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Chapter 9 The Frightened Sasuke

After seeing the seal of confrontation between Sasuke and Xu Fan, the scene suddenly quieted down.

Especially those female classmates, all opened their eyes and held their breath, for fear that they would miss Sasuke's wonderful scene.

"You brought it on yourself."

Sasuke said in a cold tone, then spread his legs and attacked Xu Fan.

Iruka, seeing Mizuki, immediately stepped back and made enough space for the two of them.

"As a Uchiha clan, and a master among the younger generation of the village..."

Mizuki couldn't help but said, and was very jealous of Sasuke in his heart.

In particular, their family's unique blood-following boundary, writing round eyes.

Once turned on, for a ninja, the improvement is undoubtedly the biggest.

"Yeah, if Senju-san looks down on Sasuke, he will definitely suffer a lot." Iruka agreed with Mizuki's point of view.

However, the actual combat training of the ninja school is always much safer than future battles, or even slaughter.

When necessary, he will stop the two of them.

Just when Iruka thought so, Sasuke had already rushed to Xu Fan with astonishing speed.

"Sasuke's speed, is it faster than before..."

Iruka couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's even faster than the speed of those who endure..."


Xu Fan tilted his head. From his point of view, Sasuke just rushed forward in a normal manner, then clenched his fists and smashed him head on.

In any case, Sasuke in this period did not even open the writing wheel, nor was he educated by Xiao Li in physical skills.

So, Xu Fan aimed directly at Sasuke's neck, and then slapped it down.


With a muffled sound, Sasuke instantly lost his center of gravity and fell directly to the ground.


Sasuke lay straight on the ground, only surprise and shock in his eyes.

what did this guy do?

Why did you fall down all of a sudden?

In fact, it was not only Sasuke, but the entire playground was silent.

No one thought that Sasuke would be released by Xu Fan.

"What did Qianshou-san just do?"

"I didn't see it clearly."

"Hinata took a leave of absence today. If you have her eyes, you will be able to see what happened."


Sakura's eyes widened and she looked at Sasuke with an incredible look. She would never have dreamed that Sasuke, who was ranked first, would be knocked down by the opponent.

"It was just..."

Iruka couldn't help taking a deep breath. As a Chunin, his dynamic vision was much better than these students.

Just when Sasuke was about to hit Xu Fan, the latter used a faster move to suppress Sasuke, and changed his center of gravity in an instant, causing him to lose his balance.

Simple, but crude.

"Thousand-handed students' physical skills are so powerful..." Iruka was even more shocked.

"This place is slippery."

Sasuke supported his hands and stood up from the ground. He shook his head, feeling as if he had been smashed by something heavy just now.

"I'll just say, how could Sasuke-kun lose to the newcomer in taijutsu, the ground is too slippery!"

A Sasuke advocate is like discovering a new world.

"But unfortunately, you will lose."

While speaking, Sasuke stepped back again and again. Although he was still calm on the surface, he was completely opposite in his heart.

He didn't even see Xu Fan's move clearly, he only felt a strange force pressing down on him.

Although he is reluctant to admit it, the speed and strength of this guy are above him.

"If I turn on the writing wheel now,

It will never be so..."

Sasuke murmured inwardly.

When it comes to the Uchiha family, the most famous one is the Xueji boundary that they have, the writing wheel eye.

That is a pupil technique that is stronger than Baiyan, which can easily see the opponent's flaws and find out their weaknesses.

But unfortunately, I haven't opened my eyes yet.

However, the Uchiha family is not the only one.

Thinking of this, Sasuke began to raise the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared, as if victory was in sight.

The other students also became nervous when they saw Sasuke's performance.

"Ah, is Sasuke-kun going to use that trick?"

"Real ninjutsu."

Many people cast envious glances at Sasuke.

Although they came to the ninja school to learn ninjutsu, Sasuke had already learned ninjutsu long before entering school.

It is said that this is also the unique talent of the Uchiha clan.

On the contrary, it was Naruto, who unceremoniously complained there, "The guy who only gets the limelight."

"Huo Dun?" Xu Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, watching the changes in the assistant's movements.

From Sasuke's point of view, Xu Fan is a newcomer. He doesn't know himself or the Uchiha family. Even if he sees his seal, he doesn't know what it means.

Like he doesn't know what the surname Uchiha means.

And now, he will let him know.

This is the strength that I get by working hard and persevering day after day, year after year.


Seeing this, Iruka hurriedly shouted, trying to stop Sasuke's behavior.

Although it was a sparring, it was mainly based on physical skills, and suddenly using that kind of ninjutsu might seriously injure Xu Fan.

And Mizuki's expression became a little subtle.

He has also heard some rumors about Sasuke, but he is only a ninja student, how could he have that kind of ninjutsu, he shouldn't have so many chakras...

"Is this what you call genius?"

Mizuki clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, as if he was very unwilling.

But Sasuke's seal movements were already proficient enough, and before Iruka could stop him, he had already completed a series of handprints, and then took a deep breath.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"


As Sasuke began to exhale, a raging fire spewed out of his mouth, forming a huge fireball that charged towards Xu Fan.

However, what Sasuke never expected was that Xu Fan imitated his own seal in front of him at a very clumsy speed.

What is this guy doing, is he trying to copy my fire escape?

how can that be……

Does he know how long it took him to master this ninjutsu.

This is not something that can be learned just by posing a knot.

But in the next second, Xu Fan completed the seal and took a deep breath.


Art fire escape ho fireball!

In an instant, the flames shot into the sky, and a fireball that was ten times larger than Sasuke roared at him, directly scaring Sasuke back again and again until he slumped on the ground.

Not only Sasuke.

Iruka, Mizuki...

The two Chunin teachers were also dumbfounded.

Is this guy a monster...

"Mr. Shuimu..." Iruka swallowed in shock, "You... you can do this... Cheng, degree."

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