Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1530: Lord of the Demons

As soon as the cemetery of the gods and demons came out, the heaven and the earth were silent.


The low-pitched voices of gods and demons overwhelmed the momentum emanating from Qin Yao's body.


The world was dark, and the sound of endless roars of gods and demons swept the whole world.


"What's going on, why do I feel so unwilling."


At the moment when the cemetery of the gods and demons came out, the hearts of the people watching the battle all made such a heartfelt voice.


Why are the gods and demons willing to die, they are all unwilling and buried in this gods and demons cemetery.


Qin Yao, who was covered in scarlet blood, felt this pressure, and the three thousand gods and demons behind her let out endless roars.


He rushed to the cemetery of the gods and demons that had been under pressure.


But the gods and demons buried in the cemetery of gods and demons were also inspired, and the energy they condensed was captured towards the three thousand gods and demons. ,


The three thousand gods and demons who attacked were dragged by endless gods and demons into the cemetery of gods and demons.


Controlled by the cemetery of gods and demons.


"Do not!"


That Qin Yao's eyes growled low, her palm was blood red, and she slapped Dugu Baitian with her palm.


Dugu Baitian is the controller of this cemetery of gods and demons.


In this situation now, she can only deal with Dugu Baitian.


Dugu Baitian didn't say anything, and with a jump, the Six Paths of Samsara Fist was evolved to the extreme by him, and a path of energy appeared on his fist.


At this moment, Dugu Baitian is invincible and dominates one side.




First, it smashed Qin Yao's palm with a punch.


Then a punch hit Qin Yao's body, causing Qin Yao to vomit blood, staining her robe red.


The body flew out, and the sound of broken bones echoed in the air.




After that Qin Yao let out a scream, the blood-colored statue that merged into her was full of blood.


A **** voice appeared behind her, and the injuries all over her body began to recover quickly.


"Is the recovery ability stronger? Let's see how many punches you block me!"


Dugu Baitian snorted coldly. The body flashed and bombarded the past.


The recovered Qin Yao also attacked Su Hao.


The two fist-fighting battles continued to attack.




Everyone was shocked to see the battle between the two sides.


Their eyes looked at the cemetery of gods and demons shrouded in the sky, and the two people who were constantly attacking.


"If that Dugu Baitian uses the cemetery of the gods and demons, or uses all his strength, Qin Yao is no match."


Some spectators thought.




While they were talking, Qin Yao was bombarded again.


The whole body cracked again, but the blood-red energy continued to help her recover from the injury, but the speed was a little slow.


"You, your resilience has slowed down!"


"However, your three thousand gods and demons have been buried in my **** and demon cemetery, and now it's time to bury you in it.


Dugu Baitian snorted coldly.


While snorting coldly, the cemetery of the gods and demons pressed towards Qin Yao.


And his own six-path reincarnation fist broke out with all his strength, and the power of reincarnation spread throughout the whole world.


In addition, the power of Qin Yao in the dark cemetery of the gods and demons was suppressed.


She kept spitting out blood, and her body fell towards the ground.


Trying to stabilize his body.


But when she stabilized her figure, the cemetery of the gods and demons suppressed it.


The blood-colored statue in Qin Yao's body turned into a blood-colored giant shadow, trying to block the cemetery of the gods and demons.


but to no avail.


It was directly crushed by the cemetery of the gods and demons, and then the cemetery of the gods and demons enveloped Qin Yao.




Then Qin Yao let out a scream, and was buried in the cemetery of the gods and demons.


A blood-colored stone tablet pressed against her body.


Qin Yao's 20 auras of robbery were madly stripped from the cemetery of gods and demons.


When Dugu Baitian stripped Qin Yao's body of the aura of catastrophe in the Gods and Demons Cemetery, his eyes were stunned.

Because part of the aura of the Tribulation Realm actually fed back to him.


He didn't absorb it right away, but prepared to take back the cemetery of the gods and demons.


"This! This is the end, this Dugu Baitian is too strong."


Everyone was amazed.


"Dugu Baitian is very strong, but Pluto City is stronger without moving behind him."


"so horrible."


This is what people think.




At this time, there was a battle between another demon master and the butler of Yuanyuan Mountain.


After seeing Qin Yao being suppressed, the butler of Yuanyuan Mountain suddenly looked at him, and a black hill appeared in his hand.


This black hill is a bit like Origin Mountain.


The hills that appeared radiated black rays of light.


A heavy pressure burst out from the black hill.


Opposite him, the Demon Lord felt a layer of pressure in the surrounding space, and he felt like he was going to be restrained from moving.




The big butler of Yuanyuan Mountain directly bombarded the Demon Lord with the black hill in his hand.


But a figure escaped quickly from him.


Qin Yao was killed by others, and if she didn't escape, she couldn't do it.


He was going to trade the treasure in his hand for the chance to escape.


When that hill appeared.


A huge stone platform appeared.


This stone platform is the worship platform of the Demon Lord.


Bai Jiangtai appeared.


A mighty and unpredictable force suddenly erupted, spreading mighty across the whole world.


People looked at the platform of worshipping generals.


Immediately, he was extremely surprised, because two shocking words were engraved on both sides of the general worship platform: Hundreds of millions of souls are soldiers, and millions of gods and demons are generals!


Seeing these two lines, everyone was shocked.


Even the one who did not have that Dugu Baitian to take back the cemetery of the gods and demons has changed.


Above the buried ground, a skeleton-like hand stretched out from the ground, terrifyingly abnormal.


When Dugu Baitian saw this, he immediately took back the cemetery of the gods and demons.


The huge stone platform directly shattered the small mountain town, and then bombarded the escaped Origin Mountain butler.


The Demon Lord has two treasures, one is the platform for worshipping generals, and the other is the Taiji God and Demon Diagram.


This is a treasure no worse than the Demon Lord God Demon Cemetery.


"Do not!"


When the escaped Yuanyuan Mountain's butler saw Prayer Terrace appear behind him.


shouted "No!"


However, he was still pierced through the body by the worshipping platform, and the worshipping platform was stained with blood.




"The Demon Lord also has such a terrifying treasure in his The people watching the battle were shocked, and they had underestimated the Demon Lord earlier.


Now I really don't dare to underestimate it.


Do not move in the city of Hades.


The mechanical voice of Su Hao's system rang in his ear.


[Congratulations to the host for suppressing and beheading the incoming enemy, rewarding 1 unleveled lottery card and 1 system upgrade card, which have been stored in the inventory, please check. 】


Su Hao didn't pay attention to that unranked lottery card.


He mainly paid attention to the system upgrade card.


The main thing in the system today is the task release system and random rewards.


The check-in value is not that useful.


[The host has obtained a system upgrade card, do you want to start the upgrade? 】


At this moment, the system made a second sound.


Su Hao's eyes narrowed. He didn't know what the system would look like after the upgrade.


He wanted to ask the system if the upgrade would affect existing things, but the system didn't respond, just mechanically repeating whether to upgrade.


Su Hao is a little helpless


So he was going to draw the unranked lottery card in the inventory first.


He directly clicked on the no-level lottery card.

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