Sign in from Naruto

Chapter 71 Shallow Strike and Kendo Mastery

After persuading the oil girl to take the root, Sarutobi Hizan and the others set off directly and continued to the country of iron to participate in the two shadow talks.

On the way, there was no further interruption, and the destination was successfully reached.

When Xu Fan, Sarutobi Hizan, and Shan Zhongfeng stepped into the territory of the Iron Country together, a familiar voice sounded in his ears again.

Congratulations to the host on successfully arriving at the check-in location, and the check-in has officially started!

The sign-in progress needs to reach 100%, and exiting midway is considered a sign-in failure!


twenty three%

Xu Fan blinked slightly and looked at the ground beneath his feet.

"It seems that this time the sign-in auxiliary judgment is successful as long as it enters the territory of the Iron Country."

Xu Fan secretly said in his heart, and at the same time looking forward to the reward after 100% progress.

And this process is just a few breaths of effort.



"Land of Iron." Sarutobi Hizan looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help but sigh.

The Iron Country is a country located deep in the mountains, which makes it a natural fortress, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At the same time, because of the geographical location, there are four distinct seasons here, and in the cold winter, it will be covered with thick snow.

In fact, in addition to the agreement between ninjas, the reason why the Iron Country was able to participate in the war was also extremely important.

Because of the snow, once winter entered, the Iron Country would not be able to produce food.

Even if it is occupied, the food stored here cannot guarantee that too many people will survive, but it will become a burden for a big country.

Second, the Iron Country borders many countries, which makes it a natural buffer zone.

In other words, once a country has a bad heart against the Iron Nation, it will be supported by other countries before he conquers the Iron Nation.

And the geographical location of the Iron Country makes it easy for them to stick to it.

Any wise leader will understand that attacking here is a thankless task.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the soil is poor.

"Let's go."

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, but because of these reasons, the place has not been affected by the war, and the air quality is also very good.

At the same time, Xu Fan's sign-in progress also reached 100% smoothly.

Congratulations to the host, the sign-in is successful!

Rewards: Shallow Strike and Kendo Mastery!

After hearing the familiar voice, Xu Fan couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Although from the previous check-in content, the check-in reward this time may be related to samurai, swordsmanship and the like.

But the specific reward still surprised him a little.

However, the reward did not appear in Xu Fan's hand out of thin air, but was stored in the inventory, which could be retrieved through mind extraction.

Xu Fan subconsciously glanced at Shallow who was lying quietly in the inventory.

From the outside, it was just a slender snow-white sword, no different from the Anbu weapon Xu Fan had seen in Naruto World.

However, as a traveler, Xu Fan is very aware of how exaggerated the potential of this weapon is.

Its real origin has nothing to do with Naruto, but from another anime called "Reaper", which is the name of Zanpakutō before the beginning.

The blade created by the two Wuwang Yue, the master of the Phoenix Palace, "Knife God", is known as the strongest Zanpakutō with unlimited development potential.

After materialization, it will become a human body with only a mouth and a nose.

At the same time, it will become the only Zanpakutō by injecting its own spirit and belief with the user.

It is no exaggeration to say that this mediocre shallow strike is far more exaggerated than any kendo proficient.

"Each Zanpakutō has its own unique abilities."

Xu Fan watched his own shallow play,

More and more happy.

He began to wonder what kind of abilities he would give this Zanpakutō.

Jinghua Shuiyue's illusion is the strongest.

Or the ice wheel pill of the frozen world.

Or a knife that burns all enemies to pieces like fire...

However, the awakening of the Zanpakutō is determined by the weapon holder.

For example, Aizen, who is good at camouflage and deceit, will endow it with a shallow play.

Reiya was the powerful Kurosaki Ichigo, who got Tissot Zhanyue.

Not to mention monsters like Kenpachi.

In Xu Fan's view, his Zanpakutō was the most unreasonable one.

"Although I don't have such a thing as Reiatsu, Chakra and Reiatsu seem to be similar. They are both a manifestation of mental and physical strength. The higher the density, the stronger the strength."

According to Xu Fan's understanding, he felt that Chakra in Hokage, Reiatsu in Death, Micro Universe in Saint Seiya, Qi in Dragon Ball, and Nian in Hunter.

They are similar things in themselves, and sometimes even their manifestations are very similar.

For example, the Chakra of the Nine-Tails and Chikuma, because it is too powerful, can easily oppress the opponent and lose the consciousness of resistance.

This is very similar to Reiatsu, domineering.

In other words, you can inject Chakra into the shallow hit, giving it its only ability.

"Xu Fan?"

Noticing the thoughtful Xu Fan, Sarutobi Hiyzan couldn't help but read his name and pulled it back to the real world.

And at the entrance to the Iron Country, someone has long been guarding it.

After noticing Sarutobi Hizan and his group, the guard also stepped forward quickly, bowed to them, and then introduced himself.

The visitor was none other than the subordinate of the general Mifune of the Iron Country, who served as the guard of Mifune at the Five Shadow Talks.

Although not a ninja, but has the strength of the ninja.

"Lord Hokage, please come with me, Lord Mifune has been waiting for a long time." Li Jiao spoke in a very respectful tone.

Although the Iron Nation has always remained neutral, it has knowledge of several other countries.

Especially Sarutobi Hidden, the famous third Hokage of Konoha Village.

Not only is he known as a ninjutsu professor, but he is also known as a ninja hero.

Even Mifune respects this ninja very much.

Sarutobi Hizan smiled and nodded, letting Ukaku lead the way for them.

Of course, Hiruzen Sarutobi's heart is also very clear.

On the surface, the Iron Country is a neutral country and does not participate in any war in the ninja world.

But behind the scenes, it has a certain relationship with the means of the general of the Iron Country.

In this deep mountain, there are all kinds of traps everywhere, unless someone who is familiar with it leads the way, it is difficult to enter the Iron Country safely.

"Everyone must follow my steps. There is only one route to safely enter the Iron Country, and every once in a while, the route will be changed." Li Jiao walked in front of the team and said without looking back.

And this is actually a kind of warning from him. It is meaningless to try to remember the correct line.

Xu Fan observed these people, all of them were covered in silver layered armor, and there were at least two sabres hanging on the right side of them.

Although they are not ninjas, they also use chakra when they fight.

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