Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1154: Xiao Dingchen, Jiang Li

   Chapter 1153 Xiao Family Xiao Dingchen, Jiang Family Jiang Mubei

  The figure appeared, and a wave of fiery energy emitted from his body, burning the surrounding space into a black hole.

  Su Hao glanced at the person who appeared.

  He looks like a middle-aged man with three flame marks on his forehead.

  As Su Hao looked over, the three flame marks seemed to be alive, making Su Hao’s eyes burn.

   "Xiao Family, Xiao Dingchen!"

  The visitor looked at Su Hao and said coldly.

  With the appearance of Xiao Dingchen.

  There was a sound of thunder in the void.

   Then a man with a thunder dragon stalking him stepped over.

  Every step of the thunder, the thunderous thunder appeared in the void, radiating everywhere, showing full domineering.

   "I have seen the five elders!"

  Jiang Haoyue bowed and saluted the visitor.

  Lai Re is a member of the Jiang family.

   "Jiang Mubei, the fifth elder of the Jiang family, has the strength of the fifth level beyond the realm, and Xiao Dingchen, the fifth hall master of the star sea outside the Xiao family, has the same strength of the fifth level beyond the realm."

  Inside the Su Hao Mansion.

  The seventh elder of the ancient demons spoke.

  While he was speaking, he paid attention to Su Hao's changes.

  Su Hao, there are only Heavenly Buddha and Emperor Tathagata for the time being.

  The strength of these two people is the quintessential transcendence.

  Now there are two transcendent quintuplets appearing on the Jiang family.

   With the addition of Xing Mang, Tianxiezong and others, the strength has completely suppressed Su Hao.

   "Two transcendent level five, it's kind of interesting, but I don't know if there are other masters appearing!"

   Su Hao murmured.

  The other party’s layout is really here.

  Hear the murmur from Su Hao's mouth.

  The seventh elder of the ancient demon tribe, his mouth twitched.

  The opponent's current strength has suppressed Su Hao's side.

  But Su Hao is not in a hurry, and wants to see if the opponent has other masters.

   "City Lord Su, the twelve capital gods in Xing Mang's hand are in a large formation, with extraordinary power and detached four-fold strength, completely suppressed."

   "You need to be careful here too!"

Gu Tianchou reminded him.

   "Thank you, Elder Gu for your concern, I can handle this scene."

  Su Hao said flatly.

   "Does Su Hao still have masters here!"

  Hearing Su Hao's words, the Seventh Elder of the Ancient Demon Clan secretly said in his heart.

at this time!

  Xingyue Dynasty, in the palace.

  Chu Kuangsheng and Chu Tianxiang gathered together.

  The two of them were staring into the void outside the capital.

   "Ancestor, the outside war has begun, and I don't know who will win this battle!"

  Chutian Xiangdao.

   "Let’s go and see!"

  Chu Kuangsheng pondered for a moment.

   "But the ancestor, the emperor she!"

  Chu Tianxiang couldn’t help asking.

   "Emperor has nothing to do, the strength of these two parties is extraordinary, I really want to see how strong they are!"

  Chu Kuangsheng's eyes carried a sharp glow.

  With Chu Tianxiang, his figure flashed and disappeared into the palace.

  Haoyue mirror.

  Looking at Su Hao's plain expression, Jiang Haoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

   "I didn't expect that City Master Su would be so calm at this time. Do you think that you can go out with the three of you?"

   Jiang Haoyue said coldly.

  While he is talking.

  The figure of Xiao Dingchen from the Xiao family suddenly attacked Su Hao.

  When the Emperor Tathagata next to Su Hao saw it, he stood in front of Su Hao and fought with Xiao Dingchen.


  After the two met their palms, Xiao Dingchen let out a low cry and blasted a punch.

   "Big Sun Shake Sky Fist!"

  Infinite flames erupted above his fist.

  The fist was like a blazing sun, radiating all the power that burned, and attacked towards the emperor Tathagata.

  At the same time, Emperor Tathagata also shot.

  My Buddha's light print! The end of reincarnation...

   is directly displayed, the Buddha's shadow appears, and the light covers the sky and the earth.

  Boom! boom! boom!

  The earth-shaking sound pierced the void.

  Two figures are fighting together in the void.

  The two fight fiercely, but they should not be able to tell the outcome for a while.

  The other side!

   Jiang Mubei's figure suddenly burst out of the sky, with a long roar,

   punched out.

  A huge thunder dragon appeared on his fist, roaring towards the heavenly Buddha.

  The two of them appeared to deal with the Buddha and Emperor Tathagata beside Su Hao.

  Tian Buddha's figure flashed, a palm blasted out, and a huge Buddha seal appeared in his palm.

  The Buddha seal in the palm is domineering, tearing the void.

   collided with the dragon and made a rumbling sound.


  That Jiang Mubei shouted.

  A domineering, arrogant, ancient breath exploded on him.

  The Jiang family is an ancient imperial clan, powerful and powerful, and cultivation is even more of an imperial clan.

  The ancient emperor dragon fist.

  As his aura changed, the dragon shadow on that fist became more and more dense, and it blasted out with a powerful force of thunder.

  This fist blasted out, and the sky broke and the earth shattered, shrouded in the direction of the Buddha.

  【Six-character seal·One extinction of all things】

  When Jiang Mubei took the shot, the Heavenly Buddha also shot, and suddenly shouted.

  A devastating force burst out of the Buddha Seal in his hand, and he slapped it against the bombardment.


  The two forces collided, and the violent and destructive air blasted towards the surroundings.

  The space on this side began to collapse.

  But it recovered quickly.

  This is one of the abilities of Haoyang Mirror. Mirroring is to copy the external space.

  As long as the external space is intact, there will be no problems with the world in his mirror.

   "City Lord Su, it seems you have no help!"

   "Are there still people here?"

   "A few of you, it's time to do it now!"

  Jiang Haoyue looked at the Heavenly Evil Sect and the members of the Long Family beside him.

   of course also looked at Xing Mang.

  But a few people obviously didn't have any plans to make a move.

  They are afraid that Su Hao has masters beside him.

   Originally Xing Mang was the first to take the shot, but he really wanted to see Jiang Haoyue's other methods.

  This Jiang Haoyue is very extraordinary.

   has been setting up, even he was cheated, so he didn't plan to be the first to rush.

   "Several people, don't you mean to shoot, this is a rare opportunity!"

   Jiang Haoyue looked at a few people.

   "Believe you, you may die sooner!"

  Long Family Patriarch secretly said in his heart.

  Although Su Hao got their home charm, he didn't have to kill to get back to the charm.

  So they still want to wait for Jiang Haoyue to test Su Hao.

  As long as there is no expert on Su Hao's side, they will immediately take action.

   But now that he is probing, he still needs Jiang Haoyue to take action. UU reading

   Hearing this, Jiang Haoyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and these people were unwilling to make a move.

   "Brother Xing Mang, are you unwilling to make a move?"

   "If you don't make a move, this temptation will have no effect?"

   Jiang Haoyue looked at Xing Mang and said.

   seems to know Xing Mang’s intentions.

   Hearing Jiang Haoyue's words, Xing Man frowned and looked at Su Hao silently.


  Xing recklessly shouted.

   stepped out, and the twelve shots in his hand were the **** evil flag directly falling to the surrounding area.

  He urged his power to blend into the banner and control the twelve banners.

   Suddenly a terrifying force poured into the banner.

   quickly condensed the twelve ancestral witches, and swept towards Su Hao.

   Seeing this, Su Hao's heart moved, and his figure appeared Baizhang away, avoiding Xing Mang's blow.

  (End of this chapter)

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