"Ruan Zhi, Aunt?"

Since I can remember, Nan Xing'er has never seen Ruan Zhi Aunt cry.

She gave her the feeling of silence, reticence, and gentleness. Occasionally, she caught a glimpse, and she noticed that Ruan Zhi Aunt looked at her father, or other bandits, and couldn't hide his hatred.

But never, like today's external weakness and uncontrollable emotions.

Holding Ruan Zhi's hand, she trembled inexplicably.

At this time, Xi Yue, who had finished speaking, walked towards them. A girl covered in blood, the warm sunlight in her eyes did not neutralize her exposed sharpness. She shuddered in her heart, and subconsciously shrank behind Ruan Zhi.

"Ruan Zhi...girl?"

It is difficult to visually detect Ruan Zhi's actual age, Xi Yue spoke hesitantly.

Ruan Zhi pushed Nan Xing'er away, put both hands on his left chest, legs together, right leg behind, knees bent, head down, deeply blessed.

Xi Yue was startled by her unusually standard and solemn salute. After hesitating for a while, Fang Xingwu reached out and helped her up. Next to Nan Xing'er, his eyes rounded, as if he had met own Ruan Zhi Aunt for the first time.


Ruan Zhi said softly.

"Call me Xi Miss." Xi Yue interrupted her quickly.

It can be seen that Ruan Zhi came from an extraordinary commoner and received a good education.

Xi Yue looked at her with interest: rough and dark skin, dry and greasy hair, it is difficult to cover her beautiful features, and her whole body is virtuous.

Xi Yue has seen this kind of temperament.

Fei Liandie, who was born in a boudoir daughter, is two points less reserved, and two points more dignified than the soft and verbose Linger. Feeling it carefully, it looks a bit like Linglong, giving her a sense of reliability and calmness.

Reminiscent of Linglong, Xi Yue felt kind to Ruan Zhi in front of him: "To save you, Nan Xing'er sent me a letter, and also led us to clear the bandits. She said'Ruan Zhi Aunt', I am early I want to see you."

Ruan Zhi smiled slightly, with a bleak expression: "For those who endure the humiliation, Miss Xi sees any benefit."


Xi Yue heard the alienation in her tone, and the eyes of everyone were full, and it was hard to say much. Only smiled and said to Nan Xing'er: "Take care of you, Ruan Zhi, Aunt."

Walk back to Gong Jiu. Gong Jiu said: "So many women, what are you going to do with them?"

The number of rescued from several stone chambers is roughly thirty or forty.

These women, not only in ragged clothes, were tortured to the bones; on their feet, they barely wore shoes.

I think it was the bandits who prevented them from escaping and took them away deliberately. When the weather turns cold, people stand barefoot on the ground, and they can't stop the cold from rising up, not to mention the weak quality. The mountain road is rugged and the beasts come and go. This move almost cut off their last ray of hope.

Xi Yue was a little worried. She didn't prepare so many clothes in the space bag.

He glanced at the bandit limbs scattered all over the cliff. Could it be, to pick up the corpse on the feet? Pick it up, whether these women can wear it, or whether they want to wear it or not.


Suddenly, she interrupted her entanglement.

A figure quickly climbed mountains and ridges, sweeping like flying. Scrubbing the ground fell in front of her, causing the women around who were like frightened birds to exclaim.

Guangzuo didn't even glance at them, but stared directly at Xi Yue: "You...are you okay?"

His gaze reached Gong Jiu who was beside her, and gave him a fierce glaring. Gong Jiu raised his eyebrows, not smiling.


Seeing Guangzuo, who was embarrassed, sweating, and looked abnormally worried, Xi Yue knew that Gong Jiu suddenly took her away, and he was bound to worry. I didn't expect that Guang Zuo would chase him overnight and risk finding here.

For a while, I was ashamed and moved.

She has Gold Finger and Gong Jiu is even more extraordinary. An ordinary person from Guangzuo went deep into the jungle in the middle of the night, even if his martial arts were high, it was extremely dangerous.

Taking a step forward, grabbing Guangzuo's robe that was hung to pieces by thorns, there was no blood, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, when she noticed that Guang Zuo was in her arms, she deliberately took off the cloak that was folded and protected, and she was stunned for a moment.

The royal blue cloak...the one she gave it.

His head was dumbfounded. At the same time she was moved, a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

"You see, the blood on my body is all other people's."

While Macha said this, she fixedly looked into Guangzuo's eyes. After confirming that she was indeed intact, the anger and impatience in Guangzuo's eyes faded a lot, and he inadvertently avoided her and looked into it obviously:

"Miss, you are too reckless! The terrain is complex in the mountains and forests, there are many bandits, or it is late at night, what if something happens to you?"

His tone was full of accusations, and he was harsher than ever.

"Not next time..."

Knowing that he cares is messy, she has guilt and a guilty conscience, and throws the slightest questions that Fang has raised to the back of her mind.

Even if Guangzuo didn't mention Gong Jiu a word and stopped looking at him, Gong Jiu was unhappy, and snorted next to him.

Xi Yue felt the Earth Fire anger in the two of them, fearing that they would argue about it, and quickly changed the subject: "Guangzuo, look, these women were all rescued. How can we bring them down the mountain? They are both. No shoes..."

"Mr. Gong is not a cultivator, can he take people to teleport thousands of miles away?" Guangzuo said coldly: "Mr. Gong can send them directly back to the town one by one."

Xi Yue: "..."

It seems that Guangzuo is so angry that it hasn't disappeared.

She lowered her head whisperingly: "Mr. Gong, you can only take me and Zhi Liu... other mortals are as important to him as Mount Tai."

Guangzuo saw her lowered eyebrows, and the surging emotions were suppressed in her cold eyes. Can't bear to see her too embarrassed, the voice eased:

"On the way here, I saw Gao Hongda and a few militiamen. They also saw me. If Gao Hongda is alert, he will return to the town to mobilize manpower."

They can't do much now, they can only wait.

Xi Yue had no choice but to let the rescued women sit on the ground and rest. Take out some dry food and water and let them eat first. In order to count the number, she went to several stone houses and looked again. Several corpses were found inside. I don't know if they were tortured, frozen to death, or starved to death.

The corpse had begun to decompose, and it was so locked up with the living. No wonder the door was opened before, and the breath smelled so bad.

With the wolf-tooth boll, she forcibly resisted the desire to vomit, wishing to turn her head again and chop the corpse of the Wu hemp seed into mashed flesh!

Guang Zuo helped her out of the stone room: "Miss, these... after people come to town, please clean up."

In this scene, even he who is used to seeing slaughter also moved on his face, not to mention his own Miss.

Xi Yue nodded silently, and went to sit outside.

At noon, Gao Hongda really came with the town's militia.

But for the safety of Taoyuan Town, he didn't bring out all his troops, only half of it.

Seeing the corpses all over the mountains and the dozens of rescued women, there are still a lot of money and grass collected by the bandits. He is just a drop in the bucket.

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