Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1168: Ye Family, Ye Qingfan, Jiang Ziya, Premeditated Huangjie

In the city!

Above a tall building, a young man was standing on the roof, looking at Fatty and the others, frowning slightly.

"Having stepped into the early stage of the Great Emperor at such a young age, he should be a reincarnated person!"

"It's not easy for such a person, go check it out, don't ruin my plan!"


After the youth's words fell, a space ripple appeared behind him, and then it returned to calm.

"As soon as the news of the Daozang Land was released, it attracted many strong young people!"

"If you refine them all, maybe this time I will be able to restore my roots!"

The young man muttered in his mouth.

The news that Daozang appeared here was spread by him.

Of course, this Taoist treasure is only a primary Taoist treasure, and the Taoist meaning in it can only help those at the peak of the immortal realm to step into the emperor realm.

For the strong above the emperor, it is of no use.

Therefore, the strong emperors who come here are at most the younger generation of Taoist guardians from the great forces.

The number is not too many, and he can handle it with the help of Dao Zang.

Then his eyes turned to the direction of the city gate again.

The blood of the people of the Netherworld was killed, and the people of the Netherworld should not let it go.

I just don't know if there is an expert **** around this **** child.

The strength of the person who shot just now is a little weak, and it is estimated that he has just stepped into the early stage of the emperor.


At this moment, in the sky, there was a rumbling sound again.

An ancient bronze chariot appeared over the city with a terrifying aura.

On the ancient bronze chariot, stood a young man wearing a dragon helmet, and nine dragon shadows were circulating around the dragon helmet.

These nine dragon shadows are like real dragons, exuding a monstrous might.

"North, Ye family, Ye Qingfan, he actually came too!"

Looking at the young man with the bronze chariot, there was a fiery light in his eyes.

After the chariot drove.

At the gate of the city,

An old man in blue appeared.

The robe on the old man's body is somewhat similar to the previous Netherworld blood robe.

It seems that it should be a person from the Netherworld.

He looked gloomy as he looked at the two people whose heads had been crushed and their necks had been pinched.

Their Netherworld, in the northern part of the Immortal Realm, Luzhou, is also a big faction.

Now, two people have been killed in a row.

If this matter spreads out, it would be a shame to the Netherworld.

"Is it so cruel? I want to see who you are?"

He grabbed with one hand, and a surviving warrior on the street was caught by him.

Then a black breath flowed out from the warrior's head.

"Three people, one man and two women, is it the fat man who shot, the Great Emperor Realm?"

The old man's expression turned cold, and his figure moved in the direction of Fatty and the others.

At this time, he had already entered the city to take care of Huai, and his expression changed slightly.

He noticed that someone was following him, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The three of them continued to move forward, but as they moved forward, their figures disappeared, as if they had never been on the street before.

Fatty Gu is very good at hiding his breath.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to go to Tianjiling Mountain to steal treasure.

After the three of Fatty Gu disappeared.

A shadow appeared on the side of the street, looking at the three people who disappeared, the shadow's expression froze.

He knew that he was known by the other party, so he retreated in stealth.

one place!

The figures of Fatty Gu and Zi Xianning were revealed.

"The strength has not recovered, it is better to avoid its edge for the time being!"

The fat man took out three beads from his bosom.

"This bead is called the Phantom God Bead. It can transform the three of us into appearances. Even people at the peak of the Great Emperor can't see through this illusion. You are now imagining the appearance of men. In this case, we will not be followed. !"

The fat man gave the beads to the two of them.

"it is good!"

Zi Xianning and Jin Anlan took the beads.

Then the three people's bodies and appearances changed, and they became three young people in a blink of an eye.

Fat people are not fat, but become thin.

The three of them swaggeringly appeared on the street again.

They want to inquire about the news of that hidden place.

After preaching, every Taoist place can breed the purest Taoism.

If you get that meaning, you will have the opportunity to step into the transcendence.

At this time, the astral world.

Heavenly Evil Sect.

A billowing evil spirit enveloped the sect.

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Evil Sect sat on the Sect Master chair in the main hall with a gloomy expression.

The Heavenly Evil Sect's Great Elder and the Jiang family took action against Su Hao in the immovable Hades City.

But he died in the capital of the Xingyue Dynasty.

Moreover, the Jiang family also dispatched Jiang Jiuyou, an eighth-level existence of detachment.

Such an existence also fell into the hands of Fudo Pluto Castle.

It can be seen that Fudo Pluto is more terrifying than he imagined.

He is now a little worried that the City of Pluto will not take action against their Heavenly Evil Sect.

The Tianxie Sect is far worse than the Jiang family.

Just as he was contemplating, a shadow appeared in front of Sect Master Tianxie.

Sect Master Tianxie's expression froze, and he slapped the shadow with his palm.

No matter who appears in the palace silently, it definitely has no good intentions.

But when his palm hit the shadow, the shadow instantly dissipated.

When it dissipated, a black aura quickly enveloped his body along his arm.

That day, the face of the evil sect master changed greatly, and his whole body poured out his strength, trying to shatter this black qi.

But he blasted out the power as if it were nutrients, and was gradually swallowed by the black air.

The black energy became denser, covering him in the blink of an eye.


That day, the evil sect master let out a scream, but the voice did not leave the hall.

Because this black aura appeared in the main hall.

After a while, the black energy converged towards one place.

The Sect Master of Tianxie Sect, who appeared again, didn't change much in his aura, but there was a hint of agility in his eyes.

It looked like he was being controlled.

"Go, demonize the Heavenly Evil Sect, then go to the Yellow Realm and wait for my notice."

A voice sounded in the hall.

If Su Hao was there, UU Reading would definitely be able to hear this person's voice, which is Jiang Ziya's voice.

It's just that there was an incomparably cold color in the voice at this time.

"The next place, the True Demon Sect!"

The voice fell and disappeared.

On the other hand, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Evil Sect issued an edict to ask all the elders of the Heavenly Evil Sect to come to the main hall to discuss important matters.

On the other side!

Su Mansion.

Su Hao in the hall is signing in.

[The host signed in today to get 100 check-in points, and randomly obtained 2 positioning cross-border gifts, which have been stored in the inventory, please check]

"Two positioning and cross-border transmission runes!"

Su Hao looked at the system's prompt and his eyes moved slightly.

Last time he got an Immortal Realm Teleportation Talisman, but he didn't use it yet. This time, he came to give him 2 cross-boundary teleportation charms!

For the time being, he hasn't planned on the immortal world, so put these things in the inventory first, and talk about them when they are used.

"My lord, the Heavenly Demon Emperor of the Ancient Demon Clan asks to see you!"

Black and white came into the house and reported.

"Find me now, do they want to resurrect their clan elder!"

Su Hao's heart moved

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