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Chapter 1492: The ancient corpse and insect body, the devil becomes the devil body

The latest website: Jiutian Succubus heard Gu Huai's words, looked at Gu Xi'er, and sensed the breath of Gu Xi'er.

He said softly: "Inheritance of the God of War, little girl, you are lucky. After obtaining the inheritance of the God of War, you will definitely be able to comprehend the aura of the Tribulation Realm in the future."

"Senior knows the God of War Palace."

Gu Xi'er just accepted the inheritance, but didn't know much about some things about the God of War Palace.

"The God of War's power and strength were good back then, but it's a pity."

Before Jiutian Succubus finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Why has the origin of this world changed?"

"Not only has it changed, but it has also become thinner."

She said softly.

Gu Huai heard the words beside him, his eyes condensed slightly: "You mean that the origin of this world has been changed, it is impossible, the origin of the fairy world has always been like this."

Gu Huai didn't notice that the origin of this world had changed.

He has been to the fairyland in the last life, and the power of the source is like this.

"Absolutely changed. Although I was not born in the fairy world, you also know that I have a very strong perception of the power of the source."

"There is definitely something wrong with the origin of this fairyland."

Nine Heavens Succubus said with certainty.

Hearing Jiutian Succubus say this, Gu Huai frowned slightly.

But then he said: "I'm afraid this matter involves a lot. It's not that we can participate now. We'd better not ask about it for the time being."

"Sister, let's go back to the God of War first."

Gu Huai said to Gu Xi'er.

"it is good!"

Gu Xi'er's armor of the **** of war disappeared, and she recovered herself. The heroic figure just disappeared, exuding a smart temperament.

The group left.

"In the land of the abyss, someone is actually sleeping. I don't know who this person is?"

"No matter who it is, it's terrifying just exuding aura."

"You didn't watch that Chen Zhan looked at each other solemnly."

Some people looked at the leaving crowd and said with horror in their eyes.

Another place.

Emperor Jin and Emperor Meng appeared from the void.

"It was a little dangerous just now, but what happened in the forbidden area of ​​the abyss?"

Menghuang frowned slightly.

"Now it's not about things in the Abyss, but what should we do next?"

"Once the War God Palace knows that it is my Great Jin Dynasty who framed the Black Emperor, I am afraid that my Great Jin Dynasty will be destroyed."

Emperor Jin, who was beside him, said in a deep voice.

Chen Zhan showed that his strength was too strong, so that he did not have any confidence in his heart.

"It's already done, why bother?"

"Wanshi Demon Mountain lost two Eternal Realm powerhouses this time, including one of the seven elders, the Demon Nest."

"It can't be over like this, you can contact Wanshi Moshan immediately and tell them what happened here." Meng Huang said after a moment of contemplation.

"It can only be like this now." Emperor Jin said in a deep voice.

when they speak.

A gap appeared in the void.

Jin Taiyue walked out of the void.

"Brother Emperor, Brother Tai Yue."

Emperor Jin and Emperor Meng said at the same time.

"A woman just walked out of the forbidden area. Her strength is terrifying. I am afraid that even that Chen Zhan may not be an opponent. Does the Emperor Meng know know?"

Jin Taiyue waved one hand, and the image of the Nine Heavens Succubus appeared in front of them.

He said with a very solemn expression.

"I don't know!"

Menghuang shook his head and said, "Has this person conflicted with Chen Zhan?"

"No, that person knows Hei Emperor, Meng Huang didn't know that you promised us earlier that you would help us step into the Eternal Realm."

"When will this be done?"

Jin Taiyue then asked.

The situation is getting more and more serious, and they must step into eternity as soon as possible.

"I have prepared an extraterritorial star for the two of you. You can go with me and absorb the power of that world. Presumably the two should be able to step into eternity."

"Absorb the power of the stars!"

Hearing this, Jin Taiyuehe's Jin Emperor's complexion changed slightly, and he exclaimed in his mouth.

"Yes. This time I got a star from the Death Court, and you two don't have to worry about the rest."

"By the way, tell the two of you that I have joined the God of Death and become the God of Death, and I am a fourth-level guardian envoy on the periphery."

The dream emperor said.

"The fourth-level guardian of the death court, I didn't expect you to be in the death court, Menghuang, it is still related."

Jin Emperor and Jin Taiyue showed envy on their faces.

"This is a last resort, there is no way."

Menghuang said with a sigh, there seems to be no joy on his face, as if others are envious of things, he is a little unwilling in his heart.

There's no way, now it's turned into an upside-down door, who wants to.

After all, Menghuang is a generation of emperors, and he doesn't want to be like this.

"Let's go, I'll take the two to that star."

The dream emperor said.

While speaking, a flying boat appeared in their hands and the three entered it, heading towards the direction of the sea of ​​stars outside the territory.


Dayan Celestial Dynasty, capital city.

Su Hao got the news from Chen Zhan.

"Nine heavens are charming, the origin of the fairy world changes."

"It seems that Gu Huai's identity is not simple, to be able to know such a big guy."

Su Hao said softly.

The strength of Jiutian Succubus, Chen Zhan has already told, should be stronger than his friend Habach.

Of course, he is more interested in the changes in the origin of the fairy world.

The Nine Heavens Succubus actually said so, I am afraid it must be true.

The origin of the fairyland changes, who can change it, I am afraid only the three great palaces of the fairyland.

"What are they trying to do?"

Su Hao thought to himself.

Originally wanted to take the opportunity to generate a task, but the system did not issue a task to investigate this matter.

It made Su Hao a little strange.

Come and sign up today.

[The host will get 100 check-in points by signing in today, and randomly get 10,000 times the check-in value reward. 】

"The check-in value of 1 million is not bad."

Afterwards, Su Hao thought that there were 3 level 14 crystal lottery cards in his inventory.

He opened it directly, these 3 level 14 crystal lottery cards

[The host consumes 2 level 14 crystal lottery cards, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations on getting an ancient corpse worm, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining an exclusive skill card of Ancient Forbidden Spirit Art - Shao Siming, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a demon master who has become a demon, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】


Seeing something appeared, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately investigate the body of the ancient corpse worm]: The corpse can devour evolution, possess the power of the ancient corpse worm, attribute: devour all energy.

[Ancient Forbidden Spiritual Art]: It can seal all the energy around it, and exert its power according to its own strength.

[The Demon Lord Becomes the Devil's Body]: After the Demon Lord casts the [Sacrificing Your Body to Become a Demon], his body appears, which can help the Demon Lord to comprehend the cultivation method of the Tribulation Realm.

"The Tribulation Realm Cultivation Method!"

Su Hao's pupils suddenly tightened, this demon master has such abilities.

Eternal Peak stepped into the Tribulation Realm, and Youhabach also got some information about stepping into the Tribulation Realm after obtaining the divine source energy. ,

It is only after comprehending ninety-nine-eighty-one robbery realms that one can step into the first realm of robbery.

It can be said that it is very difficult.

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