Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1518: Thunder Vein Altar Part 1

The latest website: "Cao Wuyan is stronger than me, but this time, it may be a little dangerous."

"Let's just watch the show. Who wins and who loses has nothing to do with us."

The white-robed man shook his head, his heart palpitating.

When Su Hao and the others appeared, he went to investigate.

Before he got close, he just looked at it from a distance, and felt an evil intent enveloped him, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

Hurry back to Jilei Mountain.

In the underworld, there are definitely terrifying masters.

This Cao Wuyan came, I am afraid there is danger.

"Uncle Shi, you said that the underworld is intercepting here. What is Cao Wuyan for? The Cao family is also a big family in the court of death."

"The underworld took action against Cao Wuyan, which is to be the enemy of the Cao family."

Meng Wanjie said.

"Cao Wuyan has something from the underworld, and the underworld definitely wants to go back."

The white-robed man said.

"The endless reincarnation, who is it, who are you, the people of the underworld are here for the endless reincarnation."

Meng Wanjie seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes looked into the void.

At this time, Su Hao on the flying boat looked at the endless thunder and lightning outside the void.

This Jilei Mountain really knows how to choose a place. Cultivating power in this endless thunder is not easy, not simple.

Su Hao praised.

And start signing in today.

[The host signed in today, got 100 check-in points, and randomly obtained a Thunder Vein altar, which has been stored in the inventory, please check the host. 】

"Thundermai altar?"

Su Hao had doubts in his heart, and wanted to investigate this Thunder Vein altar.

"Lord, behind Jilei Mountain is the Niu Family of the Eternal Kingdom, and the Niu Family has something to do with the Eternal Kingdom Royal Family."

"There are also subordinates who have found that the current owner of Jilei Mountain, Meng Wanjie, is the son of Emperor Meng."

At this time, Black and White Jue, who was beside him, said.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. Could it be that the Dream Emperor is now in the Eternal Kingdom!"

Su Hao asked involuntarily.

"No, the Dream Emperor is not in the eternal kingdom now, but in the death court, and he has also become a fourth-level guardian of the death court."

"Dream Emperor has a relationship in the Death Court, but his subordinates haven't found out who he has a relationship with."

Black and white refused.

"It seems that I underestimate it. Our Dream Emperor has nothing to do with Death God Court and Eternal Kingdom."

"It's just related to these two parties, why is the development of the Great Dream Dynasty a little weak?"

Su Hao has some doubts in his heart.

"Continue to investigate and see what is behind the Dream Emperor?"

Su Hao ordered.

Then began to investigate the Leimai altar that had just been signed.

[Lightning Vessel Altar]: It can absorb thunder veins to obtain energy, and is the best training venue for thunder attribute practitioners.

Remarks: Right now, there is a Thunder Vein in Jilei Mountain, and the host can store it in the Lei Vein altar.

Look at the system prompts.

Su Hao's eyes couldn't help but be stunned.

This is to allow himself to acquire the Thunder Mountain of Jilei Mountain.

"Get rid of Cao Wuyan and see if you want to extract the thunder veins of Jilei Mountain."

Su Hao thought so in his heart.

Jilei Mountain is an enemy. Although he didn't do anything, he couldn't let the other party develop. Collecting thunder veins was regarded as the interest for them to exist.

at this time.

Somewhere in the void, Cao Wuyan was heading to Jilei Mountain.

But when he approached Jilei Mountain, he felt a faint palpitation in his heart.

Immediately stopped.

"Why do I feel heart palpitations? Is there danger in Jilei Mountain?"

Cao Wuyan frowned slightly.

But the figure didn't stop there.

He didn't think there was anyone threatening him in the Mt.

He glanced in the direction of Jilei Mountain, and then continued on.

In the event of danger, even if he is defeated, he thinks he can leave safely.


The figure suddenly stopped, and a flying boat appeared in front of him.

There were two figures standing on the flying boat.

At this time, Su Hao and Heihe Jue had already entered the boat and did not appear directly.

when he paused.

The figure of Duan De, the underworld goddess, flashed and appeared in front of him.

"Cao Wuyan?"

Duan De looked at Cao Wuyan and said.

Hearing Duan De's words, Cao Wuyan's eyes narrowed: "It seems that you are waiting for me here, who are you?"

"Underworld Venerable Duan De, the endless reincarnation on you is the treasure of my underworld, Patriarch Cao, you should return the things to my underworld."

Duan De said in a calm voice.

"Underworld Venerable Duan De!"

A gleam of light flashed in Cao Wuyan's eyes, and he said coldly:

"Do you know who I am?"

"I am a disciple of the first king of the underworld, the immortal king, and endless reincarnation is a treasure bestowed by my master."

"You want me to return the endless reincarnation, do you want to betray the ancient underworld and not recognize the existence of the ancient underworld?"

Cao Wuyan looked at Duan De, his body was very imposing.

The underworld is the inheritance of the ancient underworld, and it can be said that it originated from the ancient underworld.

This is fundamental.

Or a teacher-inheritance relationship.

Duan De now asks him to return the endless reincarnation, obviously he does not recognize the ancient underworld.

Although there are some people in the underworld, they have nothing to do with the ancient underworld.

But he doesn't believe that everyone has nothing to do with the ancient underworld.

What's more, if Duan De said that the ancient underworld has nothing to do with the current underworld, then the excuse that Duan De said earlier does not exist.

After all, endless reincarnation is the treasure of the ancient underworld.

"It seems that Patriarch Cao is not ready to hand over the treasure of our underworld, so we can only take it."

Duan De didn't say much.

There is no need for a battle of words. They came here to kill Cao Wuyan and **** the endless reincarnation.

Hearing Duan De's words, Cao Wuyan's eyes narrowed.

Secretly shocked, he was already certain that this new underworld had nothing to do with the ancient underworld.

"Who the **** got the underworld?"

Cao Wuyan thought to himself.

When he was thinking about it in his heart, Cao Wuyan's expression became cold.

Today he wants to explore the details of this underworld.


A breath burst out from him, forming a vast ocean, pressing away towards Duan Dewei in front of him.

Duan De's eyes narrowed slightly, and a black golden shield appeared in his hand.

The Black Gold Shield was one of the three great weapons of the Emperor Ming Dynasty during the period of Duan De Mingzun.


His realm was a little worse than this Cao Wuyan, so he directly used the Jidao Emperor without any reservations.

The black gold shield appeared, like an ancient giant mountain blocking Duan De, directly resisting the imposing manner like the ocean.

Cao Wuyan's eyes narrowed, and he just let out his breath, just to test Duan De's true strength.

After all, this Duan De in front of him only has the realm of the Eternal Ninth Layer.

But this virtue gave him a sense of palpitations.

So he tried Boom!

Duan De blocked Cao Wuyan's momentum.

Waving the black gold shield to bombard Cao Wuyan.

The trajectory formed by waving in the black gold shield forms a terrifying abyss.

The black light surged in the abyss, revealing the meaning of endless fierce terror.

Seeing Duan De attacking, Cao Wuyan's eyes glowed brightly, and when he raised his hand, he punched out.

There is a trace of power in the fist to comprehend the aura of the robbery.

He didn't stay either.

After all, not far from Duan De, there was a figure shrouded in black light.

light pen

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