Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1137: Heavenly Buddha, Vase of Life

   "Emperor Mingyue is this anxious?"

   Su Hao murmured as he looked at Chu Kuangsheng's information.

   Judging from this information, this Chu Kuangsheng may be the strongest trump card of the Emperor Mingyue.

   Now that she invites Chu Kuangsheng out, it should not only be to deal with the Great Sun Emperor.

   A great Japanese emperor is really not worth it, a transcendence powerhouse shot.

   Su Hao couldn't figure it out for a while, so he didn't think about it again.

  He started to sign in today.

   [The host gets 100 check-in points for signing in today, and a random teleportation symbol from the fairy world, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

   "Fairy Teleportation Symbol!"

   Su Hao looked at the system space, lying with a rune exuding crystal luster, with a slight surprise on his face.

   "If I use this immortal teleportation charm, I am afraid I will reach the immortal world before the fat man!"

   Su Hao murmured.

   Fatty, they left the star realm and crossed the void towards the fairy realm.

   takes at least half a month. If you encounter some space storms and so on, it may be longer.

   It's like I have this fairyland teleportation charm, and I arrive directly.

   Then his gaze fell in the inventory, the map of Buried God Valley.

   This is a map that Su Hao obtained very early.

  Buried in the Valley of Gods, he also knew that it was extremely dangerous, even if the emperor's pinnacle entered it, he might fall.

   "I don't know when this map of the Burial God Valley will be used."

   Su Hao's eyes shifted from the map to the 2 lottery cards.

   1 no-level lottery card and 1 11-level crystal lottery card.

   Click the 11th level crystal lottery card first.

   [The host consumes 1 level 11 crystal lottery card, the draw is in...]

   [Congratulations to the host for drawing the character card, the one-page book cloned into the cloud beast, it has been saved in the inventory, please check it. 】

   "The system really prefers a one-page book, and a clone of a one-page book comes out."

   "If the demonized one-page book is further integrated with this clone, what realm will the strength reach!"

   Su Hao thought, and then summoned a copy of the book, and merged with the book in the city of Immovable Hades.

   looked at the crystal lottery card without a level.

   Su Hao did not hesitate to open the crystal lottery card without a level.

   [The host consumes 1 crystal lottery card without a level, the lucky draw...]

   [Congratulations to the host for drawing specific people-Buddha, Heavenly Buddha, which has been saved in the inventory, please check. 】

   "Buddha, Heavenly Buddha, isn't this a figure with the same name as the Emperor Tathagata?"

   Su Hao immediately checked the other party's information.

   [Buddha: Heavenly Buddha]: From a figure in the thunderbolt, he is one of the three main sources of the four realms of Buddhism, and is as famous as the emperor Tathagata, strength: detached fivefold!

   "The five-fold transcendence, do you think you will come to the nine-fold transcendence like Dugu Baitian?"

   "It looks like it was just my luck last time!"

   Su Hao thought in his heart.

   Xingyue Dynasty.

   The ancestral dragon temple underground palace.

   The lights are brightly lit here, and the Empress of the Moon is sitting cross-legged, and the whole body is full of breath.

   If Su Hao were here, he would be surprised.

   The strength of the Emperor Mingyue at this time has reached the peak of the great emperor.

   Su Hao has a plug-in, but his strength is immortal.

   These reincarnated characters use extraordinary methods.

   "Emperor, Su Shao City Lord sent Chen Zhan to come, do I take him to the ancestor's side."

   Chu Tianxiang entered the secret room and bowed and asked.

   Hear the words.

  Mingyue Empress, she said:

   "Chen Zhan's strength has stepped into detachment, and I can see through my hiding. I don't want to let anyone know that my strength is restored for the time being."

   "So I won't see Chen Zhan anymore, you take him to bring him back to your ancestor's consciousness!"


   Chu Tianxiang bowed and exited the secret hall.

   after leaving the secret hall in Chutianxiang.

  Mingyue Empress continued to practice and improve.

   Once the ancestors of the Chu family return, then it is time to attack the Emperor.

   "Sword Emperor, how can you get mixed up with Dairi Emperor?"

   The Empress of Mingyue murmured.

   She seems to have found something.

at this time!

   Deep in a mountain range, the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race and the Heaven Demon Emperor came to a mountain.

   They looked at the top of the mountain in front of them.

   "Seven elders, that mountain is like a bottle, do you think it was transformed by the bottle of life!"

   The Devil Emperor opened his mouth.

   "It looks like, but I don't know if it is the real bottle of life!"

   After speaking, the figures of the two of them flashed, and they jumped towards the peak of the mountain.

   The top of the mountain is very open, and there is also a small pool in it. The pool is full of radiance and glow. The aura that erupts makes the body relax.

   "Here is very aura!"

   When the Heavenly Devil Emperor spoke, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

   The aura is so rich, the bottle of life should be here.

   "Look first before talking!"

   A rune appeared in the hands of the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race, and a burst of energy penetrated into the rune.

   The rune rose in the air, floating in the air.

   Then the rune produced a huge suction, trying to absorb all the aura on the top of the mountain.

   But after he absorbed the aura, a trace of aura appeared automatically.

   "I didn't expect to be here!"

   The seventh elder of the ancient demon tribe, with joy on his face.

   His figure jumped up, a wave of chess appeared in his hand, and directly fell, he wanted to lock the mountain.

   when he fell.

   In this space, a virtual shadow of a jade bottle appeared from the mountain.

   Seeing the phantom, the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Clan knotted their palms, and runes appeared in his hands.

   These runes appeared at the mouth of the jade bottle and began to generate a suction.

   It seems to **** something out.

   After the rune appeared, a jade bottle appeared in his palm.

   The jade bottle instantly grew bigger and fell behind the rune, as if waiting for something.

   "Wait here for a while, you can collect some vitality!"

   The seventh elder of the ancient demons spoke.

   "Seven elders, why don't we see this jade bottle and just take it away for refining?"

   The Devil Emperor said in a puzzled This is just a phantom, isn't the real body here? It can't be refined at all! "

   The seventh elder of the ancient demons shook his head.

   "Then how can he produce life force?"

   Sky Demon Emperor said in a puzzled way.

   "I don't know the specific situation!"

   "But according to the rumors, you can find the place where the bottle of life is based on this phantom!"

   "But for so many years, the phantom of the bottle of life in the star world has been constantly changing, and no one has ever been able to find where the real bottle of life is!"

   The seventh elder of the ancient demons shook his head.

   "Maybe you can see it today."

   just then.

   A voice rang beside them both.

   The Heavenly Devil Emperor and the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Clan condensed, their eyes looked at the place where the sound came from.

   In the void, Emperor Tengtian walked out.

   "Wang Teng, why do you come here, you also want the power of life!"

   The seventh elder of the ancient demons spoke.

   "I'm not here to get the power of life, I want to find the real bottle of life through this jade bottle of life phantom."

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