Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1548: Looking for death, I will send you a ride

"How can there be a robbery powerhouse in the imperial court?"

"This aura of robbery is still very unfamiliar. Is it a new robbery powerhouse, or is it a foreign robbery realm powerhouse?"

The old man climbed out of the bronze coffin with a solemn expression and muttered in his mouth.

After speaking, after a moment of contemplation, the figure of the old man disappeared.

When the robbery realm powerhouse appeared, he could not help but see each other.

The other party is obviously doing something, and if he is not careful, it may affect the imperial court of the eternal kingdom.

Although the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom is powerful, it cannot offend a strong robber at will.

at this time!

Ancient dust and sand appeared, and the void was frozen.

Previously, the second sea lord of the arrogant Demon Nianhai stood in the same place with a dull expression.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move at all, his mind is suppressed, and the strength in his body is suppressed.

This person is too strong, and it must be above eternity.

His mind is blank now.

I can't figure it out, I can't think of it.

How could this Murong Yue have contact with the powerhouse above eternity?

And the other party just said that this person is the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City.

That Murong Yue was just a new disciple of Mu Chengxue.

How could it be someone who does not move the young city lord of Pluto City?

But the reality is like this, the powerhouses above eternity have appeared, and he has to believe if he doesn't believe it.

I have a feeling of being pitted by Wei Cangsheng.

Is this Wei Cangsheng going to die by himself?

I yelled in my heart, wanting to scold that Wei Cangsheng to death.

"Blood-devoured, devoured him."

Just then.

The figure that appeared made a dull voice.

Although it was plain, it made the second sea master of the Sea of ​​Demons with a blank head, cold sweat.

Needless to say, the other party has started against him.

when he thought.

Countless vines penetrated the void and appeared around him, wrapping him up.


The second sea lord of the Devil's Sea wanted to growl, but he thought that his own might not be able to make a sound.

At this moment, the other party seems to have given up control over him, making him roar.

But the next moment, his roar turned into a scream.

The huge blood-devouring vine directly pierced his chest.

The billowing blood spurted out of his chest, he wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all.

And the power of the body was swallowed by the blood-devouring vine.

He now understands the meaning of the other party, and letting himself make a sound is to let his own screams spread out.

When the screams appeared.

The figure behind Su Hao turned into Gu Chensha.

Standing behind Su Hao, his breath restrained.

Like ordinary people.

at this moment.

The previous void restriction was also relaxed in an instant.

Some spectators.

After recovering from this breath, they looked terrified, but they didn't dare to look at Gu Chensha behind Su Hao.

Their eyes only dared to look at the second sea lord of the Demonic Sea who screamed.

"Who is that person, and how can there be such a person's protection."

Some people whispered.

"I, I seem to have heard the other party say that this person is the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City."

"What's this man's name?"

"Su Hao, we found out that this young man's name is Su Hao."

"Su Hao, who came out from the star realm before, now the overlord of the star realm is Su Hao, the young city master of Pluto City."

"This is true, but there has never been such a strong person in Fudo Pluto City."

"The second sea lord of the Sea of ​​Demons, in front of others, has no power to fight back at all. It is too strong. I am afraid that the strength of the other party is above eternity."

Some people have voice transmission.

They didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear that Gu Chensha would kill them with a wave of his hand.

Such power, they really can't afford it.

The second sea lord of the Sea of ​​Demons, in the sea of ​​stars outside the realm, he can be regarded as an all-powerful figure.

But what happened now, the screams, the energy, which can be said to be earth-shattering, was swallowed up in the screams.

The people who were beaten before were very fierce, and now I am afraid they will die tragically.

This world, I really can't tell, can't be too high-profile as a human being.

The blood-devouring vine devoured very quickly.

Soon the body of the second sea lord of the Demonic Sea was swallowed up.

A force flows in the blood-devouring magic vine, and its own strength continues to rise, but the outside world sees the blood-devouring magic vine, but finds that the opponent's realm has not changed at all.

Still at the peak of eternity.

"After swallowing so much power, how come there is no aura of catastrophe?"

Some people looked at the blood-devouring vine, and they were puzzled.

tread! tread,

Just then.

Two figures came from a distance, it was Nie Dihou and his female subordinate who came from the east hall of Zilong Palace.

The atmosphere here was terrifying just now, and they felt it.

They didn't dare to come over for a while, but now that the breath has subsided, they came over.

Want to see what happened.

Now there is silence here, as if nothing happened, he couldn't help looking at Su Hao.

Then Su Hao is the one he wants to deal with.

When he looked at Su Hao.

The people watching the battle in the dark were horrified. They knew that Nie Dihou and the others were from the Purple Dragon Hall.

Yesterday, he seemed to have just become the lord of the East Hall, and he also severely injured Mu Nishang, the former lord of the East Hall.

The reason is that he didn't do anything to Su Hao.

Could it be that this kid is going to attack Su Hao now.

The mind is trembling.

This kid wants to court death, but don't affect them.

I also hate in my heart.

Don't you feel the change of breath here, this kid?

At this time, Su Hao also saw the person who came.

Brows slightly wrinkled, the people of Zilong Palace.

"You are Su Hao." Nie Dihou looked at Su Hao and said coldly.

Su Hao didn't find out the details.

In his mind, it is actually defined, not a big force.

After all, the bigger the power, the more famous it is, the easier it will be to investigate.

What's more, when he saw Murong Yue, he seemed to be beside Su Hao.

Who is Murong Yue, just a disciple of Mu Chengxue of Guanghan Palace.

Judging from their current appearance, they were completely like lovers, so he had already judged that the power behind Su Hao was average.

So he opened his mouth to Su Hao.

Thinking of taking down Su Hao in one fell swoop.

"Is this Nie Dihou looking for death? He rushed to question the young city lord of the immovable Hades."

"What an idiot. The Purple Dragon Palace is only one of the forces of the first prince of the imperial court, and it is far from the immovable Pluto City."

"What's more, there are strong people above eternity around them, and then you will be wiped out with a single finger."

Some spectators secretly said in their hearts, but they didn't say anything.

The situation at this time made the women around Nie Dihou feel puzzled.

She looked around, trying to probe for something.

"I am Su Hao, who are you?"

Su Hao frowned. He didn't expect that someone would dare to come out to see him after killing the second sea lord of Mo Nianhai.

"Nie Dihou, the master of the east hall of the Lower Purple Dragon Palace, Su Hao, kill me from the Purple Dragon Palace and come with me to the Purple Dragon Palace."

The Marquis Nie said coldly.


Immediately, a cold air burst out from everyone's This guy is really looking for trouble for Su Hao.


Sensing this change, Nie Dihou frowned slightly.

"I've never been afraid of death, I've never seen you so afraid of death!"

"I'm usually happy to give him a ride if he's courting death."

Su Hao looked at Nie Dihou and said coldly.

"What did you say?"

Seeing Su Hao say this, Nie Dihou was stunned and wanted to speak sharply.

But countless blood-colored vines appeared under their feet, instantly wrapping the two of them.

Without even screaming, it was swallowed by the blood-devouring vine.

Big guys like Gu Chensha appear, you little characters come out and show their faces, what's the use of keeping them.

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