Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1526: Gai 9 You, the Great Emperor of Chaos, the Evil King of the Heavens

Another place.

Origin Mountain.

A Miaoman figure appeared in Yuanyuan Mountain. This figure was wearing a long purple dress. It was charming and charming.

It's just that the cold light in the eyes is cold, and there is more sternness.

It is Qin's deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain.

As soon as she appeared. , a huge breath enveloped the entire Origin Mountain.

When this breath appeared.

A figure appeared in front of this figure, bowed and saluted: "The deputy mountain master Qin is here, and I will welcome you from afar."

"The purpose of my coming here, you are clear, won't the Origin Immortal King come to see me?"

The deputy mountain master Qin said.

"The deputy mountain master Qin, the mountain master was invited by the people of the imperial court of the eternal kingdom to attend the wedding of Princess Yuhua."

The old man said hurriedly.

The heart is secretly complaining.

A few days ago, the Wanshi Magic Mountain sent a message of worship, and the Origin Immortal King saw this and kept making excuses.

It happened that the eldest princess in the imperial court had invited him to the wedding of the master of the palace.

He didn't stop at all and went directly to the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom.

"The wedding of the master of the Yuhua Palace!"

Hearing this, Deputy Mountain Master Qin's expression froze.

"Since the Immortal King of Origin is not here, then you and I will go to the astral world to see why this immovable Pluto city is so arrogant."

"The people who dare to kill your Origin Mountain and Wanshi Magic Mountain."

The deputy mountain master Qin looked at the old man and said.

Hearing this, the old man's expression froze. He did not expect that this decisive demon would actually be what the Immortal King expected.

To go to the astral world, fight the immovable Pluto city.

"Vice Mountain Master Qin, don't move the details of Hades City. We have never been able to find out. If we do it now, I'm afraid."

The old man opened his mouth.

"If you don't go with me, then you will fight with me, I will kill you, and then go."

Deputy Mountain Master Qin looked at the old man and said.

Hearing the words of the deputy mountain master Qin, the old man's face became dazed and he became mourning.

He could only nod his head and said, "The old man will accompany Deputy Mountain Master Qin on a trip to the astral world, and he will be able to meet this immovable Pluto City."

The deputy mountain master Qin did not speak, and opened the void.

The old man quickly followed.

At this time, the Origin Mountain periphery.

Some people were relieved from that coercion, and they looked at the two figures leaving in shock.

"They are going to the astral world, and they will not move the city of Pluto."

Some people from Origin Mountain, or people around Origin Mountain, suddenly became interested.

Do not move Pluto City, they know about the recent momentum.

Their Origin Mountain and Wanshi Demon Mountain both suffered losses in the hands of this immovable Hades City.

This situation was heard in an instant.

The deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain, together with the great housekeeper of Yuanyuan Mountain, went to the Astral World to move to the Pluto City, and quickly spread the word.

Soon there was a huge uproar.


Jilei Mountain Hall.

One day of practice, the main hall is basically completed.

Su Hao stood in the center of the hall and started today's sign-in.

[The host checked in today, got 100 check-in points, and randomly got a West Emperor Pagoda, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

"West Emperor Pagoda?"

Su Hao didn't expect to get a West Emperor Pagoda at random.

Check now.

[West Emperor Pagoda]: The pole weapon of the Queen Mother of the West in the inner Yaochi is cast by the Queen Mother of the West with fairy tears green gold, so it is also known as the fairy tears tower, with extraordinary power.

"It seems that the things of the Queen Mother of China and the West can be given to Yao Bingyu."

Su Hao thought to himself.

Then he looked at the four level 14 crystal draw cards in the inventory.

I'm lucky today, just click on it and hope to get a character.

"The host consumes 4 level 14 crystal lottery cards, the lottery is in..."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the character card - Gai Jiuyou, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the character card - Emperor Chaos, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the character card - All Heavens Evil King, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the aura of Youhabach's Tribulation Realm, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it."

The mechanical voice of the system contact rang in Su Hao's ear.

Su Hao's eyes widened when he heard it. He didn't expect that three character cards would appear in a row, and there was also an aura of catastrophe.

This is the rhythm to send.

Xia Jiuyou and the Great Emperor Chaos are both figures in the sky.

And the evil kings are the characters in Thunderbolt.

Now let's see what the realm of these people in the system is.

Su Hao immediately began to investigate.

Gai Jiuyou is considered an unparalleled **** in the sky, but his strength has not reached the realm of the emperor, which is a little worse than the previous Qing emperor.

But the system elevated him to the pinnacle of the Eternal Ninth Layer.

Gongfa: Jiuyou Xianjing.

The Great Emperor of Chaos: Great defeat all the way, after a hundred defeats, he gave birth to a devil's embryo, and his skills participated in good fortune. Strength: comprehend the breath of a catastrophe.

Emperor Soldier: Chaos Ancient Axe, Secret Technique: Chaos Ancient Scripture, Chaos Heaven Secret Technique, Eternal Exile, Kill Me.

"I don't know what will happen when Emperor Chaos meets Wang Teng."

Su Hao looked at the introduction of the Great Emperor Chaos and thought to himself.

In the midst of covering the sky, Wang Teng inherited the inheritance of the Chaos Ancient Emperor.

Of course, Wang Teng in this world is not Wang Teng in the sky.

But it is also known as Emperor Tengtian, or there may be some causal connection.


Kings of Heavenly Evils: The head of the eight tribes of evil spirits, with the name of "Underworld Emperor", and the name of the sin of the gods "God's guilt", representing the deepest resentment towards the gods of the six heavens.

Strength "Comprehend the aura of the two robbery realms.

The poem number is 3:1: The three worlds are bright, and I give life to the best of my life. One thought of darkness, the whole world perishes.

2: There is an evil from ancient times, and the guilt of God is only Zhao, and it has defeated all the heavens.

3: Eternal disaster star kills thousands of years, and a hundred generations perish in ten directions. Blood asks God for sin, only my **** is guilty!

Martial arts: The Six Paths Forbidden, The Journey to the Star of Disaster?

Weapon: Ultimate Hades

Su Hao didn't expect the system to position the strength of the evil kings as comprehending two auras of catastrophe.

Without any hesitation.

Su Hao directly summoned the three of them.


Three figures appeared in front of Su Hao.

Among them, Gai Jiuyou looked like an old man, with a shriveled figure, as if his vitality had been cut off.

The Great Emperor of Chaos: He is tall and burly, with demonic energy surging all over his body, exuding a surging aura.

As for all the evil kings, they are entangled in the dark energy, just like the nine hells.


At this moment, the shriveled Gai Jiuyou disappeared into the hall in a flash.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared on the top of Jilei Mountain.

Now that the lightning in Jilei Mountain has been absorbed by the thunder veins, it has not been He appears, and all the energy between heaven and earth pours into his body.

The originally withered body began to frantically absorb the power of heaven and earth in the fairyland.


Accompanied by a rumbling sound.

The momentum on Gai Jiuyou changed.

Su Hao also heard the mechanical sound of the system.

[Congratulations to the host's summoned character, Gai Jiuyou, who used the power of the immortal world to comprehend an aura of catastrophe, and rewarded him with a level 14 crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

"What? As soon as I came out, I realized an aura of catastrophe."

Su Hao's face showed surprise.

light pen

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