Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1466: Crazy words, coercion, killing open

In the main hall of the Jun family.

The elder of the Jun family who was discussing, sensed the changes outside.

The outermost clan elder flew out of the hall first and appeared in the void.

"Don't move Hades City, Su Hao came to destroy Jun's house today."

Su Hao looked at the Jun family elder who appeared and said calmly.

Although Su Hao's words were very calm, there was a killing intent that made the world change color.


Su Hao's voice fell, and two cracks appeared in the sky.

The cracks gradually widened.

On one side is the bottomless black space, from which Haas and the members of the Knights of the Stars stepped out.

Behind him is an endless psionic army.

The cracked void on the other side was blood-colored, and the blood-color was mixed with monstrous demonic energy.

One after another, **** figures walked out of the void.

These people are the people of the imperial family who were refined by the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor.

Youhabach and Abandoned Heavenly Emperor flashed and appeared in front of the two void cracks.

For a while, the bright sky above Jun's house seemed to be covered by killing intent.

"Fujian Pluto City, you are Su Hao, the young city master of Fudo Pluto City in the astral world."

The elder of the Jun family who appeared, looked at Su Hao with some astonishment.

They were still discussing Su Hao just now.

Unexpectedly, Su Hao brought an army from the star realm to destroy their Jun family.

The changes in the world have also attracted the attention of surrounding forces.

They appeared one after another not far away.

"what is this?"

They looked at the changes in the sky in surprise.

"Who is it, the Jun family who actually fought the army, the Jun family is a dominant family with a long heritage."

Some people exclaimed in surprise.

But they didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that their own voice would appear, and the other party would kill them first.

"Just now I seem to have heard them say that the city of Hades can't move, what kind of power is the city of Hades, do I have such a power in the heavens?"

Some people asked softly to the people beside them.

"I do not know either!"

The people next to him didn't even hear it.

"But looking at this posture, it is definitely not easy to move Pluto City."

"I don't move the city of Hades, I didn't expect that we didn't go to you, but you came to my Heavenly King's house."

At this time, in the main hall of the Jun family, a loud shout sounded.

A force of the ninth-level peak of the terrifying Eternal Realm erupted from the hall.

With this breath.

A gloomy aura formed between heaven and earth.

An old man in a white robe stepped out.

Every time he took a step, white ice cubes appeared in the void, and the temperature between heaven and earth began to drop continuously.

"One of the three ancestors of the Jun family, Jun Beiming!"

Seeing the white-robed man who appeared, some spectators said, with surprise in their voices.

There are three strongest ancestors in the Tianjiejun family.

The first patriarch of the Jun family, Jun Wushang, the second patriarch of the Jun family, Jun Beiming, the third patriarch of the Jun family, and Jun Canghai.

Rumor has it that you are the strongest.

"This time, the people who don't move Hades are unlucky, I'm afraid they will all be beheaded."

"What are you beheading? Didn't you hear what Jun Beiming said, this person who doesn't move the city of Hades has fought against the Jun family."

"It seems that the Jun family is still at a loss."

Said from the side.

"Brother Niu, isn't your organization the best in information?"

"You should know what kind of power this immovable Pluto city is."

One of them asked a man in a black robe next to him.

At this time, the black-robed man looked solemn when he heard someone ask him.

He opened his mouth and said, "If the Jun family doesn't help this time, I'm afraid it will be in danger."

"The current ruler of the Astral Realm of Fudo Pluto City has just formed an alliance with the Underworld of the Immortal Realm and Fangcun Mountain some time ago."

"The destruction of the Jun family in the fairy world and the star world has something to do with him, and some time ago, Tiangong invaded the fairy world, and the whole army was destroyed."

"You can't say whether the city of Hades is strong or not."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became horrified, and their faces were frozen. They didn't expect this immovable Hades City to be so strong.

"There are three ancestors in the Jun family, let's show up together, otherwise, you really don't have a chance."

Su Hao looked at Jun Bei Mingdao.


When Jun Beiming was talking, his whole body became like an abyss.

He punched Su Hao with one punch, but neither the Abandoned Heaven Emperor nor Youhabach.

Unexpectedly, he attacked Su Hao directly.

Su Hao's expression remained unchanged, and the young Si Ming who was wearing a palace attire next to him stepped forward.

In the void, countless flying leaves appeared in front of her, forming cyan fists, which collided with Jun Beiming's fist.


When the fists collided, Shao Siming formed a seal on his palm.

One after another handprints appeared in front of her, and the terrifying spiritual power shrouded Jun Beiming along with the handprints.

Jun Beiming, who shot, looked a little stunned.

He didn't expect that Shao Siming next to Su Hao didn't have such strength.

He wanted to continue punching, but he felt that his soul seemed to be suppressed by something, and he couldn't use it for a while.

"how can that be?"

Jun Beiming looked at Shao Siming in disbelief.

He didn't expect that his soul would be suppressed by the opponent.

At this time, the blood-devouring vine beside Su Hao suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already reached Jun Beiming's full extent.

A fist slammed out, and the fist full of blood slammed towards Jun Beiming.


At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted again from the land of Jun's family.

When the breath burst out, the figure appeared in front of Jun Beiming, and punched the red blood vine.

This fist blasted out, and the fist directly enveloped the blood-devouring vine like an ocean.


The blood-devouring vine's body was directly shaken into blood mist.


On the other side, Jun Beiming's low roar shattered Shao Siming's mental suppression.

And the low roar formed a storm and swept away towards Shao Siming.

But Shao Siming's figure disappeared.

As for the blood-devouring vines that were smashed into blood mist by a punch, they quickly gathered together to form a human shape and appeared beside Su Hao.

"Is there a war? Let's start!"

Just when the battle stopped, Abandoned Heaven Emperor, who had not made a move before, waved his hand.

Behind him, he was trained as a puppet demon warrior like a locust, attacking towards the land of the king's the other side

Haas and the others behind Youhabach also rushed to the land of the king's house with their respective psionic legions.


One after another, screams erupted from the land of Jun's house.

Immediately, a terrifying and **** aura rose above Jun's house.

Among the elders of the Jun family, there is also the existence of the eternal realm.

But Youhabach's strength now vaguely surpassed the peak of the Eternal Nine, and saw the power of the Eternal Nine burst out from the elders of the Jun family.

The epee in his hand plunged straight down.

A terrifying force swept across the Junjia Mountains in his epee.

This force appeared, and the clan elders who were about to come out of the main hall of the Jun family were directly suppressed inside the hall.

For a while, the elders of the Jun family were unable to come out of the hall.


Just when the epee was pressed down.

In the main hall of the Jun family, the aura of the great ancestor of the Jun family broke out from the hall.

A terrifying killing force burst out from the temple, trying to break through the epee suppression of Yuhabach.

But it couldn't break through for a while.


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