Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1513: Dynamic and static shock 4 square

The latest website: "The Demon God Comes to the World."

Ling Yanrong gave a low voice and raised her palm to the sky.

There was a bang in the void, and layers of storms suddenly rolled up in the originally pitch-black space.

Her body erupted with thick demonic energy, turning into a huge demonic god, with a body of several thousand meters tall, sending out a forehead breath that stunned the sky, and slapped the impacting figure with a palm.


The palm fell, and all the blood shadows that impacted were shattered and turned into nothingness.


After eliminating these vague figures, Ling Yanrong flashed and appeared in front of the blood-devouring vine in the blink of an eye.

"Perception in terms of strength is irreparable!"

Her palm suddenly slapped on the blood-devouring vine.


The blood-devouring vine was directly scattered by this palm and turned into countless blood droplets.

But the blood quickly turned into a figure.

This body was wrapped in blood-colored scales, holding a blood-colored war spear in his hand, and a terrifying blood light poured out of him.

The whole person is like a killing **** at the bottom of the abyss.

The war spear slashed directly at Ling Yan, driving endless blood and engulfing the void.

That Ling Yanrong's face froze.

Unexpectedly, he did not kill the blood-devouring vine with one palm.

"It's a bit of a skill, but this attack can't help me."

That Ling Yanrong raised her palm again, and hit the spear with her palm.

Endless power poured into the body of the blood-devouring vine through the spear.

The blood-devouring vine's body showed traces of cracks.

Bloody rays of light emerged from the cracked traces.


The body turned into a cloud of blood again.

"These blood mists are your foundation, but I won't give you a chance to resurrect."

That Ling Yanrong said coldly.

Raising your hand is a punch to the **** fog of the blood-devouring vine.

The terrifying fist strength, like a tsunami, swept through the blood mist turned into the blood-devouring vine.

On the other side, watching the battle, Lu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mind has been paying attention to the void.

He was afraid there were others.

But he didn't pay attention, he frowned.

According to the situation, this Su Chixue is here.

Su Hao should also be here, but Su Chixue's attack took so long, but Su Hao didn't show up.

It can only be said that there are no experts around Su Hao.

Su Chixue came here to give Su Hao a chance to leave.

With a flash of light in his eyes, he headed towards the God of War Palace.

But at this time, a terrifying fist appeared from the void like a blue dragon.

This fist is domineering and unparalleled, suppressing the ages.

Lu Ming's eyes narrowed, and he also punched out.

The fist strength was equally domineering, slamming into the attacking punch.


The two fists collided, and a hole was punched in the void, penetrating into the fairyland.

When this force runs through the fairyland.

Some people suddenly turned pale, and all looked in the direction of the God of War Palace.

A war broke out at the God of War Palace.

It is stronger than the general detachment, and it must be the eternal realm.

"I don't know who is going against the people who can't move the city of Hades."

Some people spoke up.

"It should be someone from the extraterritorial Xingchenhai. I heard that some time ago, Chen Zhan killed the two hands of the extraterritorial Xingchenhai Wanshi Demon Mountain in the Great Jin Dynasty."

"It is estimated that there is revenge over there."

"Is there a lot of opponents who don't move Pluto City? It is estimated that people who don't move Pluto City in the God of War Palace will be out of luck this time."

"That's not necessarily true. Fudo Pluto is allied with Fangcunshan and the Underworld."

"The people who don't move Hades City will take action. Underworld and Fangcunshan should take action. Let's go and see."

"Such a matchup of masters is of great benefit to us."

After some powerhouses finished speaking, they all headed towards the God of War Palace.

At this time, this battle has alarmed the Quartet.

After a blow in the void.

Chen Zhan's figure appeared, he now has the soul of Zhantian condensed in his body, and his opponent is a bit strong. If he tries his best, he can only fight for a while.

"Eternal Seventh Layer, you have unusual things on your body. I didn't expect to have such a harvest this time."

"I should be able to comprehend a robbery aura when I get what you have."

There was a fiery heat in Lu Ming's eyes.

"If you want something from me, then you have to have the ability!"

At the moment of speaking, Chen Zhansu's eyes flashed with light, killing him.

That Lu Ming also blasted the past.


Chen Zhan's figure was knocked back a few steps by Lu Ming's punch.

"The gap in strength is not so easy to make up!"

Lu Ming sneered, and a golden light appeared on his body, which was as bright as the sun.

This is a radiance of the sun.

He punched Chen Zhan with a punch, and the energy of the endless Yang Yang gathered in his fists and swept Xiang Chen Zhan.

Chen Zhan's face was solemn, and his whole body became more and more intense.

He is a strong man in Zhantian, God, they were out of reach at that time.

They were still fighting, and this Lu Ming didn't give him the feeling of heaven.

Along with the fighting spirit, a huge force circulated in him, and energy flowed out from the soul of Zhantian, which merged into Chen Zhan's body.

The stronger the fighting spirit, the more powerful the soul of Zhantian will be.


He rushed to Lu Ming first and fought with Lu Ming.

For a time, the void continued to appear wave-like fluctuations,

at this time

On the side of Ling Yanrong, the Blood-devouring Demon Vine was enveloped by Ling Yanrong's fist strength, and it collapsed before forming a figure.

The blood-colored light is getting less and less.

"Look at me destroying you little by little."

Ling Yanrong's face was full of grimness.

boom! Finally, the last bit of blood was dissolved, and Ling Yanrong turned around and was about to head towards the God of War Palace.

She thought the same as Lu Ming.

Thinking that the blood-devouring vine was delaying time and letting Su Hao leave.


Just as she was moving.

A blood-devouring vine suddenly appeared in the void, directly piercing through her body and piercing Ling Yanrong's chest.


Ling Yanrong slashed backhand.

The blood-devouring vine that pierced through his chest was cut off, and the whole body poured into the blood-devouring vine, which was inserted into the body, destroying it.

Looking at the void, his eyes suddenly widened, and some couldn't believe it.

Eighty-one blood-colored rattans appeared around her.

These vines quickly turned into blood-devouring vines.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

The blood-devouring vine looked at Ling Yanrong with cold eyes, and instantly eighty-one figures attacked the opponent.

"I don't believe it, you can't die!"

Ling Yanrong was hit with real fire, and all the energy in her body poured into her fist.

The terrifying power makes the void appear one after another hollow I am afraid that the scalp is tingling.

Some of the immortal world powerhouses who had just arrived, before they understood what was going on, were swept away by this terrifying wave and turned into a pile of minced meat.

She flashed, appeared in front of a figure, and punched out, directly smashing the figure to pieces.

But when she shattered this body, this time it wasn't turned into a blood mist.

Instead, it turned into rhizomes with sharp thorns.

It was stabbed on Ling Yanrong's arm.

The previous blood-devouring vine was transformed by a drop of blood given to him by Su Hao.

After consuming some of Ling Yanrong's energy, the blood-devouring vine revealed his body and attacked Ling Yanrong.

Let Ling Yanrong be hit hard.

In this way, he has the ability to face the enemy head-on.

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