Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1177: Funeral Kamiya, Shikigami

The latest website: Star World!

Inside the God Burial Valley, inside a cave.

Inside the cave, there is a dead air.

There is an altar in the middle, and on the altar sits a man in a mask.

There are eight statues standing around this altar.

These statues are all ferocious beasts, and they look hideous and make people feel heartbroken.

The scene seemed a little weird.

Suddenly, in front of the masked man, a ripple appeared in the space.

As the space ripples appeared, a rune appeared.

"Kill two people!"

After the text appeared, the portraits of Su Hao and the Heavenly Demon Emperor appeared.

"Young Master, this means that I want to do it. I just want to see the strength of my Eight Shikigami."

The man wearing the mask murmured.

when he speaks.

He stood up slowly, and a terrifying energy swept out of him.

His palms were printed with black runes.

He appeared in the middle of the week, and then merged into the figures of the eight beasts on the altar.

Roar! Roar!

As the first and second low roars came out of the statue, several other statues also made sounds at the same time.

After this sound, the statues seemed to be shelling eggs, and eight beasts with red eyes appeared.

"Go, kill these two!"

The projection of the portrait in the hands of the masked man turned into eight rays of light and merged into the heads of the eight beasts.


The eight beasts let out a low growl, turned into a beam of light, and flew directly out of the cave.

Go towards the periphery of the Buried God Valley.

at this time!

Su Hao and the Heavenly Demon Emperor were waiting for Gu Tianchou, the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan.

"City Master Su Shao, maybe Elder Gu has encountered a little trouble!"

The Demon Emperor said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's wait!"

when he speaks.


A black light penetrated directly through the body of the Demon Emperor like lightning.

With a "bang", the body of the Demon Emperor was directly blown open, turning into a cloud of black mist.

On Su Hao's side, there was also a ray of light coming towards Su Hao.

But when the light penetrated Su Hao's body, it seemed to penetrate the void.

Just in a split second, Su Hao sensed the danger, and his body directly fled into the immovable Hades City.

That ray of light penetrated was just Su Hao's phantom.

Then Su Hao appeared again. At this time, two beasts appeared around them.

Su Hao saw these two beasts appear.

One of them exudes a yin and cold breath, and there is a poisonous dragon on the top of the head.

A black spider with a height of dozens of feet.

These two beasts just attacked them.


The Heavenly Demon Emperor, who had previously pierced through his body and turned into a black mist, appeared again, but his face was a little bad.

Looking at the poisonous dragon, the poisonous dragon's eyes were fierce, hovering in the air, roaring and roaring at the Heavenly Devil Emperor, and the highly poisonous liquid sprayed from his mouth towards the Heavenly Devil Emperor.

In the roar of spit venom, its sharp dragon claws directly tore the void and attacked the Emperor.

"court death!"

Although this poisonous dragon is fierce, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is not extraordinary.

How could a person who died and resurrected ten thousand years ago be a simple person?

He slapped it with a palm, shattering the venom sprayed towards him, then grabbed a fist in his hand and slammed into the grabbed dragon claw.


The two began to fight, and when the poisonous dragon was fighting, the tumor on its forehead began to turn scarlet.

As the tumor turned scarlet, the poisonous dragon became violent, and the attack became stronger and stronger.

Not only has the attack become stronger, but the defense has also become stronger.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor's fist blast only left a mark on the opponent's body, but it did not hurt the opponent.

"Damn what is this, there is such a thing around!"

A magic wheel appeared in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The magic wheel exudes a terrifying aura, and it draws directly towards the body of the poisonous dragon that was attacking.

This magic wheel is called the Heavenly Devil Wheel, which is the side weapon of the Heavenly Devil Emperor.


The poisonous Jiaolong's powerful defense directly turned into a hole under his magic wheel.

Blood sprayed out, but a stream poured into the city of wounds from the tumor, and immediately began to recover.


The Heavenly Demon Emperor frowned.

But the poisonous Jiaolong didn't give him a chance to ponder, and continued to slaughter. Seeing this, the Heavenly Devil Emperor could only hold the Heavenly Devil Wheel and fight with the opponent.

With the power of the Heavenly Demon Wheel, the Heavenly Demon Emperor temporarily suppressed the opponent.


At this moment, a black shadow appeared from the ground and directly bombarded the Heavenly Demon Emperor with extremely fast speed.

Although the Heavenly Demon Emperor fought against the poisonous Jiaolong, he also paid attention to the changes around him. He had just been attacked once, and he would not be attacked a second time.

A punch hit the shadow.


The shadow was blasted out directly.

It was a creature like a human and a mouse, but when the figure fell on the ground, the mouse emitted a crimson light.

Suddenly, the body began to grow into a size of several dozen meters and attacked the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Its claws, a few sharp, waved, making a sound of tearing space.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor's expression changed.

Unexpectedly, another one came, he looked at Su Hao, thinking that there should be experts around Su Hao, and let the experts around him solve these sudden things.

But when he looked around, he found that Su Hao was facing off against the giant spider, but they didn't fight.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Demon Emperor didn't understand, he was besieged, but Su Hao didn't.

at this time.

Su Hao stared solemnly in front of him, this huge black spider, this spider gave him a kind of pressure.

Of course, he could summon someone from Pluto City to crush this spider to death.

But I would love to see my own combat power.

[Trigger quest: The host takes the initiative to fight, kill a shikigami to get a 11-level crystal lottery card, kill 2 or more and get a 12-level crystal lottery card. 】

"Triggered the mission!"

Su Hao's heart moved.

But then his eyes paid attention to the huge spider in front of him, and he stepped forward immediately.

No longer concealing the fighting intent on his body, the **** and demon pillar also appeared in his hands in an instant.

Then a stick bombarded the huge spider.

The huge spider looked at Su Hao who was shooting, and its huge eyes showed a fierce and fierce light, and its eight legs directly attacked Su Hao.

Su Hao dodged back and forth, dodging these attacks.

At this time, the big spider, with black silk threads spouting from its tail, attacked Su Hao, trying to limit Su Hao's dodging.

Su Hao's figure was dodging these threads and appeared in front of the huge spider, with a stick.


At the moment when Su Hao's Demonic Pillar blasted out, a pair of spiders appeared, blocking his stick.


The pair of feet that resisted Su Hao's Demonic Pillar was directly smashed.

The spider let out a scream, and the place where the silk was spun before emitted red light one after another.

After the red light passed, the black spider grew in size again. It had been smashed to pieces before, but it also recovered again.

They attacked Su Hao.

"This resilience, and the source of that terrifying power, is this the beast in the God Burial Valley?"

When Su Hao resisted, he secretly said in his heart.


Just then.

The demonic energy on the Demon Emperor's body was flying, and he was already furious. The Heavenly Demon Wheel in his hand burst out with all his strength, and the light flashed, directly cutting the body of the poisonous dragon.

A stench spread out instantly.

Just as he was happy and was about to explain the huge mouse, a lizard with three heads appeared around him.

Not only the lizard, but also an unknown beast with a shark head standing holding a mace.

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