Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1195: Dare to stretch out your claws and kill one person

   Chapter 1194 Dare to stretch out his claws and destroy people together

  Shang family.

  In a palace, Di Heng was standing in front of a middle-aged man.

   The middle-aged man is tall and burly, his eyes are piercing, revealing a fierce light.

   This man is Di Tang, the current patriarch of the Shang family, and Di Heng's father.

  Why didn't the Shang people use their surnames?

   After all, this family's surname is the emperor's surname.

  Because the Shang family actually had no ethnic group before, they were a dynasty called the Shang Dynasty, and later the Shang Dynasty was destroyed by the Jiang family.

   In order to warn the clansmen, the title of Shang clan is used to tell everyone to remember the shame of their ancestors.

   "You will tell the young master of Fudo Pluto City about the power of the source, and act as the friendship of my business family."

   Di Tang looked at Di Heng Dao.

   "Father, don't you believe that the power of the source was obtained by City Lord Su Shao?"

   Diheng looked at his father and said.

   "This news should be true, but the information that there is astral consciousness in the power of the source is a little confusing!"

   "However, the power of the source has already been obtained by City Lord Su Shao, so we business people should not participate!"

   "It's not easy to move Pluto, we may be able to maintain this fate."

   Emperor Tang said softly.

   "It's my father, I'll contact City Lord Su Shao here!"

   Diheng said.

   When Su Hao investigated Jiang Ziya last time.

  Black and white had an intersection with Diheng, and they also exchanged some news with each other.

   Diheng turned around and exited the hall.

   After Di Heng left, Di Tang looked into the hall.

  An old man with a resolute face and an extra eye on his forehead.

   Only now that eye is closing.

   "Old Zhong, you said which force is doing this?"

   Emperor Tang asked in a deep voice.

   "We don't know, maybe the Fudo Pluto City knows. As long as we tell this matter to City Lord Su Shao, City Lord Su Hao will surely have a way to deal with it."

   "Although these families have ideas for Su Shaocheng, they don't dare to act rashly. The strength of Dugu defeated the sky is probably beyond the ninth level."

   "And he is only a deputy city lord, five deputy city lords, only three appear now, and two have not appeared!"

   "What is the strength of those two people, who knows?"

   The old man beside him said in a deep voice.

   Di Tang nodded and said: "I checked all the ancient books, and there is no such force, so now I can only let Di Heng contact the other party first!"

   "No matter what power he is, it's a good thing for our merchants."

   "The avatar of Jiang Ziya's Jiang family was destroyed, it should have come from the hands of Fudo Hades!"

   Having said this, the old man smiled.

  This old man is an old man of the Shang clan, Di Zhong, and Jiang Ziya is a feud.

   He was defeated by Jiang Ziya back then, but of course Jiang Ziya did not fight him head-on.

   So he was very concerned about the Jiang family's information.

   A few days ago, he found out that Jiang Ziya's clone was destroyed, but he didn't know the strength of Jiang Ziya's clone.

   "But the Jiang family was born this time, I'm afraid it's not strictly for the emperor's army, there should be other purposes, but that purpose, we have not been able to find out!"

   "There are also the forces that helped the Jiang family back then. This time the Jiang family was born, and it may be possible for us to find out if they face the Fudo Pluto City."

   Di Zhong said in a deep voice.

   The rise of the Jiang family was very strange back then, and there were other strengths helping the Jiang family.

   Otherwise, their merchants would not be defeated.

   "The matter of the emperor's soldiers in the Yellow Realm needs to be searched. If the emperor's soldiers can be found, I think your majesty's combat power will definitely surpass the ninth level of transcendence!"

   Wen Zhong's eyes glowed fiercely.

   "We have already ordered someone to look for it. According to our calculations, there should be an imperial soldier in the Great Luoyu!"

   "It just takes some time, and if you find it, other imperial clans will probably do it."

   "I just don't know how Fudo Pluto City's control of Huangjie is?"

   Emperor Tang said in a deep voice.

