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Chapter 1172: True Demon Sect, the 1st generation leader, True Demon Heaven

Latest website: Outside the True Demon Sect, a figure appeared.

This figure looked at the great formation of the True Demon Sect in front of him, and frowned slightly.

He whispered in his mouth: "The formation is disordered and the energy disappears. Is there something wrong with the True Demon Sect?"

He stepped into the True Demon Sect, wanting to see exactly what happened to the True Demon Sect.

At this time, there was a dead silence in the True Demon Sect.

Hundreds of thousands of True Demon Sect disciples on the square fell to the ground, without any vitality.

The qi and blood on their bodies have all disappeared, like mummified corpses.

The other surrounding palaces were also dead silent, and it seemed that no one was alive.

"Could it be that Fudo Pluto City has attacked the True Demon Sect?"

Looking at the situation in the True Demon Sect, the figure who came in was surprised.

His consciousness instantly enveloped the entire True Demon Sect, his eyes suddenly changed, and his figure turned into an afterimage, appearing outside the main hall of the True Demon Sect.

The main hall of the True Demon Cult is different from the outside world. The blood here is abundant and endless, but it is condensed and not scattered.

"What a ruthless method, this is to gather all the blood of Quanjiao here."

There was a divine light in his eyes, and he wanted to enter the hall through the blood light outside the hall to check the situation inside the hall.

"Who, come to my True Demon Sect."

At this moment, a voice came from the hall.

when the sound appears.

A big blood-colored hand condensed over the hall and grabbed the person coming directly.


Seeing this, the figure snorted coldly.

A wooden whip appeared in his hand. The whip was more than three feet long, with twenty-one sections. The runes flashed, revealing a terrifying power.

Seeing the big **** hand, he slashed it with a whip.


The big **** hand disintegrated instantly under his wooden whip.

When the **** hands were disintegrated.

A **** figure stepped out of the hall, looking at the figure in front of him, red light flashing in his eyes.

"Are you someone who doesn't move Hades City?"

The **** figure asked in a deep voice.

"I'm in the Jiang family, Jiang Ziya!"

The previous figure said, it was Jiang Ziya who had enslaved the Heavenly Evil Sect earlier.

"Jiang family, Jiang Zi, why did you come to my True Demon Sect? Are you still thinking of dealing with the immovable Pluto City!"

"Jiang Jiuyou of your Jiang family has already died in the hands of Fudo Pluto City. Are the three ancestors of your family going to take action?"

The **** figure looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

"Of course I want to join forces with Your Excellency to deal with the immovable Hades, but I want to know who Your Excellency is?"

Jiang Ziya looked at the **** figure with sharp eyes. This **** figure was not the real body. He needed to find the real body of the other party in order to enslave the other party.

Of course, he also wondered who this person was?

"Who is this old man, the first-generation leader of the Old Master Taishang True Demon Sect!"

The **** figure said.

"The first-generation leader, you are the real devil, but did you die in the hands of Fudo Hades when you joined forces with my Jiang family some time ago?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya looked shocked.

He did not expect that the **** figure in front of him would be the first generation leader of the True Demon Sect, the True Demon Heaven.

He is also the ancestor of the True Demon Sect, the one who refined Taishang Town Demon One.

"Cooperating with your Jiang family will make me lose an important body. Your Jiang family dares to come, just to swallow you up and make me stronger!"

The **** figure looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

At this time, Jiang Ziya's complexion had become calm, he looked at the **** figure in front of him, and the cold light in his eyes was fierce.

The strength of this blood shadow is beyond the first level, which means that the strength of the people in the hall is definitely not simple.

"Your Excellency, if you want to devour me, you can't do it with your blood!"

Jiang Ziya said coldly.

As he spoke, his figure charged towards the blood shadow, and the wooden whip in his hand slashed hard at the blood shadow.

As soon as the wooden whip shot, it emitted a golden ocean-like energy, bright and dazzling, and killed the **** shadow.

When the blood shadow saw the impact coming to Jiang Ziya, his eyes became cold, and he raised his hand, a blood energy condensed on his left arm into a shield, and the blood energy wrapped around the shield, forming a rune like a turtle shell.

On the other side, his right hand clenched his fist tightly and bombarded Jiang Ziya.


The wooden whip hit the blood shield on the arm of the **** figure, and cracks appeared on the blood shield under the wooden whip, and the punch he threw penetrated Jiang Ziya's body.

Boom in another place.

Jiang Ziya's body seemed to be transparent.

But his arm holding the wooden whip is still there, and the whole person doesn't seem to have the slightest change in position.

Kacha, the arm shield of the **** figure shattered, and the wooden whip hit his arm directly.

The arm was directly cut off, but it turned into a cloud of blood mist and merged into the blood-colored figure.

"Space switch!"

Seeing such a change, the blood-colored figure's expression condensed, his big hand retracted, and a backhand punched directly at the place where Jiang Ziya was.

With a punch, the void began to collapse, shattering the void.


The figure of Jiang Ziya was very fast, and the wooden whip in his hand smashed directly into the punch.


The fist collided with the wooden whip, and then countless runes condensed on the wooden whip, and these runes exuded terrifying aura fluctuations.


The **** figure's expression changed. He didn't expect that such a punch would be blocked by the wooden whip in the opponent's hand.

Seeing this, he immediately retracted and wanted to punch again.

"Void changes, Shenlong condenses!"

Jiang Ziya let out a low voice, and the runes on the wooden whip gathered together to form a golden dragon, roaring and attacking the **** figure.


The golden dragon was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of the **** figure.

The **** figure had to retreat, but his speed was not as fast as that of the golden dragon, and he was directly pierced by the golden dragon.

Then the golden dragon seemed to disappear and disappeared.

"How can this be? My body can recover endlessly."

The **** figure looked at the blood hole in front of him and said coldly.


He took a big breath, and the endless blood energy condensed towards his body, and the pierced blood hole began to condense, as if it was about to recover.


Seeing this, Jiang Ziya's expression did not change, UU reading www.uukanshu. A sneer appeared in the corner of com's mouth.


Around the blood hole that was originally pierced, a golden color appeared, and these golden colors turned into small golden dragons. These golden dragons merged into the **** figure in a blink of an eye.

The golden dragons that appeared here were densely packed all over the blood-colored figure.


The **** figure's face changed drastically, trying to suppress these golden thin dragons, but these golden dragons wandered around his body, and the blood energy condensed in his body began to collapse.


The blood-colored figure let out a scream, and then the body collapsed directly, blocking these golden dragon attacks.

After the blood shadow disappeared, the blood energy outside the hall began to gather towards the hall.

Jiang Ziya stepped into the hall.

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