Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1305: Wanmo Mountain 1 Giant Meteor

They wanted to escape, but couldn't escape at all.

They could only use all their strength, but all their attacks were blocked by black mist.

Outside, you can't see the scene in the dark fog at all.

After a while, only a few screams were heard, and then disappeared.

In the dark fog, Jiao Du held four fresh hearts in his hands.

All these hearts are put into their own body.

His recent body has more hearts, and a heart is a life.

As the number of hearts increases, his strength will also increase rapidly.

The heart of the peak emperor just now, if he didn't want to kill, then it's best to stay.


At this time, Yang Xuyan, who was shrouded in the blood formation, noticed the changes outside, and was furious in her heart, but she had no way to make a move.

He wants to deal with the flying section in front of him with all his strength.

Although he realized a sense of detachment and was stronger than the average peak emperor martial artist, he was still a peak emperor powerhouse, and he had not yet stepped into the detachment realm.

If it is detachment, he can crush this flying section within a second.

"Covered by my blood formation, you can't get rid of it, unless you step into detachment!"

Feiduan looked at Yang Xuyan and said coldly.

While speaking, a blood-colored spear appeared in his hand.

The spear appeared without saying a word, and was directly inserted into his stomach, as if the stomach was not his own.


His stomach was pierced. When he was pierced, Yang Xuyan felt a pain in his abdomen, and saw a blood hole in his abdomen and began to bleed.


Yang Xuyan let out a low roar, and began to quickly recover from the abdominal injury.

A wave of energy broke free from some restraints and began to recover from his injuries. After all, he realized a sense of transcendence, which was much stronger than that of ordinary peak emperor powerhouses.

So the abdominal wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But when he recovers, Feiduan will not stop.

He directly pierced through his heart without stopping, and continued to pierce through his limbs, which was extremely cruel.

Feiduan is not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to himself.


At this time, Yang Xuyan let out a scream, and the continuous injuries made him a little scared.

The speed of recovery is definitely not as fast as the speed of injury, and he wants to change this status quo.

The demonic energy on his body quickly covered his body, freezing all the injuries, endured the pain, stepped out in one step, and appeared in front of Feiduan.

Punch out.

The fist was wrapped with huge demonic energy, compressed air, and bombarded Feiduan's head.

He has been observing the means of this flying segment.

Previously, he cut off the head of the strong man at the peak of the Great Emperor, beheading the opponent.

But not to myself.

It can be seen that the other party is a little bit afraid, maybe even if he cuts off his head, he can't kill him.

So the other party didn't do that.

Then, start from the opponent's head.

Of course, there is also the need to break free from this blood formation as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be affected by the present everywhere.

Just when he made his move.

A figure appeared behind him, it was a figure that appeared, and it was the solution to other people's corners.

The immortal duo are not decorations. They are still a team, why didn't they cooperate?

Yang Xu's complexion changed.

He felt a terrifying energy swept in behind him.

If he didn't resist, his body would probably be pierced.

"The Heavenly Demon Sword, one sword will cut the horizon!"

In the blink of an eye, Yang Xuyan's demonic energy turned into a long sword and attacked Jiaodu.


The corner that punched, didn't seem to react, and was split in half by Yang Xuyan's sword.

His face changed immediately.

Because the body that was split in half by him was stitched up again, and his figure flashed, appearing in front of Yang Xuyan.

The fist was directly on Yang Xuyan's body.

When blasting out, two pitch-black tentacles slid directly into Yang Xuyan's body.

Yang Xuyan's expression changed, and the demonic energy around her body quickly wrapped all the tentacles, and then melted.

But at this moment, Feiduan grabbed his heart directly.

Yang Xuyan's heart also came out of his body.

The moment the heart came out, Jiao Du's figure flashed, and the heart was taken away directly.

When he appeared again, when he had already appeared, his figure had already left the blood formation of Feiduan.


Yang Xuyan, who lost her heart, seemed to stop the blood in her whole body.


At this moment, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out of his throat.

He looked at Feiduan, and found that Feiduan's spear pierced his throat.

Jiaodu started again at this time, and countless tentacles flocked to Yang Xuyan.

These tentacles all blocked the strength of the opponent's body, making the opponent unable to recover from their injuries for a while.

"Your strength is good, but you're still going to die!"

The **** March sickle in Feiduan's hands directly cut off the opponent's head, and then a terrifying blood aura enveloped the opponent's head.

The surrounding blood formations quickly disappeared.

At the moment when the blood formation disappeared, Yang Xuyan's head exploded directly.

So far, the first giant in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain has died.

At the time of these few people, the surrounding atmosphere changed, and some people gradually appeared. They came to watch the battle.

Seeing such a scene, the spectators began to flee frantically, but they were thrown down by countless dark shadows.

The screams kept coming out.

"Come on!"

Some other prince spies also sensed the danger, which Nima meant to attack indiscriminately.

It's because I don't want people to pass back what they've seen.

another place

At the bottom of Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

The old man Wanmo looked at the mirror in front of him with a gloomy expression. It appeared that the realm of the underworld organization was not too strong, but it was too strange.

In a short period of time, he beheaded a giant under his command.

"The person who self-harmed, the head and blood formation are the keys. As for the person who took the heart, the method has not been fully exposed."

Old Man Wanmo pondered in his mouth.

He saw the battle scene throughout the whole process, and UU reading obtained some clues based on the analysis.

With the runes flying in his hand, he directly passed the conclusions to Yuanmu, the city master of Wan Mocheng, who was in charge of the overall situation.

Yuanmu had already received the news of Yang Xuyan's death at this time.

His eyes were shocked, and the Ming organization sent only two peak emperor powerhouses to kill Yang Xuyan.

There are also two peak emperors and four late emperors.

This strength shocked him.

"Underworld organization, let's kill the two of you first. Just in case, it's better to send out a powerhouse of the first level of transcendence!"

Yuanmu sent back the news from the old man Wanmo, and informed one of them, Nangong Hu, a transcendental powerhouse near Yang Xuyan.

Let him deal with the people who appeared in the underworld organization.

Another place.

After receiving Yuanmu's message, the burly Nangonghu frowned slightly.

He now has the idea that he doesn't want to confront the underworld organization.

Just now, although his subordinates didn't come back, they sent back the images at that time.

These two are too weird.

Even with the calculations of Old Man Wanmo, he wouldn't dare to be 100% sure, not to mention that he didn't believe that there were only two people in the underworld organization.

the other side

Su Hao and the others are rushing through the void, trying to attack Old Man Wan Mo first.

And he also received a mission to kill the old man of Wan Mo.

Kill the old man Wanmo, and you will be rewarded with a Lv. 13 crystal lottery card.

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