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Chapter 1174: Arrogant fat man, kill 3 people with 1 hammer

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Fatty Gu and Zi Xianning flew towards the place where Dao Zang was hidden quickly.

When they reach the Daozang place.

Various flying tools in the sky are standing in the void, and the rays of light are unusually bright.

A terrifying aura filled the air, as if no one would let anyone.

All are the younger generation, who can suppress who.

"The place of Taoist possession, some weak people should not enter, what are your opinions?"

At this time, the young Jin family wearing a golden robe opened his mouth to several people on the surrounding spaceships.

These people are all in big forces. His idea is to unite these big forces and clean up a wave of people first.

Seeing this, the young people who came out of the big forces all nodded in agreement.

There was only one person who didn't make a statement, that is, the young man of the Ye family didn't nod his head.

He slowly opened his mouth and said, "The place of Dao Zang is the place of chance. Whoever gets Dao Zang is also a chance!"

"I did not deprive others of the qualifications to obtain the Daozang opportunity!"

"I'm not participating, go ahead!"

After speaking, Ye Family and Ye Qingfan stepped out, swiped with one hand, and a void gap appeared, directly entering the hidden place.

Seeing this, the young man from the Jin family had an embarrassed look on his face. He didn't expect Ye Qingfan to be so disrespectful.


Someone saw Ye Qingfan entering and wanted to follow.

The expression of the ugly-looking Jin family youth changed, and he slapped the person who wanted to enter the Taoist treasure.

When the Taoist person rushed out, he felt a palm slap directly, and the person who rushed out saw this and raised his hands to resist.

But when the big hand came over.

His raised arm was directly broken by the beating, turning into a cloud of blood.


When he smashed the opponent's arm, the young man of the Jin family continued to press down, and a golden light emerged from his palm.

That rushed out of the youth, it was impossible to resist, and the body was directly pressed to the ground like a mountain.

After pressing on the ground, his legs made a clicking sound, and they were directly broken, and his body involuntarily knelt on the ground.

This is an absolutely disgraceful gesture.

The youth of the Jin family didn't kill him, but it was more shameful to him than killing him.

"Take what I just said as nonsense? Do you think you are Ye Qingfan?"

The youth of the Jin family said coldly.

While speaking, his palm was raised again, and then patted on the young man's head. The young man's head, like a watermelon, was directly smashed.

For a while!

The whole scene became silent.

Not only did this young man from the Jin family act ruthlessly, but he also made you die so aggrieved.

"Are you still going in?"

At this time, the young man from the Jin family said aggressively.

"Let's go in too, let our guardians protect this place, who will kill who?"

The youth of the Jin family spoke to the others.

Several others nodded.

"Too arrogant, I, Gu Fatzi, are not so arrogant, just a child of the Jin family!"

At this time, Fatty Gu stepped out and said in a cold voice.

But he also wants to enter the Daozang children.

He couldn't stand it.

Hearing Fatty Gu's words, the young man from the Jin family, as well as several other young people, looked at Fatty Gu with gloomy eyes.

They didn't expect to kill the chicken just now to warn the monkey, didn't this fat man see it.

Or the opponent's own self that thinks that he is strong.


At this time, on a spaceship, a man in a brown robe rushed out of the spaceship and attacked Fatty Gu.

Just now, the youth of the Jin family stood up, and he also wanted to stand up.

A spear made of bronze in his hand, with a gloomy chill on the spear, bombarded Fatty Gu directly.

In Fatty Gu's hand, a hammer emitting a ghostly lightning appeared.

This hammer was given to Fatty Gu by Su Hao last time.

With Fatty's hammer in his hand, a huge force poured into the hammer, and lightning bolts appeared between the heavens and the earth, converging on Fatty's Nether Thunder Hammer.


The thunder hammer blasted out and collided with the spear, making a harsh metal collision.

The spear bombarded the thunder hammer, and the flames and lightning flashed.

"Just your kid dares to trouble your fat man and kill you with a hammer!"

After the fat man struck, he lifted the thunder hammer again and smashed the young man directly.

The young man raised his spear to resist, but after colliding with the thunder hammer, the light became dim, and then it was directly divided into two and was broken by the thunder hammer.

After smashing the spear, the thunder hammer bombarded the young man's head.

"You dare!"

At this moment, an old man followed the young man, slammed his palm out, and a huge force swarmed out from his palm, like a vast ocean, the rays of light permeated all around, and drowned towards Fatty, trying to kill Fatty Gu. Refining suppression.

Fatty Gu threw a backhand punch, and the thunder hammer in his hand did not stop, and continued to smash towards the young man.


A punch blocked the old man's attack, and the thunder hammer directly blasted the young man in front of him.

The old man was blocked by Fatty Gu with a punch, and he stepped back slightly, with a look of horror on his face.

"Great Emperor Realm, you are a great emperor master!"

The old man looked at Fatty Gu in horror.

Fatty Gu ignored the old man, holding a thunder hammer dripping with blood, and walking towards the place where Dao Zang was buried, Zi Xianning and Jin Anlan followed behind him.

At this time, Fatty Gu was like a **** of war, exuding a domineering aura.


Seeing Fatty Gu's state, the expressions of the others changed one after another.

This is the idea of ​​entering the Daozang. For the sake of fairness, several of them thought that they would enter by themselves, and the Daoist would stay outside.

But now the fat man is going to bring people in.

They stared at the guardian behind them.

Among the protectors behind these people, three of them came out, and none of the others.

They can perceive Fatty's root age, which is very short. With such strength, it must have some background to step into the Great Emperor Realm.

Reincarnated and rebuilt as many.

These people are not good to offend.

"Fellow Daoist, in this Taoist possession, you are not suitable, please retire!"

One of the three said.

His expression and eyes, if the fat man goes in, I am afraid that others will not necessarily get the meaning of Taoism.

When they were talking, the three of them had a strong aura, trying to stop Fatty from moving forward.

But Fatty didn't pay any attention to these three people at all, and continued to move forward. I was protected by a transcendental powerhouse, and you were all weak.

Dare to stop the uncle, all killed.

Seeing that Fatty didn't stop, the three of them turned gloomy and punched at the same time.

A punch slammed out, the void shook violently, and then three fists appeared in the void, covering Fatty.

Fatty's strength was in the early days of the emperor, UU reading www. The three of them shot and killed this arrogant fat man.

Fatty held the thunder hammer, and with both hands, the aura on his body changed, and a violent force emerged from his body.

This blocking of the three of them is also in the early days of the Great Emperor. Now, he does not have to reveal his strength at all. He wants to kill the other three with one hammer.

The thunder hammer carried a huge nether lightning and slammed into the three people.


The thunder and lightning directly covered the three fists, smashed them, and pressed them on the top of the three people's heads.

The three of them retreated at the same time, spitting out blood.

When they vomited blood, cracks began to appear between their eyebrows, and as these cracks appeared, they quickly spread all over the body.

what! what! what!

With three screams, the three were directly bombarded by the thunder hammer.

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