Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1167: 1 leg explosion, 1 hand cutting

Latest URL: As They Talk

The sky suddenly became dark.

Not far away, the rolling dark clouds swept over, exuding a soul-stirring feeling.

When ordinary people look at the past, it is as if the soul is about to be absorbed.

In that demonic energy, a blood-red flag was flying rapidly.

Above the flag, stood a young man wearing a blood-colored robe.

"Netherworld Blood Banner, Netherworld Mansion, Netherworld Blood Son, run!"

The person who spoke before, saw the blood-colored flag, and his face changed drastically.

He recognized the identity of the person who came.

He didn't stop at all, grabbed the guard beside him, turned around and ran to a place outside the city.

But the blood-colored banner was too fast.

They ran away, and the other guards who were slower than him did not flee and were shrouded in the ghostly blood flag.

After the banner, the remaining guards turned into a pile of bones.

As soon as he entered the city, Gu Huai rushed to the back and heard a chilly aura.

Turning around and looking, he saw that a blood-colored banner was shrouded in their direction.

Not towards them, but towards everyone on the street.

"This is!"

Gu Huai's eyes froze, looking up at the sky, his eyes became cold.

That ghost blood flag is devouring the blood of the people it covers.

Some powerful people resisted, and their strength almost turned into a pile of bones in a blink of an eye.

Fatty's expression changed, and he punched out.

The blood mist that shrouded them was smashed into pieces, and with Zi Xianning and Jin Anlan, they retreated to one place.


Seeing his blood fog being planned.

The young man on the Nether Blood Banner's face condensed, and the blood-colored demonic energy around him all gathered in the banner.

Looking at Gu Huai, his eyes finally stayed on the faces of Jin Anlan and Zi Xianning.

"It's beautiful, give them to me, and I'll spare your life!"

The young man looked at Jin Anlan and Zi Xianning and said.


Hearing the young man's words, Gu Huai's face became gloomy.

Originally thought to not cause trouble, try to keep a low profile.

But the other party is too arrogant. Gu Huai is also the reincarnation of the Black Emperor, and I was tricked by that Lu family girl a few days ago.

Now there is another outrageous statement, do you really think that Grandpa Gu is easy to bully?

"What, do you still want to fight with me?"

The young man looked at Gu Huai with a cold glow in his eyes.

"Fuck you uncle!"

Gu Huai couldn't take it any longer and cursed loudly.

"court death!"

The young man standing on the Nether Blood Banner, with a ferocious glint in his eyes, took the lead, left the blood banner, lifted his right foot out, and stepped towards Gu Huai.

Suddenly a big **** foot fell from the void.


At this time, Gu Huai's breath exploded, and his figure shot up to the sky, punching the foot that came over.


Gu Huai's fist collided with the foot that stepped forward, he pierced the foot, and then his fist directly hit the foot that the man stepped out.

The huge force shattered the man himself through Gu Huai's fist.


The young man let out a scream, almost unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

The fat man actually smashed his foot with one punch.

Originally, I wanted to step on the fat man with one foot, but now I was punched by the fat man.

He has never suffered such a big loss, such a shame.

As soon as he raised his hand, blood energy erupted from the ghost blood flag in the sky, blending into his body and quickly repairing his right foot that was blown up.

The surging blood energy made his right foot that was blown up quickly recover.

He looked at Fatty Gu grimly.

"Looking for death, you are looking for death, I will take your soul out and use it as the fuel for my ghost blood flag."

The blood-robed youth let out a roar, and the ghostly blood flag floated in his palm.

Then he rushed towards Gu Huai, and groups of fierce faces floated out from the blood flag, and the surrounding blood was filled with energy.

And the blood flag, emitting a qi energy, directly locked Gu Huai.

"Today, I will blow you up!"

Gu Huai stepped forward, his aura continued to rise, as a rather stubborn person.

He hadn't exploded his full strength before, but this ghost blood was too arrogant, Gu Huai decided to blow this kid up.

An immortal peak, dare to be so arrogant, I really look down on Uncle Gu.

A huge breath burst out from him instantly.

At the moment of the eruption, the figure appeared on the top of the head of the ghostly blood in a flash.

You were going to blow me up with one foot just now, so come and go without being indecent, and I’ll blow you up with one foot too.

Gu Huai stepped out.

A big foot appeared in the void, breaking through the void and blasting towards the Nether Blood Son.

Looking at the step over, the ghost blood son, the blood flag in his hand is also facing the air.


When Gu Huai's big foot collided with the blood flag, the blood flag was directly broken.

Bigfoot penetrated the blood flag and directly bombarded the body of the ghost blood son.

With one foot, the ghostly blood child stepped into the ground from the void.

And it didn't stop, stepping directly on the opponent's body.


Nether Xuezi spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at his chest, where Gu Huai's foot had stepped directly out of a hole, and blood was pouring out.

It may be very fast, and this ghost blood son can't feel the pain.

After spewing blood for a while, he felt a piercing pain.

"Call you head!"

Hearing the miserable cry, Gu Huai raised his foot and stepped directly on the head of the ghostly blood child.


Nether Blood Son's head was directly stomped on by Gu Huai.

But when he stepped on the Nether Blood Son's head, a surging blood energy continuously poured into the Nether Blood Son's body.

Along with blood energy, a power of soul also poured out.

Quickly restore the body of the ghost blood child.

"If you want to recover, you have to agree to your recovery, Master Gu, so you have a chance!"

Gu Huai raised his foot again and stepped on it with one foot. When stepping on his foot, he grabbed the Netherworld flag directly in his hand with his right hand.

A force burst out, squeezing the broken Nether Blood Flag directly.

"Look at how you can be resurrected!"

"Dare to kill my Netherworld disciple, courting death!"

At this moment, a figure appeared in the sky, and then he kept hitting Gu Huai with his big hand.


This split, the space has a kind of collapsed feeling.

Gu Huai raised his hand and saw a **** hand falling from the sky.

At this moment of falling.

Gu Huaizhou's body began to collapse under the force that had not yet arrived. In a short period of time, a deep pit was formed around Gu Huai.

"In the early stage of the Great Emperor Realm? Come and die! If the tiger doesn't show his power, he will look down on you, Uncle Gu."

Gu Huai looked at and snorted coldly, UU Reading punched out, shattering the punch.

Then the figure burst out and rushed directly into the sky.

Then there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

After a while, the sound disappeared, and Fatty Gu returned, carrying an old man like a dead fish in his hand.

"With your strength, you dare to come out and bubble up!"

Fatty Gu directly pinched the opponent's neck and threw it aside.

He left with Jin Anlan and Gu Xier.

At this time, the two guards who had fled from the opportunity looked at Fatty Gu and the others. Among them, the young guard said tremblingly, "Head, that little fat man is the Great Emperor Realm!"

Halfway through his words, the man next to him covered his mouth.

"You don't want to die, I want to die!"

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