Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1508: Ancient Underworld, King of Suppressing Prisons

"The characters at the level of living fossils must be the powerhouses of the Tribulation Realm, but I don't know what realm they have reached."

"However, this Wanshi Moshan shot at me, even if he is the heir of the Haotian Emperor?"

Su Hao said coldly.

There is ancient dust on his side.

Although Gu Chensha is the first realm of robbery.

But it's not that easy to deal with.

"Big brother, the strength of this Emperor Haotian is one aspect, and there is still one main thing, that is, the longer he lives, the more heirs."

"There are five people with the strongest strength, and the Mountain Master of Wanshi Moshan is one of them."

"The other four, who are they?"

Su Hao couldn't help asking.

"This nine-day succubus didn't say anything. It is estimated that she wants to keep this as a bargaining chip and talk to you."

Gu Huai said with a smile.

"Talk to me, what does she want me to help her with? Enter the Immortal Temple?"

Su Hao couldn't help asking.

"It shouldn't be, but about the undead king."

"She attacked the Undead King at the last moment and intercepted some of the Undying King's power."

"The undead king will recover, and she will definitely find her. She needs allies at that time."

"In the previous conversation, I felt that she was testing whether there was a robbery powerhouse behind you."

Gu Huai said.

"She attacked the Undead King at the last minute? She also intercepted the Undead King's energy."

"Isn't this nine-day succubus a group with the undead king?"

Su Hao asked involuntarily.

He also investigated Jiutian Succubus, and it seemed that she was the woman of the Immortal King.

Unexpectedly, the undead king was even plotted by his own woman at the last moment.

Thinking of the Immortal King, Su Hao's eyes could not help but narrow.

The energy of the Eighteen Reincarnation Pool of the Underworld, he knew that now, with the help of the Eighteenth Reincarnation Pool of the Underworld, the strength of many people has improved.

Such a treasure, if the undead king is revived, he definitely does not want to want it. I am afraid there will be a war by then.

"You are here to investigate, the signs of the undead king."

"If it can be found in advance, he can be eradicated as soon as possible."

Su Hao said.

at the same time.

The Cao family, Cao Wuyan, crossed the void and came to a forbidden place in the fairyland.

This forbidden place was dead silent, even all the rocks, and no life could be perceived.

A stone forest within the forbidden area.

The stone forest is very large, and each piece of mountain and rock is oddly shaped, each of which is different, but they all show the demeanor of a terrifying beast.

Relying on one-legged bullocks, there are cyan giant tigers roaring in the sky, purple nine secluded sparrows, and black giant dragons.

If ordinary people come, they will be suppressed by these rocks and speechless.

Cao Wuyan's figure appeared before this stone forest.

He looked at the stone forest in front of him, the power of endless reincarnation began to spread, and the stone forest shrouded away.

When his endless reincarnation power covers those rocks.

There were phantoms of fierce beasts in the rocks.

The phantom showed a roar that shook the earth, but there were restrictions outside the stone forest, covering all the visions here.

"It really is here!"

Looking at these visions, Cao Wuyan murmured on his face.

When he was talking, a huge bronze gate appeared above his head, and the huge gate opened and the power of endless reincarnation flowed out.

This is the true body of the endless reincarnation, one of the treasures of the underworld.

Terrifying energy melted into the stone forest.

In the stone forest, the shadows of the mountains and rocks solidified into fierce beasts. They roared, and then emitted a ray of light between their eyebrows.

At the same time, it went straight to one place.

That place is a piece of Hu Bo.

Under the shroud of these energies, the lake water in Hu Boni began to disappear.

A cave appears.

The cave mansion appeared, and a vast ancient aura emanated from it.

Cao Wuyan flashed and appeared in front of the cave.

His palm was directly printed on the cave.

When his palm was printed on the cave, a seal appeared on the stone gate.

Looking at the seal outside the cave, Cao Wuyan just wanted to get it. ,

But found that the seal began to disintegrate and disappear.

The cave mansion was opened, and a deep voice came from the cave mansion.

"The descendant of the first day king, why did you wake me up, was the first day king born?"

Listening to his voice, you can know that this person should be a person from the ancient underworld.

"Uncle Suppressing Prison, Master has not yet woken up. This time I came here mainly to inform Uncle, that the ancient underworld is now in the world, and now it is occupied by people, becoming the power of the Fifth Avenue Palace in the Immortal Realm."

Cao Wuyan said.

In this forbidden area, there is a person sleeping, who is one of the seventeen apprentices of the Immortal King, the King of Hell on the second day of the Underworld.

The Eighteen Heavenly Kings of the Underworld are a lineage of inheritance, and they are all brothers and sisters.

Hearing this, there was silence in the cave.

The door to the cave slowly opened.

Upon seeing this, Cao Wuyan stepped into the cave.

Inside the cave, there was no one, only a stone statue, with a majestic face, a face as sharp as a knife, and even the hair and temples had edges and corners.

It seems to be a living person petrified.

The stone statue exudes a black light, which seems to be composed of the main stone city, but it is composed of a kind of dark energy.

These energies are gathered in the stone statue, and the condensate will not disperse.

"Meet Uncle Prisoner."

When Cao Wuyan saw the stone statue, he bowed and saluted.

When he saluted, a voice came from the stone statue.

"You just said that the underworld was born. According to the truth, the underworld should not have been born so soon. Is there any problem?"

"This disciple doesn't know what's wrong?"

"When the underground palace appeared, I sent someone to get it, but someone in the underworld appeared and took the underworld directly from the star realm to the fairyland."

"Before the underground palace of the underworld was raised, the underworld divided into an underworld organization that was active in the fairyland."

"There are rumors that there are eight heavenly kings in the underworld born this time."

"There are three kings among them. All three are strong in the Eternal Realm, and their strength is high and low, but there is no master above the Eternal Ninth Layer."

Cao Wuyan said.

"Eight Heavenly Kings, no powerhouse above the ninth level of the Eternal Realm appears?"

"Could it be that other heavenly kings have been resurrected, but it is impossible. Among the eighteen heavenly kings that year, very few were able to recover."

"Even if it recovers, it won't reach the Eternal Ninth Layer. They shouldn't show up."

"It's a bit strange. You should investigate this matter with all your strength."

A suspicious voice came from the stone statue.

"Disciple understands, Uncle Suppressing Prison, I don't know if you can sense the situation of my master here."

Cao Wuyan said.

The purpose of his coming here is actually to know the situation of his master.

"I can't perceive the situation of your master, but according to the time calculation, your master's recovery should be fast."

The stone statue spread the sound Now your focus is to investigate the situation of the underworld, and if there is any situation, let me know. "

"After a while, I should be able to be born."

"The disciple will leave first and investigate the matter of the underworld."

Cao Wuyan bowed and exited the cave.

After he left, an image emerged from the stone statue.

The middle-aged man looks exactly like the stone statue.

He looked at the direction in which Cao Wuyan was leaving and murmured, "It seems that my nephew has other thoughts in mind."

"Senior brother, maybe you made the wrong choice back then."

The figure sighed.

Then the image dissipated in the cave.

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