Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1540: The 4th Hall of the Purple Dragon Palace, the 3rd Master of the Ascension Palace

"Elder Wanqing, do you want to send Junior Sister Cai'er back to Guanghan Palace first?"

Senior Sister Na Mu suggested.

"Cai'er, what is your friend's identity? Don't they know that Zilongwei is from Zilongdian?"

That night, Elder Qing asked after calming down.

Zilongwei is in the eternal imperial court, but his reputation is far and wide, and the other party should not kill without any scruples.

She doesn't think that people are impulsive.

After all, the strength of someone who can kill Zilongwei is not simple, and such a person should not be impulsive.

"The first time they came to the imperial court of the Eternal Kingdom, they may not really know about the Purple Dragon Palace."

Cai'er on the side said.

"They don't know the Purple Dragon Palace, so where did they come from?"

That night, the elder Qing asked involuntarily.

"They're from far-flung places!"

Qiu Cai'er said in her mouth.

Su Hao wouldn't let her say that the city of Hades is untouchable, she can only say that she is from a remote place, not to mention that the star realm is indeed remote.

“Remote place!”

Hearing this, Li Wanqing glanced at Qiu Cai'er and said:

"Then I'll find a way to send you and your friends out of the imperial court first, lest there be any accident."

Hearing Li Wanqing's words, Senior Sister Mu couldn't help but said, "Elder, do you even send them together? That's the case."

She wanted to finish her sentence, but Li Wanqing interrupted her.

"The other party is Cai'er's friend. We can't let go of each other and let them leave with Cai'er."

"I'll go meet the other two Ascension Palace directors and see what they think."

After Li Wanqing finished speaking, she stood up and prepared to meet the person in charge of the Ascension Palace.

At this time, the other side.

The imperial court of the eternal kingdom, in the east hall of Zilong Palace.

Mu Qianchou stepped into the palace.

Inside the hall.

A middle-aged woman sat on a futon, her long dark hair spread out behind her.

There was a faint hint of blue light flowing around him.

This luster carries an aura of life, making the entire hall appear a strong force of life.

"Well, the Pang brothers didn't bring it back."

Seeing Mu Qianchou coming in, the middle-aged woman opened her eyes and said.

"Palace Master, there was an accident, the Pang brothers fled, and I took Zilongwei to be executed."

"The shooter has something to do with Guanghan Palace."

Mu Qianchou hurriedly informed the middle-aged woman in front of what happened on the street.

The Purple Dragon Hall, in the imperial court of the Eternal Kingdom, has a main hall.

In addition to the main hall, it is also divided into four halls in the south, east, and northwest, which are located in the four directions of the imperial court.

Mu Qianchou and the others belonged to the East Hall. The woman in front of them was the owner of the East Hall, and Mu Nishang was Mu Qianchou's aunt.

Hearing Mu Qianchou's words, the middle-aged woman's face became solemn.

"This Yan Xin really has more than enough success and more failure. He will do it with a word from others."

"Now that we are not strong enough to be beheaded, this mess is left behind, which makes us very passive."

"And where have these people gone now?"

The middle-aged woman asked.

"I was brought back to the Ascension Palace by the people of Guanghan Palace."

Mu Qianchou said.

"Bring it back to the Ascension Palace, this matter has become complicated."

Hearing that the person who was brought back to Guanghan Palace was brought back to Ascension Palace, the middle-aged woman's expression changed.

Right now.

Suddenly a chill came from outside the hall.

A woman in a long blue dress appeared at the gate of the palace.

The woman's face was beautiful and there was a trace of blue clover on her forehead, and a chill filled her body.

This chill is not strong, but it gives people a kind of coldness that goes deep into the bone marrow, as if one's own soul can be frozen to pieces.

Mu Qianchou shivered involuntarily.

I also secretly thought that it was not good.

The person who came was Yan Xin's mother who had been beheaded by Su Hao and the others.

"I have seen the Blue Palace Master!"

When Mu Qianchou saw the person who came, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Mu Qianchou, tell me, where is the person who killed my son now?"

She looked at Mu Qianchou and said coldly.

Seeing this, Mu Qianchou's expression changed, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him.

"Junior Sister Lan, the other party has entered the Ascension Palace. I will negotiate with the people from Guanghan Palace on this matter. You wait a moment."

The middle-aged woman stood up and said.

"Wait, it's not your son who died. You can wait, but I can't."

The woman in the blue dress said coldly.

Turn around and leave.

When leaving, a voice came from the hall.

"The news has spread outside that our Zilongwei was beheaded."

"If you don't want the majesty of the Purple Dragon Palace to be damaged, you should immediately put pressure on the people in the Guanghan Palace in the Ascension Palace."

Hearing the words left by the woman in the blue dress, the middle-aged woman's expression froze.

"Palace Lord, what should we do now?"

"Wait for her to make a fuss first, and then we will go to the Ascension Palace."

The middle-aged woman pondered for a moment and then said.

Ascension Palace, inside a hall.

"This Guanghan Palace can do things well. I thought they were going to get us out to resist the people from the Purple Dragon Palace?"

Su Hao listened to the black and white who came back and said.

"Lord, this time I brought back the purple star compass from the Pang family brothers and sisters, as well as some treasures from the Pang family."

"The subordinate's clone has gone to get it."

Black and white absolutely handed Su Hao the purple star compass that he got after beheading the Pang family's brothers and sisters, and said.

"This thing is useless to me, you keep it for now!"

Now Su Hao has a lot of treasures on his body, these things are useless to him, so he keeps them on Hei Jue's body.

"My lord, and my subordinates just found out that the dead Yan Xin was the son of Lan Yue, the deputy master of the East Hall of the Zilong Hall."

black and white

"Zilong Hall is in the imperial court. In addition to the main hall, there are four halls in the east, west, north and south."

"The hall master of each hall represents a party's power."

"The blue moon represents the Lan family, the meritorious family in the eternal kingdom, the Mu Qianchou we saw earlier."

"He is also a son of the meritorious family."


Just when the black and white were expounding.

"Brother Su!"

At this moment, Qiu Cai'er and Senior Sister Na Mu walked in from outside the house.

"Young Master Su, I will send you off now."

Senior Sister Mu looked at Su Hao and the others.

"Then thank you Miss Mu."

Su Hao is very cooperative.

After all, Li Wanqing from Guanghan Palace will definitely protect them, so they don't have to do please! "

Senior Sister Mu took Su Hao and the others to prepare to leave the Ascension Palace. They should leave the Ascension Palace and leave the Imperial City first, and then they will be able to leave.

The group just walked to the door of the Ascension Palace.

"I didn't expect that it was the right time for me to come, so do you want to send them away?"

A cold voice came from the air.

Then a blue figure stepped out from the void.

at this time!

In the Ascension Palace, Li Wanqing appeared in a hall of the Ascension Palace.

Inside the main hall, there is a tall tower-like figure, with a splendid body and a strong and mighty aura.

Like a mountain, it is one of the three main things of the Ascension Palace.

It is also a character sent by the [Top of Taiyue] force in the eternal kingdom, named Huangzhongyue.

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