Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1536: Purple Dragon Palace, Purple Dragon Guard

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A prison room in Guanghan Palace.

The unconscious Murong Yue was lying on a stone platform surrounded by forbidden runes.

The black and white figure slowly appeared outside the restriction.

Looking at the forbidden rune in front of him, he frowned slightly.

"It seems that I have to ask the Lord for a forbidden symbol."

His figure slowly melted into the ground.

When Black and White absolutely melted into the ground, it was in the Snow Emperor Palace within Murong Yue's body.

A white-robed woman suddenly opened her eyes.

The spirit of Murong Yue was beside her.

Seeing the woman in white robe open her eyes, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Master, what's wrong?"

This white-robed woman was Murong Yue's master, Mu Chengxue, the palace lord of Guanghan Palace.

After she was severely injured by the sneak attack, she fled with Murong Yue.

Seriously injured, she could only hide in the Murong Yuexue Emperor Palace to hide herself.

Let Murong Yue return to Guanghan Palace.

But I didn't expect Murongyue to be discovered by Wei Cangsheng's men when she was about to reach Guanghan Palace.

Severely injured and coma.

At that time, she couldn't make a move, so she could only let Wei Cangsheng imprison Murong Yue.

But it also gave her time to recover.

"Someone just appeared, visited him, and left again. The other party's aura was very strange, almost imperceptible."

"It shouldn't be Cang Wei who gave birth to them."

Mu Chengxue said.

"Is it a friend of the master?"

Murong Yue said.

A few days ago, she was awakened by her master and entered the Snow Emperor Palace using the secret magic soul.

"It's not my friends. My friends and they won't come to see you. After all, they believe in Wei Cangsheng more."

Mu Chengxue shook his head.

"Who would that be?"

Murong Yue groaned in her mouth.

She didn't think of Su Hao.

After all, she didn't know that the little girl took her jade pendant and went to Fudo Hades City to find Su Hao.

Also found Su Hao.

"Don't worry about it now, as long as the other party is not malicious, I will restore some strength as soon as possible."

Mu Chengxue said.

The other side!

Su Hao and the others had just stepped into the Imperial City of the Eternal Kingdom, when Black and White came to Su Hao's side.

"My lord, there is a restriction around the young master's wife. My subordinates are afraid of touching the restriction, so I would like to ask the young master to give me a forbidden talisman."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

In the early days, Su Hao signed a lot, but now it's useless.

He immediately sent his thoughts into Fudo Pluto City and sent a few pictures to Black and White's clone.

"Thank you Lord."

After the black and white absolute clone got the forbidden talisman, he bowed and thanked and left.

Then a group of people walked towards a restaurant not far away.

Suddenly two black figures galloped past from the sky.

With this black figure.


A loud noise came from a part of the street, and the whole ground began to shake.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud shout: "Assassinate the eldest prince, and want to leave the imperial court. If you don't have a chance, just capture it."

After that voice fell.

Above Su Hao and the others, a white light mask appeared, covering their entire area.

Outside the mask, groups of warriors in black robes appeared densely.

A purple dragon was embroidered on the black robe, and they released a cold and evil aura.

"Zilongwei! The person who is in charge of the Zilong Palace by the eldest son."

Beside Su Hao and the others, some people on the street looked at these people in black robes in horror.

Su Hao didn't care about these people, his eyes looked to the sky, in the sky, there were several tyrannical figures.

These humanoids ride on dragon-shaped beasts and fly in mid-air, blocking the sky to prevent the captured people from escaping.

Finally, his eyes fell on the figure in front of them that caused them to spread.

Two figures, one male and one female, the female strength is at the peak of the emperor, and the male strength is at the first level of transcendence.

The strength is very good.

Both of them had shocking scars on their bodies.

"The Pang family of Dongji Star, I didn't expect that there would be fish that slipped through the net."

At this time, a man walked out of the black robe.

"This is Mu Qianchou, one of the imperial guard commanders of the Purple Dragon Palace!"

Black and white beside Su Hao introduced.

He came to the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom for a long time and knew some things about the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom.

The children of the imperial court of the Eternal Kingdom, especially the prince and the palace master, have their own forces.

These powers occupy an important place in the eternal kingdom.

"Dongji Star, it was a star in the northern part of the eternal kingdom before, and the master is the Pang family."

"Three months ago, the Purple Dragon Palace destroyed the Pang family of Dongji Star, and it was Mu Qianchou's father, Mu Renjie."

"The reason for the genocide is that the East Pole Star colluded with the rebel army of the Eternal Kingdom."

"By the way, the eldest prince behind the Purple Dragon Palace is also the greatest enemy of the eldest princess' Ascension Palace Master."

Black and white absolutely seemed to think of something and said.

"Mu Qianchou!"

Seeing Mu Qianchou appear, the woman from the Pang family looked angry and was about to attack Mu Qianchou.

But he was stopped by the man.

"Mu Qianchou, as one of the commanders of the Purple Dragon Palace, can you dare to fight with me today?"

The man who stopped the woman stepped forward and looked at Mu Qianchou in front of him.

"Pang Mu, I will fight for life and death with me, relying on your broken body." Mu Qianchou said coldly, looking at the man in front of him.

"Take them down and take them to His Highness for disposal!"

Mu Qianchou waved his hand.


Zilongwei, who was behind him, shot at the two of them, ignoring the pedestrians on the street at all.

A huge force rushed towards them.


At this time, a mask appeared on the two of them, protecting them in it.

Block the attacks of these Zilongwei.

However, the power of the aftermath swept away towards Su Hao and the In front of Su Hao, the blood-devouring vine's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to make a move: "Let Huoyun Evil God do it, don't do it."

Su Hao's voice rang in their ears.

Huoyun Heretic God appeared a surge of energy, covering Su Hao and the others.

Block the aftermath.

However, some other pedestrians were shocked and flew out under this force, spitting blood from their mouths.


That Mu Qianchou glanced at Huoyun Evil God, and then landed on the face of the little girl beside Su Hao.

"People from Guanghan Palace?"

He groaned in his mouth.

But he didn't care much, and looked at the Pang family brothers and sisters, the shield in front of them.

"I didn't expect the Pang family's Zixing compass to be in your hands. It really took no effort to get it."

Mu Qianchou's face showed excitement.

He knew why the eldest prince wanted to destroy the Pang family.

The Purple Star Compass is one of them.

This purple star compass was helpful for the eldest son to enter the forbidden area of ​​the royal family. The eldest son borrowed it from the Pang family, but the Pang family did not agree.

That's why the Pang family was destroyed.

Seeing this, Mu Qianchou didn't hesitate at all, his figure flashed, and he punched the protective cover.

However, the protective shield's defense was extremely strong, and Mu Qianchou's punch was not able to break through.

However, it also dimmed the energy of the defensive cover.

"Several elders, smash this shield and take away the people inside."

Mu Qianchou withdrew his fists and let the person in the air shoot.


Following that Mu Qianchou's order, several figures in mid-air shot at the same time and attacked the shield in front of the Pang family brothers and sisters.

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