Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1193: Celestial Teleporter

   Chapter 1192 Celestial Teleportation Talisman

   "This doesn't move the city of Hades and directly fights itself, what do they mean?"

   Jiang Ziya soothed the whip in his hand and pondered in his heart.

   He really didn't expect that the Demon Lord and the others would do it when they said they would do it, and kill him directly.

   And the strength of that Demon Lord is too different from what the outside world knows.

   At first, he was still wondering about the strength of the Demon Lord. The five Deputy City Lords, the Demon Lord, had the lowest strength.

   But someone who dares to claim the title of Demon Lord should not be so simple.

  The Lord of Demons, he exudes a domineering arrogance. If his strength is too poor, he will not be beaten to death.

   Now he knows.

   The one who appeared earlier was not the true body of the Demon Lord at all.

   Jiang Ziya's mind turned, and he began to recall what happened to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

   "It is estimated that King Fudo Pluto discovered something when he was destroying the Heavenly Evil Sect, so he waited there and waited for himself."

   "I'm a little impulsive, I should wait for a while, and then return to Tianxie Sect to investigate, it seems that I am a little underestimated and can't move the city of Hades."

   Jiang Ziya shook his head and sighed.

   "But even though my clone was killed, I didn't move Pluto, so I arranged some back-ups."

   Jiang Ziya had previously arranged for the true demon leader to go to Huangjie, and also persuaded the sea dragon family to go.

The    plan has already started, but it will not stop.

  The Dragon Family of the Sea and the True Demon Cult Master should be able to severely damage the city of Hades.

   can also be regarded as a lesson to Fudo Pluto City.

   Just when he thought so, his face changed greatly again.

   "The True Demon Leader was killed!"

   His brows couldn't help but wrinkle, the trace of contact with the true demon leader just disappeared.

   This means that the true demon leader is dead.

   The true demon leader was not weak, so he just died.

   Needless to say, the one who shot the true demon leader must be Fudo Pluto.

   It's just that Jiang Ziya doesn't understand.

   The true demon leader has just arrived in the Yellow Realm, so how could he be killed? You can say that he is also a master.

   This immobile city of Hades is more difficult than he imagined.

   Originally, I was thinking of taking action against Fudo Pluto City with the Dragon Family of the Sea?

   It is time to inform Long Yutian to temporarily stop, the sea area dragon family has a good background and needs cooperation.

   "However, I still have to report these things to the three ancestors!"

   After pondering, Jiang Ziya disappeared in the cave.

   in the yellow world.

  Li Chenzhou took off the head of the true demon leader with the palm of his hand.

   After the true demon leader entered the Yellow Realm, he was noticed by Gong Ziyu's Blood Clothes Building.

   Over the years, Young Master Yu's Blood Clothes Building has set up countless spies in the fire zone in the Yellow Realm.

  The Fire Domain is the place where Fudo Pluto Castle originated.

   is also where the Su family is located, so it must be fully controlled.

   Although the true demon leader entered the Yellow Realm in hiding, he did not deliberately avoid anyone.

   After all, he would not think that the people of Pluto would not move, knowing that he came to the Yellow Realm.

   In fact, he was a little underestimated and could not move the city of Hades.

After    Invisible Empire investigated the situation of the True Demon Sect, it sent some information about the True Demon Sect back to Fudo Pluto Castle.

After    Gong Ziyu got the news, he immediately began to pay close attention to the situation in the fire area, and directly locked the true demon leader.

   After Li Chenzhou got the eight-level transcendence promotion card, he increased his strength to the eighth level of transcendence.

   took the shot directly and took down the leader of the True Demon Sect.

   Li Chenzhou, who has been promoted to the eighth level of detachment, is a very simple matter to deal with the true demon leader.

   directly shot and killed the true demon leader.

   The next day!

  Su Hao never came out of Hades City.

   This source of power has made Su Hao's realm a step further, but it is still far away from the Great Emperor Realm.

