Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1333: The dream is barren, my head exploded

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Meng Huangwu looked at Gu Xi'er who was spitting blood under pressure, with a playful look on his face.

"Gu Xi'er, this is the gap in strength. Your strength may be able to break through my suppression, but so what?"

"You can't make any waves in front of me at all."

Menghuang walked towards Gu Xi'er step by step and said coldly.

"Palace Master!"

Seeing this, the elders of the God of War in the palace wanted to get up and help.

But when their voices fell.

The body is directly pressed to the ground.

The bones made a rattling sound, and he vomited blood in his mouth, and he couldn't stand up.

"Gu Xi'er is just my stand-in, everything in the God of War Palace is mine, and you should be loyal to me."

"I just don't want the War God Palace to disappear, but if you dare to resist again, you will be wiped out directly."

There was a gloomy voice in the desolate dream.

tread! tread!

His figure came to Gu Xi'er.

"Fearless struggle is useless at all. Gu Xi'er, if you surrender to me, maybe I will save your life and make you the crown princess of the Great Dream Dynasty."

Dream Desolate said in a deep voice.

"Dreaming, how could I Gu Xi'er surrender to you? If you dare to touch me, you will die."

Gu Xi'er said coldly.

"Threat me, are you threatening me with that Su Hao?"

Meng Yuan's face became even more ferocious and terrifying.

"Since you are too ignorant of praise, I can only send you on the road."

He raised his right hand and grabbed Gu Xi'er's head,

at this moment.

Gu Lao, who had been hiding beside Gu Xi'er, flashed light in his eyes and suddenly appeared in front of Menghuangwu.

A palm was directly printed on Menghuang's chest, and a huge force erupted directly from his hand.


That unprepared Menghuang was directly hit by this palm, and a dazzling light appeared all over his body, blocking the ancient blow.

But the body flew out, and a mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.

"court death!"

Seeing Old Gu's shot, Meng Huangwu was also punched in a fist, and Zong Lao's face became cold next to Menghuang, and he said sternly.

And he slapped Elder Gu with a palm, with a strong **** smell in his palm.

Looks like a lot of people were killed

Otherwise, there would not be so much **** smell.

At the moment when the old Zong shot, the old Gu's figure changed into two.

One of the clones grabbed the palm towards Menghuang.

Before Menghuang hadn't reacted, the palm of his hand had already landed on the opponent's head.

Gu worms poured into Menghuang's mind like ants.

As for the other clone, it was attacking the old man.

The palms of the two collided, and a sound erupted. The palm of the old man surnamed Gu smashed the attack of the old man, and printed it on the old man.

Old Gu's avatar was instantly shattered.

The old man surnamed Zong who shot, his expression changed, and his eyes looked at the old man who was grabbing Menghuang's head.

"Do you want to die? Put down your Highness!"

The old man surnamed Gu shouted at Old Gu.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Gu Lao looked at Gu Xi'er and asked.

"It's just a minor injury, nothing serious!"

Gu Xier said.

"Young madam, are you someone who doesn't move the city of Hades?"

Hearing Old Gu's voice, Old Zong's eyes narrowed and he said, "Let Your Highness go, I'll let you go!",

at this time

The suppressed elders in the main hall lost all the sense of suppression on their bodies. "

"You leave first!"

Gu Xi'er spoke to the elders.

And secretly send a voice transmission to these elders, leave the God of War Palace as soon as possible, and wait for her to be summoned in the future.

The elders glanced at Gu Xi'er, turned and stepped out of the palace.

Suddenly, in the hall, only Gu Xi'er, Gu Lao and other four remained.

"I didn't do it just now, and I showed my sincerity. Now I can let His Highness go."

The elder surnamed Zong looked at Old Gu and said.

Just now, he didn't shoot at the elders of the God of War Palace who escaped from the palace, and it was also his elder Gu who shot at Menghuangwu.

"Have we left yet?"

Old Gu said in a deep voice.

"You can open up the void and leave, I won't stop it, but when you step into the void, you must leave His Highness behind!"

The old man surnamed Zong frowned and said in a deep voice.

Old Gu waved his other hand, and a space gap appeared in front of them.

And at this moment, golden Gu worms appeared in Old Gu's hand, pouring into Menghuang's mind.


Menghuangwu let out a scream.

After that, Elder Gu directly threw Meng Huangwu to the old man of the sect, and he took Gu Xier into the void.

Seeing this, the old man surnamed Zong could only catch Meng Yuanwu first.

When he was catching Dream Desolation, Gu Xi'er and the others disappeared from the void.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, are you alright?"

"I, something got stuck in my head, help me get it out!"

Pain Meng Yuanwu screamed while holding his head.

The old man's expression changed and he wanted to investigate.

But with a bang, Menghuang's head exploded directly.

After the explosion, golden Gu worms flew out of his mind.

Attacked the old man with the surname.

The old man surnamed Zong who looked at Menghuang's head bursting, looked startled.

He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Menghuang's head was blown off.

But the attacking golden Gu insect gave him a sense of danger.

He raised his palm.

He grabbed the golden Gu worm with a palm, and a huge amount of power poured out from his palm.

Inhale all those golden Gu worms into the center of the palm.

Crush all the golden Gu worms.


At this time, a void appeared in the hall of

The figure of the Dream Emperor walked out of the void.

He was in the palace just now.

I was suddenly uneasy and encountered bad things, so I came directly to the God of War Palace.

Looking at the headshot Meng Yuan in front of him, Meng Huang's face became hideous.

A terrifying force erupted from his body. .

"Well, what's going on here?"

He looked at the old man with gloomy eyes, and he wanted to know the reason.

"Your Majesty, the old minister neglected his duty. His Highness was attacked and killed by the people who did not move Hades!"

The death of that veteran general Meng Lu was all pushed to Fufu Pluto City.

"Do not move Pluto City? Kill my son, you are so bold."

Menghuang gave a long drink, and the sound was like a giant thunder, spreading out towards the surrounding: "I want to kill them."


When the dream emperor's voice fell.

The energy that erupted from the body was like a tide, sweeping towards the palace of the God of War.


Nearly a hundred miles around, the void vibrated, and the huge energy turned into a huge vortex, wrapping the God of War Palace,

Between the sky and the earth, it was dark, and some people in the God of War Palace who had not yet understood what had happened suddenly felt a huge force swept down from the sky.

When these energies swept down, the God of War Palace and the surrounding mountains suddenly began to collapse.

"Ah! Ah!"

One after another screams sounded in the palace.

Some disciples of the God of War did not have time to escape, and were suppressed to death by this force

"Come on, let's see where they can escape!"

The Dream Emperor waved his hand, and a void gap appeared.

The two figures stepped into the void.

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