Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1538: obstruct, kill

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At this time, some spies appeared around the street.

When they saw the purple star compass sacrificed by the Pang family brothers and sisters, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Quick, inform the Lord about the appearance of the Pang family's purple star compass."

These people flashed and disappeared quickly.

The purple star compass is not only useful to the eldest prince, but also to all the royal children who are involved in the royal family's forbidden land battle.

But everyone wants something.

Previously, everyone thought that this purple star compass was acquired by the first prince.

But now it appears, these princes and princesses will definitely want to snatch.


The huge force collided with the protective cover, but the protective cover was not broken.

There was a huge crack on the ground, and some injured people fell directly into the gap, screaming.

Huoyun Evil God was also broken at this moment, after all, Huoyun Evil God is only the Great Emperor Realm.

These people who shot are in detachment, and it is normal to shatter his defenses.

Fire Cloud Evil God's defensive cover was broken, and he hurriedly sacrificed the ground brake shield to protect them in front of them, blocking these aftermath forces.

But the figure still took a few steps backwards, and the blood was surging.

He stabilized his qi and blood, stepped forward, and said, "This matter has nothing to do with us, please let us go out."


Seeing the Huoyun Evil God blocking the aftermath and using the Earth Brake Shield, Mu Qianchou's eyes were slightly surprised.

He knew that Su Hao and their identities were not simple.

"Let them go!"

Mu Qianchou waved his hand.

Just when Mu Qianchou waved his hand and ordered.

The woman in the shield suddenly said: "Why don't you do it, our people are here."

Her voice fell, and the scene became silent.

"What's the matter with you, we don't know you at all."

Seeing this, the little girl said sharply.

Su Hao didn't care, but walked away, he still wanted to care about this mess.

Of course, if it wasn't for the other party to take the woman, he would slap the other party to death.

Mu Qianchou's eyes narrowed slightly, but he did not send anyone to stop him.

But right now.

A black light appeared in the sky, and the entire area fell into darkness.

A figure emerged from the darkness.

"Mu Qianchou, since these people are related to the Pang family, they were suddenly allowed to leave."

It was a thin man with a gloomy face who walked out.

This person was holding a long sword with a black luster in his hand, and the black light in the sky was emitted by this person.

"Yan Xin, I'm free to judge this matter. I don't want you to worry about it."

"Please leave as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Mu Qianchou said.

"If you want to leave, you can leave when I'm here, and Mu Qianchou will take away any suspicious people."

"If it's all right, I'll let them go of course."

The man in black said coldly.

But Su Hao and the others didn't care about this and are leaving.


"How dare you move!"

When the man saw that Su Hao and the others did not leave, his expression changed suddenly, and he drew out the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a sword energy formed in the void and turned into a stream of light to attack Su Hao and the others.

Seeing this, Huoyun Evil God immediately raised his shield to block the sword.


The ground brake shield did not shatter, but the Huoyun Evil God was shocked back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted from the corner of his mouth.

Although he spat out a mouthful of blood, the Huoyun Evil God was aroused by a fierce aura.

The energy in the whole body began to skyrocket, burning his own blood essence, and directly breaking through from the Great Emperor Realm to the Transcendence Realm.

When burning blood essence and stepping into detachment.

His stature began to become burly, revealing bronze-colored muscles, and fiery strength erupted from his muscles.

Let the surrounding air become scorching hot.

There was no nonsense at all. As soon as he lifted his footsteps, he raised his hand and raised the ground to stop the shield and hit the man who drew the sword.

"How dare you fight back!"

Seeing that his sword did not suppress Huoyun Evil God, the other party also bombarded him.

This Yan Xin's complexion changed greatly.

The long sword in his hand was drawn, and the sword was slashed at the opponent.

The power this time is stronger than the last time, and the Fire Cloud Evil God who needs to be killed with one sword.

"Lord, let me deal with this guy."

Beside Su Hao, the blood-devouring vine is going to start, this guy is too arrogant.

"That man's strength is beyond the second level. The Huoyun Heretic God burns blood, so he should be able to fight one or two." Su Hao said calmly.


The Fire Cloud Evil God used the ground brake to make the shield collide with the opponent's long sword again.

This time, Huoyun Evil God did not step back.

Block the opponent's sword, and after blocking the sword, the figure rises into the air.

Fire Cloud Palm was sent directly, and a huge palm appeared in the sky.

Dissipate all the previous black clouds.

Then he slapped the man with his palm.

The man's face was ferocious. He didn't expect that his shot would turn into this. He suddenly roared, and the long sword in his palm turned into a huge black sword light, and he slashed out.


The two forces collided in the air and emitted a rumbling sound.

The fight between the two attracted a lot of attention.

Mu Qianchou's gaze also shifted to them.

And right now.

Previously, the Pang brothers were shielded by the shield, and there were runes under their feet.

"not good!"

Mu Qianchou sensed the power fluctuations and shouted in a low voice, "Attack, you can't let them leave."

Everyone behind him bombarded the defensive cover.

But it was still a step too late.

The two have disappeared inside the mask.

When the two disappeared, a figure appeared on Hei Jue's body and disappeared quietly.

No matter who it is, who dares to take advantage of Su Hao, there is no chance to leave alive.


Seeing the disappearance of the two figures, Mu Qianchou's face became gloomy.

He looked at Su Hao and the others, and found that the other side looked calm.

"Several, leave as soon as possible."

He didn't bother Su Hao and the others.

"We wanted to leave, but this guy never seemed to give him a chance."

At this time, Su Hao said.

The eyes are looking into the air.

Huoyun Xishen didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, and attacked frantically The two of them fought a little bit indistinguishably.


The two fought and separated, but a black token flew into the sky on him.

A purple dragon appeared in the sky.

The Zilong groaned and disappeared.

"Yan Xin, you are crazy, use the Zilong Token!"

Seeing Yan Xin's message, Mu Qianchou's expression changed.

"Get them for me!"

When Mu Qianchou's voice fell.

The black-robed man Yan Xin ordered the surrounding Zilongwei.

"Mu Qianchou, you let the Pang family brothers and sisters go, and now you have to let the suspects go, so I can only use the Zilong Token!"

That Yan Xin said coldly.


But when he made a sound, Huoyun Evil God had already shot again.

The stump foot is used directly.

A giant leg that lifted the sky slashed at Yan Xin from the air, not giving him a chance to shout.

But this time,

Those Zilong Guards attacked Su Hao and the others after receiving the order.

Suddenly a terrifying **** aura appeared around.

One after another blood light flew out from the body of the blood-devouring vine.

Those who attacked Zilongwei were instantly pierced through the body and fell directly on the ground.

The blood-devouring vine did not absorb their blood, mainly because he did not want to reveal his identity.

Su Hao and the others walked away and walked to Mu Qianchou's side.

He opened his mouth and said, "You didn't act very wisely, otherwise you would be the same as that person!"


Just as Su Hao was speaking, the black-robed man in the sky seemed to be frozen.

He was slapped into blood mist by the palm of Huoyun Evil God.

Although this is the imperial court of the Eternal Kingdom, it will not make Su Hao scruples.

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