Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1184: Psionic Space, Yohabach

   Chapter 1183 Psionic Space, Youhabach

   Previously, the strength of Sect Master Tianxie and Jiang Ziya was too different.

   let him be defeated and controlled by Jiang Ziya without the time to sacrifice this [Evil King King's Landing Picture].

   Now to deal with Youhabach, he directly sacrificed this ancient picture.

   The aura emanating from this evil king is very powerful for Su Hao.

   But Yohabach is also a very ferocious person, and is in charge of the invisible empire.

   in the eyes of outsiders.

   His invisible empire may have just been established, but he did not know that he was in charge of the invisible empire in his previous life.

   The power of the king on him is as strong.

   So he was not suppressed by this evil king's breath.

   Seeing this, Sect Master Tianxie and the four elders behind him were shocked.

   They looked at their friend, Habach, in disbelief.

  Youhabach's strength is just beyond the first level, the power of the evil king Junlintu should be able to suppress the opponent.

"how so?"

   One of the elders said in horror.

   "Sect Master, can you break this space!"

  The elder then asked the Sect Master Tianxie.

   These four people were only controlled by the Heavenly Evil Sect Master, but they did not destroy humanity.

   After all, the Heavenly Evil Sect Master also needs his subordinates. The strength of these four people is not bad, so they were left behind.

   Hearing this, Sect Master Tianxie shook his head.

   The moment he entered, he felt that this space was like an endless void.

   So he knew he couldn't break through this space.

   He needs to get rid of Yohabach before he can leave.

   His eyes froze, and the power in his body poured into the map of the Evil King King's Landing.

  When the power in his body poured into the Evil King King's Landing map.

   The evil king on the picture was shining brightly, gradually covering the picture and turning into a figure.

   This figure merged directly into the body of Sect Master Tianxie after it appeared.

   When that figure merged into the body of Tianxie Sect Master.

   His strength began to climb wildly, the third level of detachment, and the fourth level of detachment.

   directly reached the fourth level of detachment.

   "With my strength, what kind of confidence do you still have!"

   Tianxie Sect Master said coldly.

   Although the two were slightly different in realm before, he could feel the strength of Yohabach.

   Not to mention, this is still in the space constructed by the other party.

   He doesn't have much chance of winning, but now there is a difference of 3 realms, he doesn't believe that Yohabach can still suppress him.

  The Heavenly Evil Sect Master stepped out, his whole body surging with power, the evil energy enveloped the world, and he punched Youhabach with a punch.

   But when he punches.

   A giant tower appeared in the sky.

   After this giant tower appeared, a strong force enveloped it.

   The strength of the Heavenly Evil Sect Master was suppressed in the blink of an eye, and it was suppressed to the first level of Transcendence.

   "East Emperor Taiyi!"

   Tianxie Sect Master's expression changed.

   In the battle of Huangjie, Donghuang Taiyi used the Donghuang Pagoda to directly suppress the masters of the Jiang family.

   In the end, Chen Zhan shot to solve the opponent.

   Previously, the Heavenly Evil Sect Master had been paying attention to the surrounding situation, and he had not found any other masters who did not move Pluto City.

   But I didn't expect Donghuang Taiyi to be in the psychic space of Youhabach.

   "Get rid of you guys first!"

  Emperor Dong glanced at the four elders behind the Sect Master of Tianxie Sect and snorted coldly.

   The East Emperor Pagoda in the void glows brightly.

   Then a black hole was formed under the tower, and the four people were sucked into it.

   The expressions of the people behind the Tianxie Sect Master changed.

   "Sect Master help us!"

   The four shouted, but in front of Sect Master Tianxie, Youhabach kept staring at him.

   As long as he makes a move, Yohabach will definitely strike with all his strength.

   If the situation of the evil sect is exposed today, it is useless.

   These four elders are of little use value, so they are optional.

   Seeing that Sect Master Tianxie did not move, the eyes of the four elders changed slightly.

   They looked at each other and said in a low voice, "Go all out to smash this black hole!"


   The punches from the four of them collided with the black hole, making an explosion sound.

The power of the    explosion was so powerful that the four of them vomited blood and flew out.

at the same time.

  As soon as Dong Huangtai made a move, between raising his hand, a huge palm appeared in the air, suppressing the four people.

   Then a black hole appeared, covering all four of them.

   In the blink of an eye, the four disappeared into this psychic space.

   "It seems that you don't care about your subordinates at all!"

The moment    Youhabach spoke, his figure flashed and he rushed towards the Sect Master of Tianxie Sect.

  The Sect Master of Tianxie Sect had a dull look, but the evil spirit emitting from his body also rushed towards him.

   Although the strength of the two is now beyond the first level.

   But he has the evil king body to protect his body, and his physical strength is extremely powerful.

   He has the confidence to play against Harbach.


  The two collided in the middle and fought one after another.

   One after another terrifying force formed an invisible wave in this space.

  East Emperor Taichi looked at the fighting power of the two after taking the four in custody.

   Judging from the current situation, the two sides are evenly matched.


  Sect Master Tianxie scolded, and looked at Donghuang Taiyi with a lingering look out of the corner of his eyes.

  East Emperor Taiyi controlled the East Emperor Pagoda to suppress him and limit his strength.

  He wanted to find a way to get rid of this Donghuang Taiyi.

   In this way, he can use the power beyond the fourth layer to eliminate these two people.


  Sect Master Tianxie smashed his friend Habach with a punch, turned around and tried his best to head towards Donghuang Taiyi.

  Tonghuang Taiyi's strength, they have checked, it is suspected that it is the first level of detachment.

   At this time, most of the opponent's strength is maintaining the East Emperor Pagoda, so he has the opportunity to take action against the East Emperor Taiyi.

   As long as he hits hard or kills Emperor Taichi, he can solve his current crisis.

  Sect Master Tianxie is extremely fast.

  East Emperor Taichi, who controlled the East Emperor Pagoda, didn't seem to react.

   was directly pierced through the body by the opponent's fist.

  Sect Master Tianxie had a smile on his face.

   But then his expression changed.

   The body that penetrated the hole gradually disappeared, as if it did not exist.

   And at this moment.

  Youhabach appeared beside the Tianxie Sect Master, and the long sword in his hand was inserted into the opponent's chest.

   This is Yohabach's psychic space, where he can appear at will.

The moment the    giant sword was inserted into the body of Sect Master Tianxie, it was blocked by an evil energy.

   merges with the evil king, and his defense is extremely strong.

   "Your sword can't break my defenses!"

   Tianxie Sect Master said coldly.

   But right now.

   Countless psionic energy appeared in the palm of Youhabach, forming a giant psychic energy field beside the Sect Master Tianxie.

"This is!"

   Tianxie Sect Master's expression condensed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com's face changed immediately

   He felt that his body strength began to lose, and most of it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  Youhabach used 【Usurp the Holy Altar】to seize the power of the Heavenly Evil Sect Master at this time.


   When the power of the Heavenly Evil Sect Master lost most of it.

   The giant sword in Youhabach's hand was directly inserted into the body of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

   Then You Habach's eyes showed a fierce light, and endless spiritual energy poured into the great sword.


  Sect Master Tianxie's body was directly blasted, leaving only a head.

   Yohabach grabbed the head with one hand.

   He wanted to know who the master was talking about.

   But when he grabbed the head.

  Sect Master Tianxie's eyes flashed red, and his head exploded.

   (end of this chapter)

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