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Chapter 1510: Rob the endless reincarnation mission

The latest website: Jilei Mountain.

Among the sect forces in the Immortal Realm, it was second only to Fangcunshan's forces.

They were built in a mountain full of lightning.

At the center of this thunder and lightning, there is a mountain range, and at the top of the mountain range is a palace called Jilei Hall.

It is the place where the Lord of Thunder Mountain lives.

There is not very quiet around the palace without any thunder and lightning.

But in the depths of the palace, there is a thunder pool

In the Thunder Pond, a young man is absorbing the power of lightning in the Thunder Pond.

He was bathed in thunder and lightning, like the **** of thunder.

There is also a phantom on the top of his head, a phantom of a thunder cow, which is the body of Jilei Mountain's bloodline inheritance.


A figure appeared outside the Thunder Pond.

"The mountain master, the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, the death **** Cao family Cao Wuyan came to me to Jilei Mountain, and wanted to meet the mountain master."

The figure knelt down and said.

"Cao family Cao Wuyan, he should be looking for the old mountain master."

"But I, Jileishan, and the Cao family don't seem to have anything to do with each other. What is he doing here?"

The young man said in a deep voice.

While speaking, the young man walked out of the thunder pool.

The moment he walked out of the Thunder Pond, the Thunder Bull above his head also merged into his body, and the originally boiling Thunder Pond became calm.

"Let's go, let's meet the head of the Cao family."

The young man stepped into the palace.

After they left, a figure emerged from the thunder pool.

It is the black and white figure.

Jileishan has some grudges with Fudo Pluto City, so Black and White arranged a clone here.

This clone has always been integrated into the thunder pool in Jilei Mountain, absorbing lightning energy and enhancing the strength of this clone.

In the main hall of Jilei Mountain.

Cao Wuyan frowned slightly as he looked at the young man who came out.

He didn't expect the mountain owner of Jilei Mountain to be so young.

The mountain master of Jilei Mountain, who could not help looking at it, found that there was a golden gap between the eyebrows of the other party.

There is an extraordinary power in that gap.

"I have seen the master of the Cao family, and the younger generation of the mountain master of Jilei has a dream of a thousand calamities."

"Meng Wanjie, your surname is Meng, you are not from the Niu family, how could you become the mountain owner of Jilei Mountain."

Cao Wuyan said in surprise.

He knew that Jilei Mountain had always been in charge of the Niu family.

This cattle family is also established by the people of the cattle family in the eternal kingdom.

"The younger generation's mother's surname is Niu, so my uncle asked me to inherit Jilei Mountain. I don't know what happened to the master of the Cao family when I came to Jilei Mountain."

Meng Wanjie said.

He is really clear about the strength of Cao Wuyan's Cao family. It is rumored that he is at the peak of the Eternal Nine Layers.

Not that he can compare, so it must be respected.

"I came here this time to find out about the situation in the underworld?"


Meng Wanjie's heart moved slightly.

He was thinking in his heart that this Cao Wuyan was related to the underworld.

Cao Wuyan got the endless reincarnation of the underworld, does he still want other treasures of the underworld?

But it's also good for him.

The demise of the Great Dream Celestial Dynasty has something to do with the underworld.

If Cao Wuyan conflicts with the underworld, it will be a good thing for him.

"The younger generation doesn't know much about the underworld, but only knows that the underworld is now in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain."

"However, the underworld appeared in Immortal Realm before. The overlord of Immortal Realm is Fudo Pluto City. Seniors can go to Fudo Pluto City to inquire."

"They may be able to know some of the conditions of the underworld."

Meng Wanjie said.

Hearing Meng Wanjie's words, Cao Wuyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying aura swept towards Meng Wanjie.

Meng Wanjie felt this breath, and the lightning burst on the body instantly, forming a shield.

But it was useless at all, the shield shattered instantly, and a force pressed directly on his chest.

Meng Wanjie's body flew out of the direct attack and slammed into the wall.

"Junior, if it wasn't for your Niu family's sake, I would kill you with just one slap."

"I want you to use the power of Jilei Mountain to investigate the situation in the underworld. After three days, I will come back, hoping that I will not find anything."

After speaking, Cao Wuyan disappeared in the hall.

Cough cough!

Meng Wanjie, who had just been banged against the wall, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and watched Cao Wuyan leave the direction.

He murmured in his mouth: "This Cao Wuyan really said that he would do it with his hands, and his strength is really a good thing."

When his voice fell.

A figure walked out of the Jilei Mountain Hall.

This is a man wearing a white robe. The man has a pair of sword eyebrows, his pupils are like stars, his face is extremely handsome, and there is a wave of thunder and lightning on his body.

"Shanzhu, you can't do this next time. I'm not an opponent of Cao Wuyan's strength."

"If he wants to kill you, I can't stop him."

The man who appeared looked at Meng Wanjie and said.

"It doesn't matter, he will hurt me at most, and he still has to worry about the Niu family behind me."

"What's more, I'm a junior. If he hits me hard, it will damage my identity."

Meng Wanjie didn't care at all, swallowed a mouthful of the medicinal pill and stabilized some of his injuries.

"Uncle Qin, this Cao Wuyan is investigating the underworld, what is he trying to do?"

Meng Wanjie asked softly.

"Cao Wuyan has Infinite Reincarnation in his hands. Infinite Reincarnation was the treasure of the first Heavenly King of the Underworld, the Immortal King."

"He has obtained endless reincarnation. To a certain extent, he is the disciple of the Immortal King."

"Now that the underworld has appeared, many of them have nothing to do with the ancient underworld, and he should check it out."

The white-robed man said.

"Is that so? Then I have to help him check it out."

Meng Wanjie said with a flash of light in his eyes.

"This is some information from the underworld, and Jilei Mountain has already mastered it."

"You are the mountain owner of Jilei Mountain, and sometimes you have to ask about the situation in the mountain!"

"Don't be obsessed with cultivation all the time."

After speaking, the white-robed man disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the man in the white robe leaving, Meng Wanjie shook his head,

His current strength is not comparable to that of the young city lord of the immovable Hades City, and the young lord of the underworld.

If he wanted Jileishan to go to the next level, he had to defeat the two of them.

at the same time.

In the God of War Palace in the fairy world.

"My lord, Cao Wuyan, the head of the Cao family of the God of Death, appeared in Jilei Mountain and wanted to find clues about the underworld through Jilei Mountain."

"And the treasure of the endless reincarnation on Cao Wuyan's body."

Black and white said beside Su Hao.

"The Cao family, Cao Wuyan, is the treasure of the underworld, endless reincarnation."

Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

[Trigger quest: Underworld has now become a subordinate force of Fudo Pluto City. The endless reincarnation is the treasure of the ancient underworld. The host regains the endless reincarnation, enhances the strength of the underworld, and rewards 2 level 14 crystal lottery cards. ].

At this moment, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"Uninterrupted reincarnation, it was the treasure of the ancient underworld, the first heavenly king, and the immortal king."

"If you get it, you may be able to know some clues about the undead king."

Su Hao looked at the tasks released by the system and pondered.

light pen

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