Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1381: 4 Sea Dragon King Destroyed


Seeing that Dongfang Han was killed, the other three had expressions of horror on their faces.

They didn't expect that Haas would be able to shift his body shape in this dragon picture.

"In this case, my strength will be restored a lot, and I will devour Dongfang Han's flesh and blood." Haas said flatly.

Blending into the world, psionics isn't the only thing they learn.

You must understand the martial arts practice in this world, and flesh and blood is also a way to increase your power.

Forbidden by the Dragon Sealing Chart, he cannot absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world, and uses a little less of his own spiritual energy.

So he devoured Dongfang Han's flesh and blood to increase the power of his own power.


The other Bei Yunxiao and Ximen Yun attacked Haas at the same time.

They were extremely fast, and Haas was enveloped in a dazzling power in their fists.

when their fists hit.

Haas's body was instantly psychic, when it appeared here.

Already behind them, a punch slammed into the north cloud sky.

"Got you."

At this moment, Nangong Ming let out a low voice before he did not shoot.

The palm of his hand was shot out, and the raging flames poured out of his palm.

Like a flame, Haas, who came out of the void, fell.

He didn't shoot before, just looking for Haas's position.

Haas was banned in this dragon map, but he was able to move in a short distance, so they had to pay attention.

So when Haas appeared, Nangong Ming immediately shot.

When Nangong Ming made his move, Bei Yunxiao turned around.

A punch was thrown out, like a landslide and tsunami, and it was bombarded towards Haas.

That Ximen Yun did not hesitate, turned around and punched the same way, creating a huge wave.

The three shot, not wanting to give Haas a chance.


When the three attacked, Haas's body became psychic again and appeared not far away.

"The energy on your body is unstable, and it doesn't seem to last long."

Nangong Ming looked at Haas and said coldly.

Although the three of them shot, they also paid attention to the energy fluctuations in Haas.

The voice fell, and the three of them shot together and attacked Haas at the same time. They didn't want to give Haas a chance to recover.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to take Haas.

There is also the possibility of being killed by Haas.

boom! boom!

The four of them collided continuously in the Dragon Sealing Picture, and Yu Wei burst out to form a wave of ripples, and the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Picture.

"Is it evenly matched now?"

"It's not evenly matched, it's Haas who is at a disadvantage."

"The three people in Tiangong have the energy provided by the pattern, and the power in their bodies has always been at their peak."

"That's not the case with Haas, but this Haas is also very good at planning. He attacked and killed that Dongfang Han."

"Let these four people not be able to fuse their bodies, and their combat power will be damaged."

"Haas is envious of the Jedi, why hasn't Yohabach appeared yet?"

Some people said in their mouths.

Your Majesty of the Invisible Empire, Yohabach is the strongest.

Haas can only be ranked second. Haas is so strong, and the invisible empire friend Habach will be stronger.

So many people are looking forward to Yohabach's shot.

Of course, I also want to see if Tiangong has a backhand.


In that formation, Haas was constantly fighting with the three, but he felt a pressure in his heart.

In this dragon chart, his own strength was not only not absorbed, but was gradually suppressed, and his strength was about to fall to the eighth level of detachment.

The opponent's strength seems to be gradually increasing.

This is to use the strength of the opponent to improve their own strength.

"Did you notice it?"

"Do you feel that your strength is going backwards, while our strength is improving?"

"To tell you the truth, this is the effect of the Dragon Sealing Chart."

"The role of this dragon map is actually to divide the seal, to divide the shrouded power to us."

Bei Yunxiao looked at Haas and laughed.

When he laughed, his figure flashed in front of Haas, his palm was black and gold, and he slapped Haas.

Haas retreated violently, but the other two quickly surrounded him.

For a time Haas was besieged again.


At this moment, a huge palm appeared in the sky.

This palm penetrated the void and grabbed directly towards the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Diagram.

However, the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Map issued a bright light.

A figure wearing a golden emperor walked out in the bright light.

"Three Emperors Fist."

The figure that appeared, punched the big hand that grabbed it.

"It's just a detachment of the nine-fold avatar, and it dares to appear in front of us."

A low voice sounded in the void.

The fist that blasted out the figure of the emperor was directly cracked by the big hand in the void.

The palm continued to go down.

The figure of the emperor saw that his fist was shattered, and his face showed surprise, but he didn't hesitate to punch continuously.

The fist is like a torrent.

But it was useless. When it collided with the big hand, it shattered in a blink of an eye.

When the Emperor Ying wanted to punch again, the palm of his hand had already landed on his head.

Grab his head directly and forcefully.

The emperor's phantom head was directly crushed.

Then the palms form into fists. A punch hit the phantom, and the phantom shattered instantly.

Not a one-round enemy.

Then he opened his fist and grabbed onto the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Map.

A huge psychic energy burst out from his hands, covering the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Diagram.

At that moment, the Four Seas Sealing Dragon Map was covered by spiritual energy.

The four dragon pillars that had previously surrounded the space disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Haas frantically devoured the energy around him, and punched the north cloud sky that was bombarding him.

The collision between Bei Yunxiao's fist and Haas's fist shattered in an instant.

Then he saw Haas' fist appear in front of him.


Bei Yunxiao let out a scream, and Haas smashed his head to pieces.

"The picture was suppressed, and Haas smashed a person's head with one punch."

Looking at the changes in the sky, the people watching the battle were shocked.

When they were shocked, Haas appeared in front of Nangong Ming.

The palm fell directly, and endless spiritual energy appeared in his palm, pressing on Nangong Ming.

As for Ximen Yun on the other side, there are pillars of psionic light around them, wrapping them around.


Hass waved his psychic palms and slapped Nangong Ming to death.

"Too brutal!"

Watching Haas slap Nangong Ming to death with one palm, the people watching the battle were shocked.

"We seem to be late."

At this time, in the void, Empress Mingyue and Chu Kuangsheng walked out of the void.

When they were in Xu Void, they saw Haas slapped Nangong Ming to The one who just died was Nangong Ming, one of the Four Dragon Kings of the Heavenly Palace. "

Chu Kuangsheng said in horror.

On the other side, Ximen Yun was covered by the psionic light beam, and fear grew in his heart.

He was the only one left of the four who came.


He burst out with all his strength, and pierced a hole in the psychic energy that enveloped him, without any hearing in his figure, and fled towards the distance.

"It's delusional to want to escape when you come here."

Haas flashed, caught up with Simon Yun, and dropped his palm.

With a bang, Ximen Yun turned into a pile of flesh and blood in Haas' palm.

light pen

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