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Chapter 1170: Taoist place opens

The latest website: "Give me the location, and I'll arrange for some people to go there!"

Su Hao said.

He knew very little about the situation in the fairy world.

Although Elder Gu was by Gu Xi'er's side, he was limited to the War God Palace, and little was known about it elsewhere.

So he thought about sending a group of people over to learn more about the situation in the fairy world.

Now that the energy of the astral world has skyrocketed, it is estimated that it will soon be in line with the fairy world and the heavenly world. It is still necessary to know more about the fairy world.

He was going to send all the people in Madara Uchiha and Akatsuki except Black and White into the Immortal Realm.

The people of Xiao's organization are a bit strange, they are better able to survive in the immortal world, and they are better able to collect some information.

"Thank you boss, it's best to arrange for some experts to come over."

The fat man said happily.

"By the way, a few days ago, I met the Ming Prince of the Dayan Celestial Dynasty. He also helped us. Now we are going to the star realm, and he seems to be looking for the boss to form an alliance with you."

Gu Huai thought of Prince Ming who helped them a few days ago.

Prince Ming has already traveled from the fairy world to the star world. It is estimated that he will meet Su Hao after a while.

"Prince Ming, he did not return to the heaven, but went to the fairy world?"

Hearing this, Su Hao was a little confused.

The last time Prince Ming was severely injured, he thought he would return to the heaven to recuperate, but he did not expect to go to the immortal world.

This Prince Ming did not go to heaven, but went to immortal world, there should be something.

"I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, he was very embarrassed in Immortal Realm and was severely injured by poisoning."

Fatty Gu said.

The two only had a general exchange, so Fatty Gu didn't know what Prince Ming met in the Immortal Realm.

He can only judge by looking at the situation of the other party.

"Boss, when will the people from your side arrive?"

Suddenly Fatty Gu seemed to realize this problem, even if Su Hao sent someone, I'm afraid they won't be here for a while.

"I have a positioning teleportation symbol here, which can reach you directly!"

"I'll let people pass now."

Su Hao said.


Fatty Gu didn't expect Su Hao to still have this thing, so he felt a little resentful in his heart.

If there is this, they will be teleported directly to the fairyland at that time, and they will not have to travel in the void for so long.

At that time, Su Hao only had an Immortal Realm Teleportation Talisman.

Certainly not so wasteful.

While speaking, Madara Uchiha and other members of Xiao's organization appeared beside Su Hao, and he directly activated the location teleporter.

The teleportation symbol was activated, and a space gap appeared.

Madara Uchiha led the people into the teleportation space and disappeared into Su Hao's room.

After Uchiha Madara and the others left.

At this time, fairyland!

Fatty looked around a group of people with surprise in their eyes. The uniforms of members of the Akatsuki organization looked unusual.

In particular, Madara Uchiha, who was standing in front of him, gave out an aura that made his heart palpitate when he just sent it over.

Although the breath flashed by, Gu Huai could clearly feel it.

"Boss, this has brought me a master of detachment!"

The fat man thought to himself.

Although he is only in the early stage of the Great Emperor, he has reached the peak of the Great Emperor after all in his previous life.

Therefore, the coercion of the powerhouse at the peak of the Great Emperor will not have any effect on him.

But Madara Uchiha had a flash of breath just now, and he felt it.

Can give him pressure must be a detached powerhouse.

The eyes are expected to look at the few people behind Uchiha Madara, and the eyes have changed slightly. The strength of these people is in the immortal realm.

Although in the Immortal Realm, several of them vaguely gave him a very dangerous feeling.

"I am in the early stage of the Great Emperor, but in the middle stage of the Great Emperor, but the Immortal Realm makes me feel dangerous!"

"What kind of person did the boss send me!"

While the fat man was frightened, he was also relieved.

Although they have changed their bodies, they are not their own bodies after all, so there is still a lot of discomfort.

Of course, the main reason is that Fatty is hiding his identity now, but he may be sure that someone else has a secret technique and will be found out at that time.

May be beaten by the crowd.

Now he is not afraid at all.

"In this period of time, we will protect the son in secret!"

Madara Uchiha said.

As soon as he came to this immortal world, he felt an immortal energy, which vaguely improved his strength.

What's more, during this period of time, he also understood some of the world's situation.

What is temporarily known is the heaven, the fairy world, and the star world.

This world is more brilliant and cruel than the ninja world he is in.

Of course he knew the purpose of his coming to Immortal Realm.

"Now, we can go directly to that hidden place!"

Gu Huai then showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"A few of you are with me!"

Fatty Gu said.

"They have other things. I'm just following Mr. Gu, under the name Uchiha Madara, you can call me Mr Madara."

Madara Uchiha said.

As his voice fell, the rest of Akatsuki's organization turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Fatty Gu looked into his consciousness and found that this group of people seemed to have disappeared.

"This concealment method!"

Fatty Gu was surprised for a while.

"That's the trouble for Mr. Spot."

Madara Uchiha's strength, after the fusion of the six paths, has stepped into the first level of detachment.

The protection is Gu Fatzi, and the Taoist intention of winning the Taoist place is still no problem.

Fatty Gu walked out of the room and went directly to Zi Xianning and Jin Anlan's room.

"Xianning, the boss has sent someone here. We are going to the place of Taoist possession now. As long as you get some Taoism, you will be able to step into the Great Emperor Realm in the future!"

Fatty Gu said softly.

This primary Taoist place is of little use to Fatty Gu.

But as far as the most purple fiber condensate is concerned, it is useful.

Zi Xianning's aptitude is very general. If you don't have some treasures, it is impossible to step into the emperor's realm.

"My master sent people here. Could it be that there are people in the immortal world?"

Hearing this, Zi Xianning was stunned for a moment and asked involuntarily.


Fatty Gu said this without thinking about it.

Regarding the teleportation talisman, he did not intend to speak out.

"This is Mr. Ban!"

Fatty Gu said.

"I've seen Mr. Ban!"

Zi Xianning and Jin Anlan saluted Uchiha Madara.

When Jin Anlan saluted, he also paid attention to Uchiha Madara's strength.


She is the princess of the Great Jin Dynasty, and she has knowledge. The strength of this Uchiha Madara must be very strong.

"With a master here, you can restore your body!"

Fatty Gu said.

There is a detached strong man, and he is low-key, that is not his fat man's style.

Just then. UU Reading

A bright light suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance.

When the light appeared, the city was authentic, and several figures rushed towards the place where the dazzling light radiated.

"The place of Taoist possession is open!"

The fat man flashed and appeared in the air, looking at the crowd gathered towards the light.

"Mr. Madara, let's go too!"

Uchiha Spotted nodded.

The four figures moved towards the place of light and galloped away.

Just as the four of them walked.

In an inn, an old man in green clothes suddenly opened his eyes and murmured, "It's really courageous, I thought I ran away?"

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