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Chapter 229 Storm is coming

"Why is it so lively?"

Ludendorff walked in from the backyard and frowned.

Later, he heard questions from everyone at the banquet: "Where is Ludendorff? Is General Hindenburg really killed? Doctor Poison, tell us quickly!"

Every sentence of accusation was like a sharp sword piercing Dr. Maru's heart.

She didn't know how to answer, she was trembling all over.

Hearing this, Ludendorff couldn't help but walk back. He didn't understand why everyone was so excited, including the murder of General Hindenburg... But he knew that if everyone discovered him, he would be in trouble. Will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism!

Therefore, he chose to take the best option!

However, nine times out of ten things in the world are not as expected.

"Everyone, Ludendorff is right behind you. Go ask him what good deeds he has done!" Lin Yu's bewitching words once again led everyone to move. They all turned their heads and looked at the panicked Ludendorff behind them.




At this moment, it seemed that everyone's saliva could drown Ludendorff. Seeing everyone's extremely excited emotions, a ferocious look flashed across his face, and then he took out the gas developed by Dr. Maru from his pocket to enhance his physical strength. .

"Then let the world go crazy!" Ludendorff smiled ferociously. He had secretly ordered someone to release the poisonous gas in half an hour. When the time comes, even if the British army has extraordinary powers, it will not be able to save the lives lost.

He has always believed that killing is an art.

And he is the creator of art.

At the same time, Diana came in from the outside world.


Holding a sword in her hand, she saw Ludendorff surrounded by people at a glance. The concept she had been instilled in her since childhood made her once believe that Ludendorff was the incarnation of Ares, the god of war.

Although on the top of the bell tower that day, Lin Yu once told her that the source of all evil was not led by Ares, but from the human heart. She had also been deeply doubtful and confused...but when she saw Ludendorff for the first time, the blood in her bones boiled again.

Amazonian duty tells her that she must kill Ares, the god of war!

Then, Diana raised her sword and leaped into the air.

On the other side, Ludendorff also unscrewed the bottle of gas containing enhanced physical strength and inhaled it into his nasal cavity. The gas flows through his blood, constantly providing him with a corner of ordinary human strength and explosion.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Before Diana could get close to him, the bodies of everyone surrounding Ludendorff were suddenly knocked out, or fell on the banquet tables and chairs, or hit the hard and smooth floor...

"Destruction, war, darkness..."

Ludendorff opened his arms and felt the majestic power coming from his body. He couldn't help laughing wildly, cheering for his great plan to destroy the world. However, he didn't expect that a female hero would fall from the sky!

"Ares, die!"

When he heard this majestic voice, Ludendorff finally reacted. He looked at the direction pointed by the tip of the sword, and stepped slightly to the left in panic.


The sword did not pierce Ludendorff's chest as imagined, but merely tore through his uniform. Ludendorff was still frightened and immediately retreated.

"who are you?"

He asked quickly.

"The person who took your life!"

Diana replied without changing her expression.

As she spoke, sparks appeared under Diana's feet and she continued to kill Ludendorff. This time she wielded the sword in an extremely weird way——

The tattoo was clearly on the left, but it appeared on the right.

Before Ludendorff had time to react, several bloody holes appeared on his chest. Fortunately, his physical strength has been strengthened, and such scars are nothing to him.

"Let me go and I will give you your rights!"

"Let me go, all my property will belong to you..."

Ludendorff panicked, but Diana was heartbroken and unmoved. Every time she swung her sword, she would cause new scars on Ludendorff's body.

Finally, Diana stabbed his chest with a sword.


Ludendorff looked at Diana's cold face and didn't know why he provoked her until he died. He didn't understand, but he had no chance to find out the truth.

At this point, Ludendorff dies!

"Diana, cover your mouth and nose."

At this moment, Lin Yu came to Diana's side. His big hands covered Diana's mouth and nose, and whispered in her ear: "The poison gas bomb developed by Dr. Maru has been released. We can't let it happen." Keep spreading."

Diana felt something and nodded.

However, she had just killed Ares, the God of War, so why was the war still spreading before it ended? She didn't understand, she was confused.


Diana asked aloud.

