Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1494: Tiangong is cold and unparalleled, Yang conspiracy

The latest website: "Mr. Leng, this news is unusual, it shouldn't just be a fancy for my Void Magic."

Wu Wuyue looked at Leng Wushuangdao.

Although the Void Divine Art is subject to very little restrictions in the Primordial Divine Mountain, it has no such great value.

"Miss Wuyue, in fact, I want to ask you to build a Void Teleportation Array, and it should be done quickly. I hope it will be completed within three days."

"You can only do this, Miss Wuyue."

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

"Hearing Leng Wushuang's words, Wu Wuyue's face froze.

"Is there anything else in that ancient land?"

The face of nothingness changed, and he asked.

"Yes, some things that are useful to ordinary warriors, we will send my Tiangong Tianbing there for baptism."

Leng Wushuang said in a flat tone.

"It seems that your Tiangong values ​​which one, well, I promise you, but I want one third of that ancient land to get the essence."

Nether Moon nodded.

"No problem, I don't know when Miss Wuyue will leave."

Leng Wushuang readily agreed.

"You can leave tomorrow."

Void Moon replied.

After the two continued to chat for a few words, Niu Wuyue left.

After the void moon left.

Walking out from the back of the hall, two figures appeared.

One of them was Di Qinglei, who was wearing a strong suit of the Death Court.

There is also a skinny old monk.

The old monk was wearing a golden cassock, and the exposed skin was golden yellow, as if cast from gold.

"Master Gu, the Void Sacred Mountain has already agreed, and there is no problem with you."

Leng Wushuang looked out of the old monk and said.

"There is no problem with the poor monk, and I will bring me members of Jinzun Luohan Temple to help you clear the evil over there."

The old monk replied.

"Thank you to Master Gu, we will give you one third of the spiritual essence we get."

Leng Wushuang promised.

"The poor monk will return first, and meet at the Taikoo Divine Mountain one day later."

The old monk saluted with his right hand and left.

After the two left, Di Qing tearfully said:

"Leng Wushuang, you are going to pull the Void Sacred Mountain and Jinzun Luohan Temple to your Heavenly Palace!"

"There is no way, Fudo Pluto City is very strong, and we can't cooperate with the Canglan Empire, so we can only do this."

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

"Who asked your emperor to rob the junior sister who Emperor Canglan values ​​most."

Di Qinglei said softly.

"But you have arranged so much to deal with a Su Hao!"

"I'm inviting Master Gu again, and I'm inviting Wu Wuyue again."

"But you are so sure that City Lord Su Shao will go to the Taikoo Divine Mountain when he gets the news."

"You guys are clearly telling the other party that you are plotting against him."

Di Qinglei sat down and said.

"It's best if Su Hao doesn't go. If he goes, just follow the plan."

"I am Yang Mo, but according to what I have learned from Su Hao's investigation, he should not give up such resources."

Leng Wushuang said softly.

"Fujian Pluto City is too weird, my thoughts, you can resolve it best."

Di Qing said in a tearful voice.

In his tone, he was very jealous of Fudo Pluto City.

"Do you know? Someone in your death court is trying to figure out the city of Hades."

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

"Someone in our death court can't figure out the city of Hades? How do you know?"

Di Qinglei frowned slightly and said.

"It's not how I know, but they found me."

"And you think the ancient land that appeared in the Primordial Divine Mountain this time was really discovered by our Heavenly Palace."

"If it was discovered by our Tiangong, do you think I would take it out? Do you share it with other people? I have already swallowed it up."

Leng Wushuang said in a deep voice.

"Who in the Death Court contacted you!"

Hearing this, Di Qing asked in a deep voice.

"Your Cao family of the God of Death, except for the God of Death, the origin fairy king of the origin mountain of the eternal kingdom."

"I'm just helping to pass a message on this matter."

Leng Wushuang said in a low voice.

"The Cao family is taking action against Fudo Hades City?"

"Could it be that Cao Wuyan did something against Fufu Pluto just for Cao Zhaoyuan?"

"Cao Zhaoyuan's death was because he was caught in the abyss of the void. The people of Fudo Pluto didn't kill him directly."

"As for Origin Mountain, why?"

Di Qingli frowned and said.

"I don't know about the Cao family. As for the origin mountain."

"It seems that it is because the second young city lord of the immovable Pluto city let go of the origin immortal king and split out the origin of the original body, Lin Yuanyuan."

"Original Immortal King wants to find Lin Yuanyuan through Su Hao."

Leng Wushuang said in a low voice.

"Is that so? It seems that there are quite a few people who have offended the city of Pluto."

"But aren't you afraid that they will use your Tiangong as a spearman?"

Di Qing opened his mouth with tears.

"It's not that you don't know the hatred between Tiangong and Fufu Pluto City. It's hard to be kind."

"What's more, if we really win the young city lord of Fudo Hades, we can know the strength of Fudo Hades."

"Whether it is an enemy in the follow-up, and how to be an enemy, it is very clear."

Unparalleled cold.

"However, I always feel that this matter is not easy, so I pulled up the Void Sacred Mountain and the Golden Monastery Arhat Temple."

Leng Wushuang then said again.

"It seems that you have drawn the Void Sacred Mountain and Jinzun Luohan Temple alliance, not only against the immovable Hades City."

"It's also to fight the Origin Mountain and the Cao Family of the God of Death, Leng Wushuang, your calculations are really deep enough."

"You said you weren't scheming me too."

Di Qinglei looked at Leng Wushuangdao.

"I won't count on you."

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

Di Qing tears she doesn't need to calculate.

If he really had an accident, Di Qinglei would definitely help him, just like when Di Qinglei had an accident, he would help her without hesitation.

"I hope so. In fact, with your talent, you can also show your strengths by going to the Court of Death."

Di Qing said in a deep voice.

"Without God, there would be no me."

Leng Wushuang stood up, looked outside the hall, and said.

Outside Su Hao's mansion.

"This is my lord, let me send a letter to the city lord Su Shao, please forward it to the city lord Su Shao."

A man handed a letter in his hand to the bodyguard of the guard.

The guard at the gate took the letter and turned to enter the mansion.

Inside the mansion, the blood-devouring vine opened the letter, his eyes narrowed slightly, and informed Su Hao of the contents of the letter.

"The ancient sacred mountain, the ancient land, the ancient spirit."

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The ancient spirit, what is it?"

Su Hao said to the black and white beside him.

He really didn't know what the immemorial spirit was mentioned on the letterhead?

"Lord, according to the knowledge of the subordinates, the Primordial Divine Essence is a treasure that can help the transcendental realm enter the eternal realm."

"It is rumored that it will only exist on the side of the Taikoo Divine Mountain."

Black and white.

"This letter informs me that there is an ancient land in the Primordial Divine which contains the Primordial Spiritual Essence."

"It also comes with a map, I don't know who wants to calculate me."

Su Hao said softly.

Don't look at it, this is definitely someone who is taking this ancient spirit against him.

Still calculating him clearly.

Yang conspiracy!

"Heavenly Palace, Void Sacred Mountain, or Canglan Empire."

In the Immortal Realm, Su Hao has only these three great enemies for the time being.

So it should be these three parties who are calculating him.

"My lord, I'll go check it out."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

Su Hao nodded.

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