  The origin is more about perception.

   After coming out of Pluto City, Su Hao directly started today's check-in.

  [The host has signed in today to get 100 check-in points, and randomly gets a celestial teleportation charm, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

   "Celestial teleportation rune!"

  Su Hao looked at the teleportation talisman that appeared in the system, his eyes changed slightly.

  Think of heaven.

  Su Hao couldn't help thinking of Lei Di, the third apprentice of one of the five world masters in the heavens, who was killed by him without moving the Pluto City.

   Since the Thunder Emperor was beheaded, there seems to be no movement there.

   This made Su Hao feel a little strange.

   Immediately, he thought of the Buddha in the heavens.

   "What's going on on the side of Zizai Buddha!"

  Su Hao immediately asked about Black and White Jue beside him.

   "Zi Zai Buddha and Buddhist Bodhisattva seem to have disappeared. I didn't find any trace of them at Wanfo Temple!"

   Black and White Jue shook his head.

   "And recently, the Heavenly Eagle Spirit Mountain has not come to the astral world, and it has been silent all of a sudden!"

   "It's that something happened in the Xingyue Dynasty, but it seems to be suppressed by the Empress Mingyue. What is the specific thing, the subordinates have not detected it!"

   Black and White said afterwards.

   "Wang Teng, what's going on over Emperor Tengtian's side?"

   Su Hao still attaches great importance to Wang Teng, this person is definitely not simple.

   It's just that the other forces seem to be quiet except for the fact that they have not moved Pluto City recently.

   "Wang Teng, after returning to the Wang's house, he didn't come out. The Great Sun Emperor and the Sword Emperor have also been at the Wang's house and never left!"

   "Now there is a large formation around the Wang family. The formation is so powerful that the clones of the subordinates cannot enter the Wang family."

   Black and White Jue continued.

   "Just stare at it first, how's your investigation on Jun's house?"

  Su Hao thought of Jun's family, this is a clan that is scheming against the ancient demon clan. If he ruined their plan, I'm afraid he won't let it go.

   "There is a person in the Jun family, named Jun Wushuang, this person seems to be the core figure of the Jun family, he has very little information!"

   Black and white absolutes.

   "Jun Wushuang, what about Jun Wuhui?"

   Su Hao asked in a deep voice.

  The characters who were born in the Jun family before, but Jun has no regrets.

   "Lord, Jun Wugui is now in the heavenly realm, and is in contact with Dameng Tianchao Menghuang."

   Black and white absolutely said.

  Dameng Tianchao, he has already sent some clones, so he knows some things.

   "Jun's family's Jun Wuhui is in the fairyland, and is in contact with the dream waste of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty!"

  Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, the Dream Desolation of the Great Dream Heaven Dynasty was his opponent.

   The last time the punishment of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty was reckless, he took action on himself and was killed by himself

   He didn't believe that this matter had just come to an end.

   Now that this Jun family is in contact with Menghuang, he must have some thoughts about himself.

   Su Hao secretly said in his heart.

   "Notify Uchiha Itachi, Dameng Tianchao has established forces Stare at Dameng Tianchao's desolate dream!"

  The forces behind the Great Dream Celestial Dynasty should not be easy.

   Now these three realms make Su Hao a little incomprehensible. Many things on the surface are false, not real at all.

   "What is the reaction of the ancient demons, will they take action against the Jun family?"

  Su Hao then asked about the ancient demons.

   "The Heavenly Demon Emperor contacted the ancient demons, and I also visualized the scene I saw, and let him pass it on to the ancients."

   "I believe it won't be long before the ancient demons will react."

   Black and White said in a deep voice.

   "Although the ancient demons are fierce, they are a good force in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory!"

   "It's still helpful for us to enter the sea of ​​​​stars outside the territory, and you have more contact with the Emperor of Heaven!"

  Su Hao then ordered.

   "Yes, this subordinate understands!"

   Black and White Jue bowed.

   (end of this chapter)

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