Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1147: No one can save you

   Chapter 1146 No One Can Save You

  Gu Huai narrowed his eyes, then looked at the surrounding flags.

  It is these few big flags that suppress his power and prevent him from breaking through these people.

  Especially among the three who didn't take a shot, one of them was very strong. In the early days of the emperor, his strength was not suppressed by the big formation.

   Give Gu Huai a kind of pressure.

  Of course, his predecessor is Hei Di, and he also has some hole cards in his hand.

  But because he wanted to protect Zi Xianning and the others, after his strength was suppressed, he was restricted again.

  "Your breath has declined. Even if you have a chance to leave, the woman next to you can't leave. Obediently follow us."

  Among the three, the man who had the power of the emperor's early stage spoke up.

   "Slimming, I will cut a way for you after a while, you take the opportunity to leave immediately!"

  Gu Huai said.

  When he spoke, a bright light burst out from his body.

  Although he can leave Gu Huai, he will not leave Zi Xianning.

  He wants to give Zi Xianning and the others a **** way.

   "Gu Huai, you don't care about me, you leave first, after leaving, give me revenge!"

  Zixian looked at Gu Huai, with a trace of tears in her beautiful eyes.

  Gu Huai's fighting time has been a little longer, and his body has already shown exhaustion. If it is dragged on, Gu Huai may not be able to leave.

   "Want to go, do you think you can go?"

  Among the three people who hadn't taken a shot before, a man stepped forward, raised his right hand, and a glove that radiated this bright light appeared in his hand.

   rushed towards Gu Huai directly.

  Gu Huai's realm has been suppressed at the peak of the immortal realm. The realm is the same as him, and there has been a battle before.

  He has the ability to kill or defeat Gu Huai.

   "Just you, want to deal with me too!"

  A cold light flashed in Gu Huai's eyes, and his fist flashed directly, killing him with the opponent.

   "Get her up!"

  Lu Lanxuan looked at Zi Xian Ning.

  As for Zi Xianning's side Jin Anlan, Lu Lanxuan did not move.

  Jin Anlan is the princess of the Great Jin Dynasty, she can only suppress, not let the other party get hurt.

  Another immortal peak powerhouse stepped forward and grabbed Zi Xianning with one hand.

  Gu Huai saw this, the light all over his body skyrocketed, and a stronger killing aura emerged from his body.

  Behind him, a black emperor's shadow appeared, and he immediately retreated the man who had shot back with a punch.

   Then his body shape flashed, and he appeared in front of the person who was grasping Zixian Ning.

   "Looking for death! You!"

  He grabbed the opponent, and the shadow of the black emperor behind him slashed directly, splitting the opponent in half.


   at this time

  The great emperor's early powerful man made a shot, he appeared behind Gu Huai, and punched Gu Huai's back.


   punched in the back, and a mouthful of blood spurted from Gu Huai's mouth. This great emperor was not weak in strength, and his shot was even more fierce.

After    succeeded in one blow, he quickly moved towards Gu Huai to attack.

  In a short while, scars appeared on Gu Huai's body, and his clothes were stained with blood.

  "Wuwei's struggle can only bring you close to death!"

  The emperor who took the shot sneered.

   "If it weren't for the big flags outside, you thought you could say this to me."

  Gu Huai looked at his opponent coldly. He was suppressed, and this suppression was getting ahead, otherwise, he was reincarnated as the Black Emperor.

  Emperor in the early stage can also be defeated in the mid-term.

   "Huh! This can only be said, you are too careless."

  The man snorted coldly and attacked again.

  On the other side, the man who had previously shot the Immortal Realm grabbed Zi Xian Ning.

  Gu Huai looked very anxious, but was suppressed and could not be rescued for a while.

  Suddenly, big flags were pulled one after another, and they were thrown directly at the immortal realm powerhouse.

  The shooting man's expression changed, and he threw a big flag with a punch.


   Just when there was a gap in the banner.

  Before suppressed by Gu Huai, the pressure on her body suddenly disappeared.

  He blasted out a punch, directly shook the man who fought him back, and then appeared in front of Zi Xianning.

  As one big flag was pulled, several other big flags were quickly thrown out.

  For a time, all the surrounding suppression disappeared.

"who are you?"

  The banner was pulled, Lu Lanxuan's expression changed, and he looked into the distance.

  At this time, Mentaiko walked out.

  He was injured, his complexion was a little pale, and he just used his strength to make his injury more serious.

  "This brother, I have friendship with City Master Su!"

  Prince Ming looked at Gu Huaidao.

   Hearing this, Gu Huai nodded, and the injuries on his body began to recover.

  The breath became sharp, and the eyes were deep.

  At this moment, Fat Gu burst into imperial might, and his aura was like a mountain.

  The strength has not been suppressed, he wants to tear all these people apart.

   "Quickly, take the lady away!"

  The strong man in the early days of the Great Emperor, upon seeing this, spoke to the strong immortal realm next to him.

  In his hand, a huge bronze gate appeared, directly towards Gu Huai to suppress it.

   "I was suppressed just now, but now I am not suppressed. Do you think you are my opponent?"

  Gu Huai looked at the giant bronze gate from the suppression, and his fist rushed out again.

  A terrifying punch burst out in his hand, and hit the bronze giant gate.


  The giant bronze gate was directly flew out by the fat man’s fist.

The person who shot    changed his expression. He knew the opponent's strength was strong, but he didn't expect to suppress Gu Huai's strength.

  When he was stunned, Gu Huaidi had already appeared in front of him.

  Spicy eyes!


  He gave a low cry, and a terrifying light burst out of his fist and fell directly on the man.

  But at this moment, a burst of light emerged from the man's body, blocking Gu Huai's punch.

   Seeing this, Gu Huai continued to punch his body unchanged.

  Fist like a shadow, constantly bombarding under the screen.

  Not long after, the screen was shrouded under Gu Huai's fist, and the click sound made directly by Gu Huai pierced through it.

After the screen cover was pierced, Gu Huai's fist hit the opponent's chest.

   Punched the opponent's chest with a punch, and then shattered his body with blood mist entangled.


  Prince Ming looked at the fierce Gu with a look of horror on his face.

  City Lord Su’s friend is not only ruthless, but also very powerful.

  The other side!

  Being taken away, Lu Lanxuan's face changed drastically.

  Although Gu Huai had just played a lot of tricks with the man, but the time was very short, and the person who took Lu Lanxuan had not stepped into the void.

   "Bring me back!"

  With a big hand, Gu Huai grabbed the two of them who were about to escape into the void.

   First, his body shape flashed, and he directly crushed the head of the immortal realm powerhouse with one foot, and then he came to Lu Lanxuan's face.

  "You, you can't kill me, I, I am the daughter of Dajin Dynasty, Hou Ye!"

  Lu Lanxuan looked at Gu Huai in horror, and stammered.

  When she was speaking, her eyes also looked at Jin Anlan, with a begging expression on her face.

   "Huh, no one can save you!"

  No matter who he is, Gu Huaike directly smashed Lu Lanxuan's head with a palm.

  (End of this chapter)

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