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Chapter 1163: The ancient orcs are destroyed, the emperor of the sun, the war

The latest website: Xingyue Dynasty, the royal family of Beiyuan.

The Sword Emperor and the Great Sun Emperor are in a courtyard of the Wang family.

"Do not move Hades City, it is so terrifying, a master like Jiang Jiuyou will be folded into the opponent's hands."

"I underestimate this immovable Pluto City."

The Sword Emperor stood by the window and looked out the window.

"Yeah, I also underestimate the immovable Pluto City, and this Su Hao, his clone can actually defeat Jiang Haoyue's clone."

"Then Su Hao's physical body is very strong. I'm afraid there is no one who can compare to him in the Immortal Realm."

The Great Sun Emperor said with a sigh.

"The city of Pluto has not been moved, and it has been laying out the star realm. Now the energy of the star realm changes every day. It is estimated that it will not take long before the earth-shaking changes will occur."

"What are they trying to do?"

"I never understood?"

The Great Sun Emperor then asked two questions.

"I don't know about this either. Maybe Emperor Tengtian will know, but I just don't know what Emperor Tengtian is going to see. Why hasn't he shown up yet!"

The Sword Emperor said in a deep voice.

The two of them were actually trying to avoid the expert with the blood of the demon clan invited by the Jinwu clan.

But when he arrived at the Wang family, he found out that Emperor Tengtian, Wang Teng, was not in the Wang family when he went out.

As a result, they can only wait here now.


Just as they were thinking about it, lightning flashed over Beiyuan, and dark clouds swarmed up from the sky as if covering the sky.


The Sword Emperor and the Great Sun Emperor hurriedly raised their heads.

The light in his eyes flickered, penetrating the dark clouds, trying to see the situation inside clearly.

In the rolling dark clouds there, a figure was entangled by the rolling demonic energy. The figure was huge, and when he felt the gazes of the two.

There were two scarlet eyes in the demonic energy.

Directly smash the investigation of the two.

"No, the ancient beasts in the heavens, Ming Extinction!"

The expressions of the Sword Emperor and the Great Sun Emperor fused at the same time.

The person who appeared came to look for them, a master invited by the Golden Crow.

"Go, or fight!"

Then the Sword Emperor looked at the Great Sun Emperor.

The Great Sun Emperor's face turned, and it was difficult to decide for a while. If they fought, they might not be his opponents.

If they don't fight, it will be difficult for them to escape.

"Who is this, this is my Beiyuan royal family!"

At this moment, a voice sounded above the Wang family.

Although Wang Teng was not there, Wang Sheng, the elder of the Wang family, was still there, and Wang Teng still left some means.

Therefore, Wang Sheng's tone was full of confidence.

While speaking, Wang Sheng, the elder of the Wang family, rose up into the sky and appeared in front of the rolling dark clouds.

A small five-color flag appeared in his hand.

The five-colored small flags turned into five rays of light, and guarded him in front of him to block the billowing demonic energy.

"Wang family, it's a pity that Wang Teng is not here, I want to see Wang Teng, the strength of this Emperor Tengtian!"

A rude voice came from the dark cloud.

As the sound fell, the rolling dark clouds began to dissipate, and a huge figure was revealed.

The coming person is burly, and his body exudes a terrifying power fluctuation.

Standing there, a layer of ripples appeared in the surrounding space.

"Master Emperor is out and is not in the Wang family for the time being. Who is Your Excellency?"

Wang Sheng looked at the man in front of him, horrified in his heart. If it wasn't for the protection of the five-color flags on his body, I'm afraid he would block the opponent's coercion.

"You don't have the right to know who I am?, Emperor Da Ri, you don't have to hide, Wang Teng is not here today, come out and die!"

The person who appeared, glanced at Wang Sheng, and moved towards the land of the Wang family.


Emperor Dayi and Emperor Sword shot out at the same time and appeared in the void. Looking at the person who appeared, he said coldly, "Ming Mie, you are so arrogant that you didn't put the Wang family in the sky. in the eyes."

"It is estimated that it is only because of the absence of Emperor Tengtian that he dares to be so arrogant."

The Great Sun Emperor looked at the man in front of him and said coldly.

"The dog who lost his family dares to be presumptuous in front of us. Don't talk nonsense, kill you first!"

The man called Ming Mie's eyes turned cold, and a halberd appeared in his hand.

He is an ancient orc warrior who came to help the Jinwu clan to kill the Great Sun Emperor. It was too early to kill him.

What's more, he came to the star realm, and there are other things.

I don't want to waste it on the Great Sun Emperor.

"Then look at your strength!"

The Great Sun Emperor's eyes became gloomy. His current strength, the Great Sun Emperor, is at the peak of the Great Emperor, and he is not much different from the people in front of him.

"Great sunshine!"

The Great Sun Emperor shouted, and a huge sun appeared behind him, reflecting the sun in the sky, sending out a monstrous fire.

As soon as the Great Sun Emperor made his move, he did not stay behind, and the power in his body poured into the Great Sun madly.

The fire from the big sun, suspended in the air, is full of destructive fluctuations.


The Great Sun Emperor pushed the big sun and attacked the man.


The man snorted coldly, and the halberd in his hand emitted a rolling demonic energy, with the momentum of attack, tyrannically and domineeringly slashed towards the big sun.


The two forces collided.

There was a terrifying sound, and the two of them stepped back, but the emperor of the sun was taken back a few more steps.

"You were not my opponent back then, and you are still not my opponent now!"

The man's body radiated polish, and he lifted the halberd in his hand, and instantly rushed towards the Great Sun Emperor again.

Just then.

The sword emperor on the side made his move.

A sword qi appeared on the top of his head, the sword qi was vigorous and powerful, with the momentum of smashing mountains and rivers, and the sword slashed out, and the world was silent.

"Sword Emperor, you dare to intervene in the matter between my ancient orcs and the Great Sun Tathagata."

Seeing the slashing sword, the man withdrew his halberd with his backhand, and then directly slashed towards the slashing sword.

Two unstoppable forces collided in the air.

The power emitted by the sword energy and the halberd spreads all around like a wave at the same time.

Wang Sheng, the great elder of the Wang family, saw this with a condensed expression.

If these two rush to the Wang family, the Wang family will definitely suffer a loss.

With a seal in his hand, a path of energy rushed directly into the five-color flags beside him.

The five-color flags were so radiant that they directly enveloped the surrounding space.

And those powers that dispel the aftermath, in an instant, seem to be swallowed up by space.

It seems that this five-color flag is a good treasure.

Wang Sheng's eyes are looking at the battle in the sky, his eyes are slightly condensed.

He now understands that Emperor Dari and Emperor Sword will come to their royal family, so he wanted to seek protection from the emperor.

He thought about contacting the emperor.

But a voice sounded in his ear.

"Let them fight for a while, the Great Sun Emperor and the Sword Emperor are not easy, they are not as weak as you think!"

Hearing the voice, a smile appeared on Wang Sheng's face.

This is the voice of Emperor Tengtian, the emperor is back.

Does he know what the emperor is doing when he goes out?

Now that the emperor has returned, it seems that the matter has been completed.

Thinking of this, Wang Sheng felt a little excited.

The last clone of the emperor stepped into the realm of the emperor, but he didn't know how much the last body of the emperor reached the emperor.

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