Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1375: When the soldiers approached the city, all sides shook

at the same time.

In the invisible imperial palace, Youhabach sat on the palace chair.

Haas and other members of the Star Cross Knights of the Invisible Empire stood respectfully in the hall.

These people's auras restrained, and they got Su Hao's Transcendence Promotion Card.

Now the members of the Star Cross Knights have reached detachment.

Invisible Empire, Youhabach Eternal 1st Layer, Haas Transcends 9th Layer, and others are detached from 1st Layer.

Here it is said to be strong.

What's more, these people can also get the ability bestowed by Youhabach, and their combat power has skyrocketed.


Haas, who was headed by the temple, suddenly stepped forward: "Your Majesty, the teleportation array connecting the Heavenly Palace has been built."

"The Emperor ordered his subordinates, the Four Dragon Kings, to attack my invisible empire."

"The Four Dragon Kings are carrying his army of the Four Seas Dragon Kings and are teleporting to the border of the invisible empire, wanting to raid our invisible empire."

"I thought that Heavenly Emperor would appear in person?"

Youhabach said in a deep voice.

He had contacted Taiyi Donghuang before, and once the Emperor appeared, he would invite Taiyi Donghuang to come.

But I didn't expect that the other day Emperor didn't show up, but let the four dragon kings lead the army to take action.

"Then let them know the strength of my invisible empire."

Yuhabach said.

when he speaks.

The entire hall began to be psychic, and the figures of Youhabach and others disappeared into the palace.

The whereabouts of the Four Dragon Kings of the Heavenly Palace have always been controlled by Haas.

Out of the border of the invisible empire, in a huge mountain range.

After the invisible empire expanded to this mountain range, it did not expand beyond the mountain range.

There are many small forces in this mountain range, but they are all controlled by Dongfang Han, and an alliance is vaguely formed.

In the center of the mountain range, there is a teleportation formation isolated by the big formation.

In the great formation, the leaders of various forces in the mountain range gathered here.

They looked excited.

They were informed just now that the army of the Dragon King of the Four Seas in Tiangong would come.

And raid the invisible empire.

Now with the continuous development of the astral world, the forces within the astral world know more about the heavenly world and the immortal world.

They know that the Heavenly Palace is the power of the Heavenly Realm second only to the five realm masters.

Although Fudo Hades is strong, they do not think it is stronger than Tiangong.

This time is their chance to soar.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the teleportation formation in front of them, waiting for the appearance of the Tiangong army.

Only one or two of them had other meanings flashing in their eyes, but no one paid attention.


The teleportation array in front of him was shining brightly.

There was a dark cloud in the sky, but it was sealed by the surrounding great formation, and there was no mountain range.

When the rays of light were shining, four light clusters appeared in the teleportation array.

The space of these four light clusters overlapped, as if they were in another space.

in space.

Four figures stood in front of them, and behind them was a dense army, which looked extremely terrifying and shocking.

"What a terrible army."

Some people felt the dense figures in the space.

Their bodies couldn't help trembling, a trace of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads, and their eyes were fixed on those figures.

Showing a terrified look.

Not to mention that each light group is headed by several people behind him, exuding the aura of a great emperor.

Just behind those great powers, there are some immortal and powerful breaths that make them feel terrified.

In the realm of great power, the leaders of these forces are only at this level.


Just when they were horrified.

The four light clusters spread out, and the large formation that sealed the teleportation formation was instantly shattered by these four airs.

Countless figures appeared in the sky above the mountains.

Four huge breaths of blood-->>

, like a giant pillar, standing between heaven and earth.

The army of the Dragon King of the Four Seas in Tiangong officially appeared in the astral land.

"What happened, such a strong fighting spirit?"

At this time, many people paid attention to the changes between heaven and earth.

Especially some dynasty lords, they are very familiar with the atmosphere of these troops, and they all looked towards this area.

Star Moon Dynasty.

The Empress Mingyue has returned, and they have not found clues about the ancient imperial battlefield and the ancient mirror of the stars.

So just come back.

"This breath is at the border of the invisible empire. Is there any big move in the invisible empire?"

Empress Mingyue looked at the sky-high blood energy, and stood up from the empress chair.

"This breath is not an invisible empire."

"The warrior practice of the invisible empire is another kind of energy, not this kind of energy fluctuation."

Chu Kuangsheng opened his mouth and said, and then changed drastically.

"Someone is attacking the invisible empire."

"Let's take a look."

Empress Mingyue said.

"The people from the original Taoist palace seem to be heading to the branch of Fudo Hades City today. Is this a calculated plan?"

The people of the original Taoist palace had been in the astral world for a few days, but they did not go to Fudo Pluto City.

But today I went to Fudo Pluto Castle.

It is estimated that it is to hold the Pluto City untouched. This is a planned thing.


The two did not hesitate, and disappeared in the hall in a flash.

at this time.

Within the border of the invisible empire, four groups of dark clouds came galloping, and dense figures were suspended in the air.

in the frontier city.

Feeling this terrifying atmosphere, the face of the border defender changed greatly.

He immediately crushed the messenger in his hand and informed the commander of the invisible empire legion.

Before he crushed the teleportation charm.

Ace Nott, one of the members of the Star Cross Knights, appeared in front of him.

As soon as Ace Nott, who was in charge of fear, appeared, the defending general felt a burst of fear.

"See Lord Commander."

The general greeted him immediately.

"What's the panic, go out with me and have a look."

Ace Nott's voice rang in the ear of the general, and the slender figure had turned and walked outside.

Although the general was doubtful, his own commander would appear here, but now is not the time to doubt, there is his own commander.

Then even if something happens, it won't be your own business.

when they stepped out of the hall.

Only then did he discover that four legion commander-level powerhouses had already appeared outside.

The Invisible Empire Legion is led by the Star Cross Knights under His Majesty the Invisible Empire.

They dress differently from the outside world.


The four armies stayed above the border city.

The rolling blood of essence covered the entire city, causing the entire city to be covered in a kind of fear.

"Don't talk so much, just break the city and rush to the invisible imperial city."

Ximen Yun said.

With a wave of his hand behind him, a peak-level emperor stepped forward, ready to destroy the border city wall in one fell swoop.

"Let me do the work."

The peak-level powerhouse of the Great Emperor looked at the city wall in front of him with an arrogant expression on his face.

"The emperor's peak level powerhouse."

"As soon as you make a move, you are such a strong man. It seems that the invisible empire is not guaranteed this time."

Those who secretly watched the battle from a distance thought so in their hearts.


Just as everyone was thinking about it, the emperor-level powerhouse slammed down.

Endless power gathered in his palm and crashed down to the city wall below.

But at this moment, a white figure emerged from the city wall.

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