"Because Ludendorff wanted to bring war, and in order to destroy Germany's surrender plan, he launched the most terrifying and most lethal weapon in history." Lin Yu took her out of the banquet hall and explained.


Diana hesitated to speak.

"I told you, Ares is not the key." Lin Yu shook his head at Diana and said with sincere eyes: "The human heart is the key. Only love can save the world!"

For a moment, Diana seemed to be struck by lightning.

"No, gas bombs were also dropped on the village of Feld..." At this moment, Steve ran over panting with the shotgun in his hand.

Field Village?

Diana was confused again.

Isn't that the town they just saved yesterday?

"I'm going to save them!"

There was no fear on Diana's face, but more of perseverance. She broke away from Lin Yu's arms and ran crazily towards the village of Felde, seven miles away. While running, she recited: "Felde" De, Felder..."

She angrily races against death and time;

However, the poison gas bombs disappeared over the horizon carrying death.

"Steve, take Charlie and the others to Dr. Maru's research laboratory to load the rest of the poison gas missiles on the transport plane. I will chase Diana." Lin Yu glanced at the direction Diana was leaving, and immediately felt in his heart A decision was made.

Ares will show up eventually.

But for Diana to fully awaken her divine power, certain "sacrifice" must be made.

"Yes, Chief Lin!"

Steve gave a military salute.

Then, he led the others towards the research room.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, soared into the sky and was at Diana's side in an instant. He put his big hands around her slender waist and appeared above the sky.

He didn't speak, she needed to feel it.


A shocking loud noise rang in her ears, and the earth shook. Lin Yu held her in his arms and descended slowly, layer after layer of thick, toxic fog filling the small town ahead.

Their vision is blocked and they can't see anything.

There was huge energy bursting out in Diana's body, as if it was about to explode in an instant. She tried her best to control her emotions, and tears already fell from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

She lifted her steps and walked forward.

There is a small town of death submerged by gas bombs.

Lin Yu did not stop her, but walked forward with her. There, you can vaguely see the town square filled with poisonous gas.

And that beautiful cafe.

But now, it is in ruins and nowhere to be found.

Diana could clearly see the villagers they had saved the day before, lying where they were, as silently as if they were asleep. However, she knew the pain they experienced at the moment when the gas bomb was released.



Diana questioned softly.

She stood blankly in the center of the town square. When she raised her head, she seemed to see Antiope staring at her in the sky and saying to her at the same time: "Diana, go complete your mission and don't forget your original intention!"

Suddenly, Diana was shaken.

"I killed him, why is this not over yet?" She couldn't believe it. Killing Ares, the God of War, would end the war and bring peace!


Diana felt exhausted, even standing a little unsteady.

Lin Yu looked at her appearance and shook his head secretly. He came to Diana's side, stroked her black hair with one hand, and said softly: "Diana, only love can save this world."

Lin Yu knew that it was difficult for Diana to accept it for a while.

Although he reminded her many times, as an Amazon living on Paradise Island, Diana had been instilled with the evil deeds of the God of War since she was a child.

She always thought that killing the God of War would end everything.

"Perhaps Ludendorff is not the God of War?" Lin Yu looked at Diana, whose eyes were lost, and once again ignited a glimmer of hope in her ears.

Maybe, only "sacrifice" can truly awaken Diana!


Diana was visibly stunned.

"Do you think gods are as easy to kill as Ludendorff?"

Diana was speechless by Lin Yu's words, and gradually accepted Lin Yu's ideas in her heart. Maybe she hasn't met the real God of War Ares yet!

"The gas bombs have not been eliminated yet..."

"I have to stop them!"

Before Lin Yu finished speaking, Diana turned her head and looked at Lin Yu with extremely firm eyes. She had never been so angry at any time. Diana's power reached an unprecedented peak.

"Together we will!"

Lin Yu nodded.

The two looked at each other for three seconds, and then Diana took the initiative to hold Lin Yu's hand and rushed towards the poison gas missile warehouse built by Dr. Maru.

Ludendorff meant, but the war was not over yet.

At the same time, above the gas bomb warehouse.

Patrick put his hands behind his back and stared at the busy figure below. A dull thunder sound sounded in the sky. The black void clouds were constantly rolling, blocking all light from seeping out.

He knew that a storm was about to break out.