   "Let's find it first, if it doesn't work, the old man will personally sit in the Great Luoyu of the Yellow Realm and take out that imperial soldier!"

   Di Zhong opened his mouth and said.

   While saying this.

   Di Zhong's voice was like the roar of a golden bell, sonorous and powerful, his words were astonishing, and he had an aura of dominating the world.

   At that time, he was the Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty, with one person under ten thousand people.

at this time!

  Su Hao did not return to the capital of the Xingyue Dynasty after he merged with his origin.

   Instead, he returned to the Destiny Sect, and now the Xingyue Dynasty has designated this territory as the jurisdiction of the Destiny Sect.

   Inside Qingluan Peak.

  In a small courtyard.

  Su Hao woke up from training and got the power of the source. After refining, Su Hao also needs to increase the training time.

   Recently, the strength has grown rapidly.

   "Did the Jiang family enter the Demon Realm?"

  Su Hao said.

   "The people who entered the Demon Realm from the Jiang family are all members of the Jiang family's affiliated forces, and the Jiang family's direct line did not enter!"

   Black and white absolutely said.

   "This Jiang family is really some chicken thieves. Sending some affiliated forces, even if you kill them yourself, it's useless!"

   "They should be looking for the imperial soldiers. Once there is news of the imperial soldiers, let me know and grab them directly!"

   "Even if we don't move Pluto City and can't use it, then we can't let the Jiang family get it!"

  Su Hao said coldly.

   I may not kill your people, but I will rob you of things.

   "Yes, my subordinates have been watching!"

   Black and white absolutely.

   At this moment, a disciple of Heaven's Fate walked into the small courtyard.

   "City Master Su Shao, there is a man named Prince Ming at the foot of the mountain to ask to see him!"

   The disciple said.

  Su Hao is now well-known in the entire star realm, not to mention that the Destiny Sect has declared that it is a subsidiary strength of Fudo Pluto City.

   So the disciples of the Destiny Sect respectfully call Su Hao the Young City Lord.

   "Mentaizi, Fatty seems to have mentioned it last time! Take him into the mountain!"

  Su Hao said.


   The disciple bowed and left the courtyard.

   "The speed of this Mentaiko is very slow, so many talents have gone from the fairy world to the astral world, but I don't know if Fatty has obtained that primary Daozang!"

   Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

   Just when Su Hao was waiting for Prince Ming to arrive.

   Black and White's complexion suddenly changed beside Su Hao.

   "My lord, there is news from the son of the Shang family that you have obtained the power of the source, and it has been spread out!"

   "And there are some ancient forces that want to attack you and force you to hand over the power of the source!"

   Black and White said with a gloomy face.

   "Well, it was known to the outside world!"

   "Is it the news leaked by the ancient demons, or is it the Jun family?"

  Su Hao said with a bad expression.

   "My subordinates should contact the Heavenly Demon Emperor and ask!"

   "Also, the emperor also mentioned the Jiang family, saying that the Jiang family not only has three ancestors, but also has power behind them!"

   "The collapse of their business family had something to do with the forces behind him, let's be careful."

   Black and White Jue continued.

   "There is still power behind the Jiang family, it's really complicated!"

  Su Hao shook his head. UU reading

   After a while, Heihe Jue received a message from the Demon Emperor.

   he said with an ugly face

   "My lord, the Heavenly Demon Emperor just sent a message saying that the Jun family already knew, and it was you who provided the Jun family with the information about the ancient demon clan!"

   "There are traitors from the ancient demons!"


  Su Hao yelled directly.

   "It seems that the Jun family is plotting against us. Lord, should we do something to the Jun family now?"

   Black and white absolutely said.

   "If this gentleman's family wants to do something, he will do something to them. If he dares to stretch his claws, he will chop up everyone!"

   Su Hao snorted coldly.

   Now his strength is exploding, and whoever dares to win will destroy him.

   [Trigger quest: Jun's family plans to count the host, the host is now powerful, how can it be tolerated, destroy Jun's family, and reward a non-level crystal lottery card. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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