Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1538: death cost

The voice reached Mu Qianchou's ears.

Although it was plain, there was a chill that made his heart palpitate.

His eyes looked at the blood mist floating in the air, as well as the colleagues who fell to the ground around him.

My heart suddenly trembled.

Things are going in a bad direction.

Not only killing Zilongwei, but also killing Yan Xin, this is a big deal.

What's more, Yan Xin's mother was not an ordinary person, so he felt a little numb when he thought about it.

Looking at Su Hao who was leaving, he wanted to say something.

But it stopped.

The other party killed Yan Xin and the shocking Zi Longwei in the blink of an eye, but the family is extraordinary.

He was also accompanied by the disciples of Guanghan Palace, who didn't care about the eldest son Zilongwei at all. The identity of the other party was not simple.

Must report back immediately.

at this time.

A figure came galloping from a distance.

The person who came was a woman in a palace uniform, with the logo of Guanghan Palace on her body, and a disciple of Guanghan Palace.

"That's my senior sister, senior sister, we are here."

When Qiu Cai'er saw the figure, she immediately waved.

Just got in danger.

She contacted the senior sister of Guanghan Palace in the imperial court of the eternal kingdom.

This senior sister has been serving in the eldest princess's Ascension Palace.

The woman's complexion changed when she saw the situation around her, and there was Zi Longwei's body on the ground.

Zilongwei's Mu Qianchou was also there, so he knew it wasn't easy.

"They killed Zilongwei and Yan Xin, then Yan Xin is a deputy commander of the Zilong Society. Who are these people?"

Some people whispered.

These words all reached the ears of the woman who had just arrived.

She didn't expect that not only Zilongwei, but also Yan Xin died.

She glanced at Qiu Cai'er and hurried forward: "What's going on?"

"They want to arrest us, we are just resisting, Senior Sister Mu, you are here, then let's go."

Qiu Cai'er stepped forward and pulled the person's hand.

Hearing Qiu Cai'er's words, the woman's complexion changed drastically.

"Go back to the Ascension Palace with me first, and talk about it later."

Although the situation is a bit unexpected, Qiu Cai'er is her junior sister.

She couldn't ignore it, so she was going to take Su Hao and the others back to the Ascension Palace.

"Ascension Palace is the power of the eldest princess."

On the side, black and white absolutely sound transmission.

"Let's go then!"

Su Hao nodded and followed the others to the Ascension Palace.

at this time!

somewhere outside the city.

Two figures came out of the void, and it was the Pang family brothers and sisters who were teleported away.

The two of them gasped for breath, took out the medicine pill from their arms, swallowed it, and stabilized their injuries.

"Brother, we didn't seize this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have another chance."

The Pang family woman said.

"As long as we are still alive, there is a chance and we will definitely be able to avenge the family."

The woman's elder brother Pang Mu said.

"But you have no chance!"

Just when the voice of that Pangmu fell, a figure came out from the dark.

It was Black and White who came with them.

"who are you?"

Seeing the appearance of Hei Jue, the expressions of the two suddenly changed, and their eyes were fixed on Hei Jue.

"Brother, he is the person beside the youth..."

The woman recognized Black and White and said.


Hearing this, Pang Mu was relieved, he thought Zi Longwei was chasing after him.

"What do you want to do?"

He looked black and white.

"People are responsible for what they say. You dare to use the Lord, so you can only die."

"That's the price!"

Black and white said very calmly.


When Black and White made a sound, that Pang Mu led the person to flee into the distance.

But their figures were fixed in mid-air.

The complexion of the two changed greatly, and they arbitrarily placed their side in the air, the strength of the incoming person was extremely terrifying.

He trembled all of a sudden, and there was a look of despair in his eyes.

In front of Mu Qianchou, they may still have a chance to escape.

But as soon as the other party made a move, they were immobilized, their strength was absolutely terrifying, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Our Pang family is in charge of Dongji Star. Although the family was exterminated, we still keep a batch of treasures. As long as you let us go, those treasures will be yours!"

Pang Mu looked black and white.


Hei Jue's eyes narrowed slightly, and a pitcher plant appeared in the void and swallowed him directly.

Seeing her brother being swallowed, the woman surnamed Pang looked horrified and wanted to shout, but she couldn't make a sound, and her face was full of regret.

I regret in my heart that I should not take advantage of others.

In this remorse, was devoured by the pitcher plants that appeared.

"People always pay for their actions, and death is the price you can pay."

"Pang family treasure, if you have time, help the young master to get it!"

Black and white absolutely disappeared after speaking.

the other side.

Guanghan Star, in the Guanghan Palace.

Black and white Jue's figure reappeared in the underground prison.

He directly used the forbidden talisman to open the ban and entered the cage.

When black and white absolutely appears.

In the Snow Emperor Palace, Mu Chengxue also opened his eyes.

She stared at Black and White, and once Black and White made a move, she would take action.

As for Murong Yue's breath, she didn't dare to let it out, she didn't know what was going on outside.

Black and white came to Murong Yue.

First, he checked Murongyue's internal injuries, and found that it was not very serious. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to take Murongyue to leave first.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of killing, Mu Chengxue's expression froze in the Snow Palace.

The other party seemed to be here for Murong Yue.

She glanced at Murong Yue, and then an image appeared in her hand.

"Do you know this person? He may be here for you."

Mu Chengxue said.

Cultivation on the side, Murong Yue heard the words, looked at the black and white Jue, and looked startled.

She recognized Black and White.

When Black and White Jue appeared, she had not yet entered the Snow Emperor Palace.

"Looks like you know him!"

Seeing Murong Yue's expression, Mu Chengxue said.

"This is not the other party's body, and the other party's strength may be in the eternal realm."

Although Mu Chengxue was injured, she could still see it.

"He is my husband's man."

At this time, Murong Yue didn't hide it and said.

When speaking, her consciousness returned directly to her body.

Just as he was about to take Murong Yue away from Heihe Jue, he felt the change in Murong Yue, and his expression froze.

"I have seen the young lady."

The black and white said with a bow.

At this moment, Murong Yue's consciousness returned to her body, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Some doubts asked: "Mr. Jue, why did you come here."

"Young lady, this is not the place to talk, let's leave first."

When Black and White was talking, a body split into a body that turned into Murong Yue, half lying in a cage.

"Young lady, let's go first!"

Then leave here with Murong Yue.

in a while.

They appeared in Guanghan Star, in the ice and snow cave.

"Young madam, the young master has now arrived at the Eternal Imperial Court, and I can take you directly to see him now."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Su Hao has come to the eternal kingdom."

Hearing Heihe Jue's words, Murong Yue's face showed a look of surprise.

"Yes, the young master immediately rushed to the eternal kingdom when he heard that you were in danger."

"Young madam, why don't you go back with me to see the young master first."

While Hei Jue was talking, he informed Murong Yue that Qiu Cai'er went to find Su Hao.

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