And Ares, the god of war, was already ready to welcome it.

Below, soldiers were loading gas bombs along the trajectory. This was the will of their supreme leader Ludendorff, and they did not dare to resist. Just now, they had dropped one in the village of Feld.

The conclusion is that the effect is unexpected!

Now, they have to rush to other major battlefields.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Thud, tug, tug!"


While all the soldiers were handling the gas bombs in an orderly manner, Steve led Charlie, the chief and Samir here. They formed a battle formation to find bunkers and clean up the German soldiers.

Regardless of whether Lin Yu confesses or not, Steve will come here without hesitation to prevent the further spread of poison gas missiles. As they fired bullets one by one, the German soldiers responded quickly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The bullets were relentless, putting Steve and others on high alert.

After two rounds of confrontation, Steve and others continued to move forward. There was a huge laboratory in front of them, which was filled with poison gas missiles. It was the key to this evil war. Steve must not let the Germans transport it. go.

"Follow me!"

Steve waved.

Charlie and others did not dare to be careless at all. They stood back to back in four directions, observing the surrounding environment with sharp eyes. Whenever they encountered an enemy, they would pull the trigger at an absolute speed, leaving no chance for the enemy. A little chance.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The battle gradually became fierce.

"Diana, hold me!"

On the other side, Lin Yu released the immortal realm without reservation, leading Diana to gallop above the clouds. He was vaguely aware that under the effect of the Qi Gathering Pill, his Earthly Immortal Realm had been somewhat loosened, and he believed that it would never be long -

He will be able to break through the realm constraints again!

Diana stretched out her arms and wrapped them around Lin Yu's steel-cast waist. Feeling the warmth from their bodies, Diana's pretty face blushed slightly.


There was a loud thunder and a raging wind.

They looked up at the sky, each with their own beliefs in their hearts, but they both firmly believed that the sky after the storm would bloom with a brilliant rainbow.

Today is no exception.

Above the warehouse, Patrick still stood.

"How long can you hold on?"

He looked at Steve and the others who were struggling crazily below, and he couldn't help but feel admiration in his eyes, but they had been on opposite sides since he was born.

Only appreciation, but never pity.

"We can't hold on much longer!"

Steve looked forward and backward and shook his head sadly.

Even though their marksmanship was accurate and they had undergone professional training and training, they were outnumbered. There were hundreds of German troops on the opposite side. When they penetrated deep into the enemy's belly, they fell into a difficult situation of being attacked from two sides.

"How to do?"

The chief took a deep breath and asked.

"Charlie, you are responsible for attracting firepower; the chief and I will break out together, and Samir, you will be responsible for sneak attacks from the rear." After listening to the chief's words, Steve calmed down instantly and began to complete the professional qualities that a captain should have.

At least, he could win the game before he died.

They take action!

Steve rushed out without hesitation, and Charlie followed on his left and was responsible for firing, attracting a lot of firepower; while the chief held a shotgun and started spraying at the crowd, with constant "dong dong" sounds.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

"God, so many people?"

However, Samir at the rear encountered difficulties.

Dozens of German soldiers formed a formation in the rear, holding their guns and looking at the four people in front with a sneer on their lips. They were still cursing and saying: "British guys, go see God!"

After that, he pulled the trigger.

"Thud, tug, tug..."

There were dozens of bullets fired at the same time. Samir could imagine that if all the bullets fell on his body, he would undoubtedly be beaten into a hornet's nest.



Steve and the others were groaning silently.

However, they are also unable to protect themselves. How can they spare time to be responsible for Samir's safety? However, they seemed to have forgotten time and their own lives.

At that moment, everyone rushed towards Samir.

But, can their speed be comparable to bullets?

Seeing it, the bullet was about to fall on Samir's body.

Time seems to stand still at this moment!

Everyone seemed to be frozen in place!




A figure suddenly appeared at this moment. He blocked Samir's body with lightning speed, and then a burst of afterimages flashed by, and time finally returned to normal again, as if nothing happened.


Samir screamed.

He thought he had been penetrated into a hornet's nest.

"You're not dead, man!" A calm voice came out, and Samir's closed eyes slowly opened. In front of his field of vision stood a tall man, blocking him like a savior.

That person is Lin Yu!


An update today.

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