Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1536: Eternal Kingdom Court

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"A day?"

"Then you send a clone to Guanghan Star first."

Su Hao pondered and said.

"And after your clone arrives, pay close attention to Murong Yue's situation."

"Once there is danger, take her out first."

Su Hao said.

Murong Yue was in a coma. He didn't believe that there would be experts around Murong Yue to take care of her.

After speaking, Su Hao thought for a while and said:

"Check that Wei Cangsheng, I want to know why he thinks it was Murong Yue who colluded with outsiders."


Black and white absolutely nodded and directly contacted the clone in the eternal kingdom.

After Su Hao finished his instructions, he calmed down. In his inventory, there is a promotion card for the first realm of catastrophe.

Until now, he has not thought about promoting anyone.

Logically speaking, this Tribulation Realm card should be alone.

But Dugu Baitian has absorbed all of Su Hao's 20 catastrophe realms, reaching 24.

In addition, the twenty robbery auras were stripped away.

Although not all integrated into the body, but also reached the forty aura of catastrophe.

So it is very powerful for the time being.

Donghuang Taiyi kept comprehending the Zhou Tianxingchen array, and he improved very quickly.

Youha Bach is now facing the Canglan Empire, entering the Immortal Realm, and is expanding.

If he shows the aura of robbery, I am afraid that other major forces will encircle and suppress him, which is not suitable for the time being.

At present, there are the deputy city lords of Fudo Pluto City, Dugu Baitian, the Demon Lord, and the Emperor Tathagata.

Among them, the Emperor Tathagata is the weakest temporarily, and the number of shots is not many. After he realizes the aura of a catastrophe, he will talk about it.

After all, thinking that the Emperor Tathagata comprehends the aura of the Tribulation Realm, he may be rewarded.

The other two, Su Hao thought, if they must be Taoism and Confucianism.

It's just that the right person hasn't appeared yet.

So it hasn't occupied these two positions.

The other Shifang Palace Masters and the others in the Domineering Demon Venerable are still a little worse.

Su Hao thought for a while, then shook his head.

He plans to wait for the system to be updated before deciding.

Then he went out of the study and waited for the rested little girl.

in the evening.

The little girl Qiu Cai'er came to Su Hao.

"Brother-in-law, Cai'er has rested, we can leave now."

"By the way, brother-in-law is the first time we met. Shouldn't you give me some gifts? And brother-in-law, I don't know your name yet?"

Qiu Cai'er looked at Su Hao and said.

Hearing this, Su Hao was stunned, he didn't seem to have any gifts for the next girl.

He glanced at his inventory, looked for it, and found a bottle of breakthrough medicine pill.

Little girl in the middle of the Great Emperor.

The elixir to break through the Great Emperor Realm should help him.

"It's a gift for you to help you step into detachment."

A bottle of medicinal pill appeared in Su Hao's hand and handed it to the little girl.

Then he said, "Yue'er, didn't you tell you my name?"

"Sister Yue'er, you didn't tell me your name. If you tell me your name, I don't have to beg for guards at the foot of the mountain."

The little girl shook her head.

"My name is Su Heng!"

Su Hao changed his name to himself.

Su Hao didn't move the young master of Hades City, this name is a bit loud, it's better to keep a low profile.

"Su Heng, the master of the young city of Fudo Pluto is Su Hao, you are related."

"If you have something to do with City Lord Su Shao, then Sister Yue'er doesn't have to worry at all."

"It's not just a surname, it doesn't matter."

Su Hao waved his hands.

"Let's go, let's go to the royal family of the eternal kingdom now."

Su Hao didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

"Let's go now? I have a master to cross the void flying boat for me, and I will show you the way!"

The little girl wants to sacrifice the flying boat.

"This is not necessary, I have a teleportation array to the Eternal Royal Court, we can go directly."

A teleportation charm appeared in Su Hao's hand.

"But brother-in-law, hasn't your master arrived yet?"

The little girl looked left and right.

"It's okay, let's go to the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom first."

Su Hao said.

"You two go with me."

Su Hao said to Huoyun Evil God and Blood Devouring Vine.

The blood-devouring magic vine has greatly increased its devouring strength during this period of time, and it is completely no problem to comprehend a robbery atmosphere in a battle.

As for Huoyun Evil God, it is temporarily regarded as a service object.

After all, here, it's not good to take him out to communicate.

The main eyes are too hot.

"What, just the four of us!"

The little girl looked at Su Hao, Huoyun Evil God and the Blood Devouring Vine, her eyes widened.


After speaking, Su Hao has activated the teleportation rune in his hand.

Eternal Kingdom Royal Court.

It is in the center of a star called the Imperial Court.

In a house outside the city.

Black and white were waiting for Su Hao in an underground secret room in the house.

There are restrictions in the imperial court, and once the teleportation formation appears, it may be monitored, so Black and White will definitely buy the mansion outside the city.

After a burst of light.

The four of them, Su Hao, appeared in the imperial court.

"I have seen the young master!"

Black and white absolutely bowed and said.

"We are now in the imperial court of the Eternal Kingdom." The little girl said in surprise.

She still couldn't believe it.

When she went to the star realm, she didn't dare to stop for a moment, and she rushed on her way.

"Young Master, we are now outside the Imperial City of the Eternal Kingdom."

"It is temporarily impossible to go to the stars around the Guanghan Palace. The teleportation array going there has stopped today, and it needs to go tomorrow."

"But if you give me one day, I should be able to set up a teleportation array and teleport directly to Guanghan Star."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"After setting up the teleportation array, then wait for the teleportation array to be arranged, and then send it directly?"

"How's the situation on the young lady's side?"

Su Hao said.

"My subordinates have already contacted the young lady, and the young lady is just seriously injured and unconscious."

"According to the degree of recovery, it will take about ten days to wake up."

"Young Master, should I bring people out first?"

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Bring people out first and replace Murong Yue with your clone."

Su Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

The little **** the side understood what they said, but she was surprised.

She didn't expect that Su Hao had already seen Murongyue It seems that the people who did not move Hades have sneaked into their Guanghan Palace.

"Let's go, let's see what the imperial court of the Eternal Mark Kingdom looks like!"

Su Hao is completely at ease when he works.

What's more, he also wants this thing to ferment.

at the same time

Guanghan Palace.

In the secret room of Wei Cangsheng Palace.

Wei Cangsheng's face was gloomy, and in front of him were the second Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons, and Marquis Yitian.

"Have you found the whereabouts of Mu Chengxue?"

Wei Cangsheng said.

"Mu Chengxue should have escaped to the chaotic stars as quickly as possible. We are searching and need a little time."

The second sea lord of the Sea of ​​Demons said in a deep voice.

"The master of Yuhua Palace has become suspicious, and sent people to come, and some friends of Mu Chengxue also came one after another. I asked the elders in Guanghan Palace to take them to investigate."

"They will soon find out about Chaos Star."

"So we must find Mu Chengxue as soon as possible and capture her!"

Wei Cangsheng said in a deep voice.

Last time they plotted against Mu Chengxue, but at the last moment they let Mu Chengxue escape.

And he almost asked Murong Yue to return to Guanghan Palace for rescue.

Fortunately, his subordinates saw Murong Yue outside the stars, and he was severely injured and unconscious.

He rushed back to convict and imprison Murong Yue.


The figure of the second sea lord of the Demonic Sea disappeared.

Wei Cangsheng also walked out of the secret room.

When they walked out, a figure emerged from the corner of the secret room, it was the black and white absolute clone.

"It turned out to be an outsider who colluded with Wei Cangsheng. Now let's take the young lady away."

The black and white absolute clones slowly merged into the ground.

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