xu Fan did not need to seek the consent of General Ross at all.

On the contrary, General Ross would unconditionally accept all Xu Fan's demands.

"I understand."

General Ross nodded in response, and then sent someone to bring a set of military uniforms that fit Xu Fan's figure.

It is equipped with various modern weapons.

It's not that Xu Fan needs these weapons.

But to hide people's eyes and ears.

Although Xu Fan didn't care about this kind of thing, General Ross felt it was necessary.

Anyway, even a fully manipulated General Ross.

It's not even clear how terrifying Xu Fan's limit is.

Looking at the uniform representing the identity of the U.S. Army, Xu Fan shook his head and refused without thinking.

Even if he were to die, he would not wear such a thing.

Xu Fan snapped his fingers crisply with his right hand.

The spark of fire burned from the uniform, and spread to the entire uniform in an instant.

The flames devoured the entire suit.

Such a scene made Soldier One extremely unhappy.

Although he is a super soldier who submits to General Ross, he is also a soldier of the United States.

Seeing someone treat uniforms this way.

He could not wait to rush up to teach each other.

However, the move of Soldier One was blocked by General Ross.

"It's going to land soon, go get your preparations ready, Soldier One."

Ross took a deep breath, "Remember, this mission is very important. In any case, you must bring back the Wakanda investigation report, understand?"

Soldier No. 1 withdrew its hostile gaze, saluted General Ross, and then strode away from here.

When Ross and Xu Fan were left in the room again, the former couldn't help but ask.

"Are you really going?"

In Ross's cognition, Xu Fan was a big man with a higher status than himself.

Like collecting Wakanda vibranium intelligence.

It's enough to leave this kind of trifle to Soldier One.

He just needs to sit in the command room and wait for the result with himself.

"That's not your concern, Ross, you just have to do your job."

Xu Fan got up from the chair, walked in front of Ross, patted his shoulder lightly, and left without looking back.

Long before he appeared in front of Ross, Xu Fan scanned and searched the Stennis with his powerful mental power.

Xu Fan now knows this ship far better than Ross and Maverick.

Also learn more about every soldier on this ship.

About an hour.

The Stennis finally arrived at the designated location.

Because of his international status, Ross is not worried that the operation will be discovered by other countries.

The big deal is that when they are conducting military exercises, they are forced to get lost and forced to dock.

As long as the US is strong enough.

Any reason that sounds like a fantasy will be allowed.


Even some excuses that sound very double standard.

No one dared to question it.

This is the benefit of a powerful country.

And oil Ye Hao, Zhen Jin worth mentioning.

are important resources to sustain this.

as a beacon of human civilization.

Appropriate public development will benefit all mankind.

"Maybe Wakanda can't understand it now, but one day...they will thank us for what we've done."

"Just like the Indians back in the day."

Ross stood in the commanding room, his eyes focused forward, staring at the largest screen here, muttering to himself.

Maverick also pushed the door and walked in at this time.

Although he promised Ross that he could use the Stennis, and provided some equipment.

But he didn't plan to invest his own people in this action.

"Hopefully Wakanda really has as much vibranium as you say."

Maverick came to Ross, joking, but his eyes had already betrayed him.

Maverick's desire for vibranium is no less than anyone else's.

"My soldier, will prove it to you."

Ross said loudly.

His voice was full of confidence.

For this operation, he dropped six serofighters.

One of them was also enhanced with heart-shaped grass.

Plus Xu Fan logged in in person.

Ross couldn't think of any possibility of failure.

But don't know why...

When he stared at the screen of the commander-in-chief, and watched the soldiers who were sent out landing one by one.

His heartbeat suddenly began to speed up.

Deep in my heart, I gradually developed a bad premonition.

Not only that, but in this matter, General Ross still has an indescribable sense of disobedience.

It always felt like something wasn't right there.

But unfortunately I can't think of it.

Not realizing it.

"What's the matter, General Ross?"

Maverick quickly noticed the partner's somewhat livid face.

"What are you worried about?"

Maverick paused, "Don't worry, African countries are very backward, especially agricultural countries like Wakanda."

"There's a good chance they don't even know what a firearm is."

At the same time, Xu Fan followed the large force sent by Ross to the coastline. \u003c/div\u003e

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